Class DecryptedPaymentData
Namespace: Worldline.Connect.Sdk.V1.Domain
Assembly: Worldline.Connect.Sdk.dll
public class DecryptedPaymentData
The type of payment credential which the customer used.
- For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.authMethod property in the encrypted payment data.
[Obsolete("Use decryptedPaymentData.paymentMethod instead")]
public string AuthMethod { get; set; }
Property Value
The card holder's name on the card. Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 51 characters.
- For Apple Pay, maps to the cardholderName property in the encrypted payment data.
- For Google Pay this is not available in the encrypted payment data, and can be omitted.
public string CardholderName { get; set; }
Property Value
The 3D secure online payment cryptogram.
- For Apple Pay, maps to the paymentData.onlinePaymentCryptogram property in the encrypted payment data.
- For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.cryptogram property in the encrypted payment data.
Not allowed for Google Pay if the authMethod in the response of Google is PAN_ONLY.
public string Cryptogram { get; set; }
Property Value
The device specific PAN.
- For Apple Pay, maps to the applicationPrimaryAccountNumber property in the encrypted payment data.
- For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.dpan property in the encrypted payment data.
Not allowed for Google Pay if the authMethod in the response of Google is PAN_ONLY.
public string Dpan { get; set; }
Property Value
The eci is Electronic Commerce Indicator.
- For Apple Pay, maps to the paymentData.eciIndicator property in the encrypted payment data.
- For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.eciIndicator property in the encrypted payment data.
public int? Eci { get; set; }
Property Value
Expiry date of the card
Format: MMYY.
- For Apple Pay, maps to the applicationExpirationDate property in the encrypted payment data. This property is formatted as YYMMDD, so this needs to be converted to get a correctly formatted expiry date.
- For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.expirationMonth and paymentMethodDetails.expirationYear properties in the encrypted payment data. These need to be combined to get a correctly formatted expiry date.
public string ExpiryDate { get; set; }
Property Value
The non-device specific complete credit/debit card number (also know as the PAN).
- For Apple Pay this is not available in the encrypted payment data, and must be omitted.
- For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.pan property in the encrypted payment data.
Not allowed for Google Pay if the authMethod in the response of Google is CRYPTOGRAM_3DS.
public string Pan { get; set; }
Property Value
- In case Google provides in the response as authMethod: CRYPTOGRAM_3DS send in as value of this property TOKENIZED_CARD.
- In case Google provides in the response as authMethod: PAN_ONLY send in as value of this property CARD.
For Apple Pay this is not available in the encrypted payment data, and must be omitted.
public string PaymentMethod { get; set; }
Property Value