Source code for worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute_status_output

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This class was auto-generated from the API references found at
from worldline.connect.sdk.domain.data_object import DataObject

[docs]class DisputeStatusOutput(DataObject): __is_cancellable = None __status_category = None __status_code = None __status_code_change_date_time = None @property def is_cancellable(self): """ | Flag indicating if the payment can be cancelled * true * false Type: bool """ return self.__is_cancellable @is_cancellable.setter def is_cancellable(self, value): self.__is_cancellable = value @property def status_category(self): """ | Highlevel status of the payment, payout or refund with the following possible values: * CREATED - The transaction has been created. This is the initial state once a new payment, payout or refund is created. This category groups the following statuses: * CREATED * PENDING_PAYMENT: The payment is waiting on customer action. This category groups the following statuses: * PENDING_PAYMENT * REDIRECTED * ACCOUNT_VERIFIED: The account has been verified. This category groups the following statuses: * ACCOUNT_VERIFIED * PENDING_MERCHANT: The transaction is awaiting approval to proceed with the payment, payout or refund. This category groups the following statuses: * PENDING_APPROVAL * PENDING_COMPLETION * PENDING_CAPTURE * PENDING_FRAUD_APPROVAL * PENDING_CONNECT_OR_3RD_PARTY: The transaction is in the queue to be processed. This category groups the following statuses: * AUTHORIZATION_REQUESTED * CAPTURE_REQUESTED * PAYOUT_REQUESTED * REFUND_REQUESTED * COMPLETED: The transaction has completed. This category groups the following statuses: * CAPTURED * PAID * ACCOUNT_CREDITED * CHARGEBACK_NOTIFICATION * REVERSED: The transaction has been reversed. This category groups the following statuses: * CHARGEBACKED * REVERSED * REFUNDED: The transaction has been refunded. This category groups the following statuses: * REFUNDED * UNSUCCESSFUL: The transaction has been rejected or is in such a state that it will never become successful. This category groups the following statuses: * CANCELLED * REJECTED * REJECTED_CAPTURE * REJECTED_CREDIT | Please see Statuses <> for a full overview of possible values. Type: str """ return self.__status_category @status_category.setter def status_category(self, value): self.__status_category = value @property def status_code(self): """ | Numeric status code of the legacy API. It is returned to ease the migration from the legacy APIs to Worldline Connect. You should not write new business logic based on this property as it will be deprecated in a future version of the API. The value can also be found in the GlobalCollect Payment Console, in the Ogone BackOffice and in report files. Type: int """ return self.__status_code @status_code.setter def status_code(self, value): self.__status_code = value @property def status_code_change_date_time(self): """ | Date and time of payment | Format: YYYYMMDDHH24MISS Type: str """ return self.__status_code_change_date_time @status_code_change_date_time.setter def status_code_change_date_time(self, value): self.__status_code_change_date_time = value
[docs] def to_dictionary(self): dictionary = super(DisputeStatusOutput, self).to_dictionary() if self.is_cancellable is not None: dictionary['isCancellable'] = self.is_cancellable if self.status_category is not None: dictionary['statusCategory'] = self.status_category if self.status_code is not None: dictionary['statusCode'] = self.status_code if self.status_code_change_date_time is not None: dictionary['statusCodeChangeDateTime'] = self.status_code_change_date_time return dictionary
[docs] def from_dictionary(self, dictionary): super(DisputeStatusOutput, self).from_dictionary(dictionary) if 'isCancellable' in dictionary: self.is_cancellable = dictionary['isCancellable'] if 'statusCategory' in dictionary: self.status_category = dictionary['statusCategory'] if 'statusCode' in dictionary: self.status_code = dictionary['statusCode'] if 'statusCodeChangeDateTime' in dictionary: self.status_code_change_date_time = dictionary['statusCodeChangeDateTime'] return self