Source code for worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_customer
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This class was auto-generated from the API references found at
from worldline.connect.sdk.domain.data_object import DataObject
from worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address_personal import AddressPersonal
from worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.company_information import CompanyInformation
from worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.contact_details_base import ContactDetailsBase
[docs]class RefundCustomer(DataObject):
__address = None
__company_information = None
__contact_details = None
__fiscal_number = None
def address(self):
| Object containing address details
Type: :class:`worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address_personal.AddressPersonal`
return self.__address
def address(self, value):
self.__address = value
def company_information(self):
| Object containing company information
Type: :class:`worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.company_information.CompanyInformation`
return self.__company_information
def company_information(self, value):
self.__company_information = value
def contact_details(self):
| Object containing contact details like email address and phone number
Type: :class:`worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.contact_details_base.ContactDetailsBase`
return self.__contact_details
def contact_details(self, value):
self.__contact_details = value
def fiscal_number(self):
| The fiscal registration number of the customer or the tax registration number of the company in case of a business customer. Please find below specifics per country:
* Argentina - Consumer (DNI) with a length of 7 or 8 digits
* Argentina - Company (CUIT) with a length of 11 digits
* Brazil - Consumer (CPF) with a length of 11 digits
* Brazil - Company (CNPJ) with a length of 14 digits
* Chile - Consumer (RUT) with a length of 9 digits
* Colombia - Consumer (NIT) with a length of 8, 9 or 10 digits
* Denmark - Consumer (CPR-nummer or personnummer) with a length of 10 digits
* Dominican Republic - Consumer (RNC) with a length of 11 digits
* Finland - Consumer (Finnish: henkilötunnus (abbreviated as HETU)) with a length of 11 characters
* India - Consumer (PAN) with a length of 10 characters
* Mexico - Consumer (RFC) with a length of 13 digits
* Mexico - Company (RFC) with a length of 12 digits
* Norway - Consumer (fødselsnummer) with a length of 11 digits
* Peru - Consumer (RUC) with a length of 11 digits
* Sweden - Consumer (personnummer) with a length of 10 or 12 digits
* Uruguay - Consumer (CI) with a length of 8 digits
* Uruguay - Consumer (NIE) with a length of 9 digits
* Uruguay - Company (RUT) with a length of 12 digits
Type: str
return self.__fiscal_number
def fiscal_number(self, value):
self.__fiscal_number = value
[docs] def to_dictionary(self):
dictionary = super(RefundCustomer, self).to_dictionary()
if self.address is not None:
dictionary['address'] = self.address.to_dictionary()
if self.company_information is not None:
dictionary['companyInformation'] = self.company_information.to_dictionary()
if self.contact_details is not None:
dictionary['contactDetails'] = self.contact_details.to_dictionary()
if self.fiscal_number is not None:
dictionary['fiscalNumber'] = self.fiscal_number
return dictionary
[docs] def from_dictionary(self, dictionary):
super(RefundCustomer, self).from_dictionary(dictionary)
if 'address' in dictionary:
if not isinstance(dictionary['address'], dict):
raise TypeError('value \'{}\' is not a dictionary'.format(dictionary['address']))
value = AddressPersonal()
self.address = value.from_dictionary(dictionary['address'])
if 'companyInformation' in dictionary:
if not isinstance(dictionary['companyInformation'], dict):
raise TypeError('value \'{}\' is not a dictionary'.format(dictionary['companyInformation']))
value = CompanyInformation()
self.company_information = value.from_dictionary(dictionary['companyInformation'])
if 'contactDetails' in dictionary:
if not isinstance(dictionary['contactDetails'], dict):
raise TypeError('value \'{}\' is not a dictionary'.format(dictionary['contactDetails']))
value = ContactDetailsBase()
self.contact_details = value.from_dictionary(dictionary['contactDetails'])
if 'fiscalNumber' in dictionary:
self.fiscal_number = dictionary['fiscalNumber']
return self