Source code for worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.seller
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This class was auto-generated from the API references found at
from typing import Optional
from worldline.connect.sdk.domain.data_object import DataObject
from worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address import Address
class Seller(DataObject):
__address: Optional[Address] = None
__channel_code: Optional[str] = None
__description: Optional[str] = None
__external_reference_id: Optional[str] = None
__geocode: Optional[str] = None
__id: Optional[str] = None
__invoice_number: Optional[str] = None
__is_foreign_retailer: Optional[bool] = None
__mcc: Optional[str] = None
__name: Optional[str] = None
__phone_number: Optional[str] = None
__type: Optional[str] = None
def address(self) -> Optional[Address]:
| Object containing the seller address details
Type: :class:`worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address`
return self.__address
def address(self, value: Optional[Address]) -> None:
self.__address = value
def channel_code(self) -> Optional[str]:
| This property is specific to Visa Argentina. Channelcode according to Prisma. Please contact the acquirer to get the full list you need to use.
Type: str
return self.__channel_code
def channel_code(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.__channel_code = value
def description(self) -> Optional[str]:
| Description of the seller
Type: str
return self.__description
def description(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.__description = value
def external_reference_id(self) -> Optional[str]:
| Seller ID assigned by the Merchant Aggregator
Type: str
return self.__external_reference_id
def external_reference_id(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.__external_reference_id = value
def geocode(self) -> Optional[str]:
| The sellers geocode
Type: str
return self.__geocode
def geocode(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.__geocode = value
def id(self) -> Optional[str]:
| The sellers identifier
Type: str
return self.__id
def id(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.__id = value
def invoice_number(self) -> Optional[str]:
| Invoice number of the payment
Type: str
return self.__invoice_number
def invoice_number(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.__invoice_number = value
def is_foreign_retailer(self) -> Optional[bool]:
| Indicates if the retailer is considered foreign or domestic when compared to the location of the marketplace. Possible values:
* true - The retailer is considered foreign because they are located in a different country than the marketplace. For marketplaces located in the European Economic Area (EEA) and UK (and Gibraltar), this includes transactions where the marketplace is within the EEA and UK (and Gibraltar), but the retailer is located outside of the EEA and UK (and Gibraltar)
* false - The retailer is considered domestic because they are located in the same country as the marketplace. For marketplaces located in the European Economic Area (EEA) and UK (and Gibraltar), this includes transactions where the retailer is also located within the EEA and UK (and Gibraltar).
Type: bool
return self.__is_foreign_retailer
def is_foreign_retailer(self, value: Optional[bool]) -> None:
self.__is_foreign_retailer = value
def mcc(self) -> Optional[str]:
| Merchant category code
Type: str
return self.__mcc
def mcc(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.__mcc = value
def name(self) -> Optional[str]:
| Name of the seller
Type: str
return self.__name
def name(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.__name = value
def phone_number(self) -> Optional[str]:
| Main Phone Number
Type: str
return self.__phone_number
def phone_number(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.__phone_number = value
def type(self) -> Optional[str]:
| Seller type. Possible values:
* passport
* dni
* arg-identity-card
* civic-notebook
* enrollment-book
* cuil
* cuit
* general-register
* election-title
* cpf
* cnpj
* ssn
* citizen-ship
* col-identity-card
* alien-registration
Type: str
return self.__type
def type(self, value: Optional[str]) -> None:
self.__type = value
def to_dictionary(self) -> dict:
dictionary = super(Seller, self).to_dictionary()
if self.address is not None:
dictionary['address'] = self.address.to_dictionary()
if self.channel_code is not None:
dictionary['channelCode'] = self.channel_code
if self.description is not None:
dictionary['description'] = self.description
if self.external_reference_id is not None:
dictionary['externalReferenceId'] = self.external_reference_id
if self.geocode is not None:
dictionary['geocode'] = self.geocode
if is not None:
dictionary['id'] =
if self.invoice_number is not None:
dictionary['invoiceNumber'] = self.invoice_number
if self.is_foreign_retailer is not None:
dictionary['isForeignRetailer'] = self.is_foreign_retailer
if self.mcc is not None:
dictionary['mcc'] = self.mcc
if is not None:
dictionary['name'] =
if self.phone_number is not None:
dictionary['phoneNumber'] = self.phone_number
if self.type is not None:
dictionary['type'] = self.type
return dictionary
def from_dictionary(self, dictionary: dict) -> 'Seller':
super(Seller, self).from_dictionary(dictionary)
if 'address' in dictionary:
if not isinstance(dictionary['address'], dict):
raise TypeError('value \'{}\' is not a dictionary'.format(dictionary['address']))
value = Address()
self.address = value.from_dictionary(dictionary['address'])
if 'channelCode' in dictionary:
self.channel_code = dictionary['channelCode']
if 'description' in dictionary:
self.description = dictionary['description']
if 'externalReferenceId' in dictionary:
self.external_reference_id = dictionary['externalReferenceId']
if 'geocode' in dictionary:
self.geocode = dictionary['geocode']
if 'id' in dictionary: = dictionary['id']
if 'invoiceNumber' in dictionary:
self.invoice_number = dictionary['invoiceNumber']
if 'isForeignRetailer' in dictionary:
self.is_foreign_retailer = dictionary['isForeignRetailer']
if 'mcc' in dictionary:
self.mcc = dictionary['mcc']
if 'name' in dictionary: = dictionary['name']
if 'phoneNumber' in dictionary:
self.phone_number = dictionary['phoneNumber']
if 'type' in dictionary:
self.type = dictionary['type']
return self