Class MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput
Namespace: Worldline.Connect.Sdk.V1.Domain
Assembly: Worldline.Connect.Sdk.dll
public class MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput : AbstractPaymentMethodSpecificInput
Determines the type of the authorization that will be used. Allowed values:
- FINAL_AUTHORIZATION - The payment creation results in an authorization that is ready for capture. Final authorizations can't be reversed and need to be captured for the full amount within 7 days.
- PRE_AUTHORIZATION - The payment creation results in a pre-authorization that is ready for capture. Pre-authortizations can be reversed and can be captured within 30 days. The capture amount can be lower than the authorized amount.
- SALE - The payment creation results in an authorization that is already captured at the moment of approval.
Only used with some acquirers, ingnored for acquirers that don't support this. In case the acquirer doesn't allow this to be specified the authorizationMode is 'unspecified', which behaves similar to a final authorization.
public string AuthorizationMode { get; set; }
Property Value
Reference of the customer for the payment (purchase order #, etc.). Only used with some acquirers.
public string CustomerReference { get; set; }
Property Value
The payment data if you do the decryption of the encrypted payment data yourself.
public DecryptedPaymentData DecryptedPaymentData { get; set; }
Property Value
The payment data if we will do the decryption of the encrypted payment data.
Typically you'd use encryptedCustomerInput in the root of the create payment request to provide the encrypted payment data instead.
- For Apple Pay, the encrypted payment data is the
PKPayment.token.paymentData object passed as a string (with all quotation marks escaped).
- For Google Pay, the encrypted payment data can be found in property paymentMethodData.tokenizationData.token of the
PaymentData.toJson() result.
public string EncryptedPaymentData { get; set; }
Property Value
Object containing information specific to Google Pay
public MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInput PaymentProduct320SpecificInput { get; set; }
Property Value
- true = the payment requires approval before the funds will be captured using the
Approve payment or
Capture payment API
- false = the payment does not require approval, and the funds will be captured automatically
public bool? RequiresApproval { get; set; }
Property Value
- true = Fraud scoring will be skipped for this transaction
- false = Fraud scoring will not be skipped for this transaction
Note: This is only possible if your account in our system is setup for Fraud scoring and if your configuration in our system allows you to override it per transaction.
public bool? SkipFraudService { get; set; }
Property Value