AbstractBankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
AbstractCashPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
AbstractEInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput |
AbstractIndicator |
AbstractOrderStatus |
AbstractPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
AbstractPaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
AbstractPayoutMethodSpecificInput |
AbstractRedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
AbstractRedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInput |
AbstractRedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInput |
AbstractSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
AbstractSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInput |
AbstractThreeDSecure |
AbstractToken |
AccountFundingRecipient |
Object containing specific data regarding the recipient of an account funding transaction
AccountOnFile |
Elements from the AccountsOnFile array
AccountOnFileAttribute |
AccountOnFileDisplayHints |
AdditionalOrderInput |
AdditionalOrderInputAirlineData |
Address |
AddressPersonal |
AfrName |
AirlineData |
AirlineFlightLeg |
AirlinePassenger |
AmountBreakdown |
AmountOfMoney |
APIError |
ApprovePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
ApprovePaymentDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
ApprovePaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
Mobile payment specific response data
ApprovePaymentNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
ApprovePaymentPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
ApprovePaymentRequest |
ApprovePaymentSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
ApprovePayoutRequest |
ApproveRefundRequest |
ApproveTokenRequest |
AuthenticationIndicator |
Indicates if the payment product supports 3D Security (mandatory, optional or not needed).
BankAccount |
BankAccountBban |
BankAccountBbanRefund |
BankAccountIban |
BankData |
BankDetails |
BankDetailsRequest |
BankDetailsResponse |
BankRefundMethodSpecificInput |
BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase |
BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput |
BoletoBancarioRequirednessValidator |
BrowserData |
Object containing information regarding the browser of the customer
CancelApprovalPaymentResponse |
CancelPaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
Content of the cardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput object from the CancelPaymentResponse
CancelPaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
Content of the mobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput object from the CancelPaymentResponse
CancelPaymentResponse |
Response to the cancelation of a payment
Capture |
CaptureOutput |
CapturePaymentRequest |
CaptureResponse |
CapturesResponse |
CaptureStatusOutput |
Card |
CardEssentials |
CardFraudResults |
Details of the card payment fraud checks that were performed
CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
CardPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase |
CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
Card payment specific response data
CardPayoutMethodSpecificInput |
CardRecurrenceDetails |
CardWithoutCvv |
CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
CashPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase |
CashPaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
CashPaymentProduct1503SpecificInput |
CashPaymentProduct1504SpecificInput |
CashPaymentProduct1521SpecificInput |
CashPaymentProduct1522SpecificInput |
CashPaymentProduct1523SpecificInput |
CashPaymentProduct1524SpecificInput |
CashPaymentProduct1526SpecificInput |
CashPaymentProductWithRedirectSpecificInputBase |
CompanyInformation |
CompletePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
CompletePaymentRequest |
CompletePaymentResponse |
ContactDetails |
ContactDetailsBase |
ContactDetailsRiskAssessment |
ContactDetailsToken |
ConvertAmount |
CreateDisputeRequest |
CreatedPaymentOutput |
This object is used when a payment was created during a HostedCheckout.
CreateHostedCheckoutRequest |
CreateHostedCheckoutResponse |
CreateHostedMandateManagementRequest |
CreateHostedMandateManagementResponse |
CreateMandateBase |
CreateMandateRequest |
CreateMandateResponse |
CreateMandateWithReturnUrl |
CreatePaymentProductSessionRequest |
CreatePaymentProductSessionResponse |
CreatePaymentRequest |
CreatePaymentResponse |
CreatePaymentResult |
CreatePayoutRequest |
CreateTokenRequest |
CreateTokenResponse |
Creditor |
Customer |
Object containing data related to the customer
CustomerAccount |
Object containing data related to the account the customer has with you
CustomerAccountAuthentication |
Object containing data on the authentication used by the customer to access their account
CustomerAccountRiskAssessment |
Object containing data related to the account the customer has with you
CustomerApprovePayment |
CustomerBase |
Basic information of a customer
CustomerDevice |
Object containing information on the device and browser of the customer
CustomerDeviceRiskAssessment |
Object containing information on the device and browser of the customer
CustomerPaymentActivity |
Object containing data on the purchase history of the customer with you
CustomerRiskAssessment |
Object containing data related to the customer
CustomerToken |
CustomerTokenWithContactDetails |
CybersourceDecisionManager |
This object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment.
Debtor |
This object describes the the consumer (or company) that will be debited and it is part of a SEPA Direct Debit Mandate
DecryptedPaymentData |
DeviceFingerprintDetails |
DeviceFingerprintRequest |
DeviceFingerprintResponse |
DeviceRenderOptions |
Object containing rendering options of the device
Directory |
DirectoryEntry |
DisplayedData |
Dispute |
DisputeCreationDetail |
DisputeOutput |
DisputeReference |
DisputeResponse |
DisputesResponse |
DisputeStatusOutput |
EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput |
EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInputBase |
EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
E-invoice payment specific response data
EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificInput |
EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificOutput |
EmptyValidator |
A validator object that contains no additional properties.
ErrorResponse |
ExemptionOutput |
Object containing exemption output
ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData |
Object containing 3D secure details.
FindPaymentsResponse |
FindPayoutsResponse |
FindRefundsResponse |
FixedListValidator |
FraudFields |
FraudFieldsShippingDetails |
FraudResults |
FraudResultsRetailDecisions |
FraugsterResults |
Frequency |
The object containing the frequency and interval between recurring payments.
GetCustomerDetailsRequest |
Input for the retrieval of a customer's details.
GetCustomerDetailsResponse |
Output for the retrieval of a customer's details.
GetHostedCheckoutResponse |
GetHostedMandateManagementResponse |
GetIINDetailsRequest |
Input for the retrieval of the IIN details request.
GetIINDetailsResponse |
Output of the retrieval of the IIN details request
GetInstallmentRequest |
Using the Installment Service API you can ask us to provide you with information related to the available installment options, based on the country, amount and optionally payment productId and bin number.
GetMandateResponse |
GetPrivacyPolicyResponse |
Output of the retrieval of the privacy policy
GiftCardPurchase |
Object containing information on purchased gift card(s)
GPayThreeDSecure |
HostedCheckoutSpecificInput |
HostedCheckoutSpecificOutput |
HostedFile |
File items.
HostedMandateInfo |
HostedMandateManagementSpecificInput |
IINDetail |
Output of the retrieval of the IIN details request
InAuth |
InstallmentDisplayHints |
Object containing information for the client on how best to display this options
InstallmentOptions |
Array containing installment options their details and characteristics
InstallmentOptionsResponse |
The response contains the details of the installment options
Installments |
Object containing data related to installments which can be used for card payments and only with some acquirers.
InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput |
InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
KeyValuePair |
LabelTemplateElement |
LengthValidator |
Level3SummaryData |
LineItem |
LineItemInvoiceData |
LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation |
LoanRecipient |
LodgingCharge |
Object that holds lodging related charges
LodgingData |
Object that holds lodging specific data
LodgingRoom |
Object that holds lodging related room data
MandateAddress |
Address details of the consumer
MandateApproval |
MandateContactDetails |
Contact details of the consumer
MandateCustomer |
MandateMerchantAction |
MandateNonSepaDirectDebit |
MandatePersonalInformation |
MandatePersonalName |
MandateRedirectData |
MandateResponse |
MandateSepaDirectDebit |
MandateSepaDirectDebitWithMandateId |
MandateSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor |
Merchant |
MerchantAction |
MerchantRiskAssessment |
MicrosoftFraudResults |
MobilePaymentData |
MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput |
MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInputHostedCheckout |
MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
MobilePaymentProduct302SpecificInputHostedCheckout |
MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInput |
MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInputHostedCheckout |
MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificInput |
MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificOutput |
MobileThreeDSecureChallengeParameters |
NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificInput |
UK Direct Debit specific input fields
NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificInput |
ACH specific input fields
Order |
OrderApprovePayment |
OrderInvoiceData |
OrderLineDetails |
OrderOutput |
OrderReferences |
OrderReferencesApprovePayment |
OrderRiskAssessment |
OrderStatusOutput |
OrderTypeInformation |
Payment |
PaymentAccountOnFile |
Object containing information on the payment account data on file (tokens)
PaymentApprovalResponse |
PaymentContext |
Values that can optionally be set to refine an IIN Lookup
PaymentCreationOutput |
PaymentCreationReferences |
PaymentErrorResponse |
PaymentOutput |
PaymentProduct |
PaymentProduct302SpecificData |
PaymentProduct3201SpecificOutput |
PaymentProduct320SpecificData |
PaymentProduct771SpecificOutput |
PaymentProduct806SpecificOutput |
PaymentProduct836SpecificOutput |
PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount |
PayPal account details as returned by PayPal
PaymentProduct840SpecificOutput |
PaymentProduct863SpecificData |
PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData |
PaymentProductDisplayHints |
PaymentProductField |
PaymentProductFieldDataRestrictions |
PaymentProductFieldDisplayElement |
PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints |
PaymentProductFieldFormElement |
PaymentProductFieldTooltip |
PaymentProductFieldValidators |
PaymentProductFilter |
PaymentProductFiltersClientSession |
PaymentProductFiltersHostedCheckout |
PaymentProductGroup |
Definition of the details of a single payment product group
PaymentProductGroupResponse |
PaymentProductGroups |
PaymentProductNetworksResponse |
PaymentProductResponse |
PaymentProducts |
PaymentReferences |
PaymentResponse |
PaymentStatusOutput |
PayoutCustomer |
PayoutDetails |
PayoutErrorResponse |
PayoutMerchant |
PayoutRecipient |
Object containing the details of the recipient of the payout
PayoutReferences |
PayoutResponse |
PayoutResult |
PersonalIdentification |
PersonalInformation |
PersonalInformationRiskAssessment |
PersonalInformationToken |
PersonalName |
PersonalNameBase |
PersonalNameRiskAssessment |
PersonalNameToken |
ProtectionEligibility |
RangeValidator |
RecurringPaymentsData |
The object containing reference data for the text that can be displayed on MyCheckout hosted payment page with subscription information.
The data in this object is only meant for displaying recurring payments-related data on your checkout page. You still need to submit all the recurring payment-related data in the corresponding payment product-specific input.
RedirectData |
RedirectDataBase |
RedirectionData |
Object containing browser specific redirection related data
RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase |
RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInput |
Please find below specific input fields for payment product 4101 (UPI)
RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInputBase |
Please find below specific input fields for payment product 4101 (UPI)
RedirectPaymentProduct809SpecificInput |
Please find below specific input fields for payment product 809 (iDeal)
RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInput |
Please find below specific input fields for payment product 840 (PayPal)
RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInputBase |
Please find below the specific input field for payment product 840 (PayPal)
RedirectPaymentProduct861SpecificInput |
RedirectPaymentProduct863SpecificInput |
RedirectPaymentProduct869SpecificInput |
RedirectPaymentProduct882SpecificInput |
Please find below specific input fields for payment product 882 (Net Banking)
RefundBankMethodSpecificOutput |
RefundCardMethodSpecificOutput |
RefundCashMethodSpecificOutput |
RefundCustomer |
RefundEInvoiceMethodSpecificOutput |
RefundErrorResponse |
RefundEWalletMethodSpecificOutput |
RefundMethodSpecificOutput |
RefundMobileMethodSpecificOutput |
RefundOutput |
RefundPaymentProduct840CustomerAccount |
PayPal account details
RefundPaymentProduct840SpecificOutput |
PayPal refund details
RefundReferences |
RefundRequest |
RefundResponse |
RefundResult |
RefundsResponse |
RegularExpressionValidator |
ResultDoRiskAssessment |
RetailDecisionsCCFraudCheckOutput |
RiskAssessment |
RiskAssessmentBankAccount |
RiskAssessmentCard |
RiskAssessmentResponse |
SchemeTokenData |
SdkDataInput |
SdkDataOutput |
Seller |
SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput |
SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase |
SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput |
SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInput |
Object containing information specific to SEPA Direct Debit for Create Payments.
SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInputBase |
Object containing information specific to SEPA Direct Debit for Hosted Checkouts.
SessionRequest |
SessionResponse |
Shipping |
Object containing information regarding shipping / delivery
ShippingRiskAssessment |
Object containing information regarding shipping / delivery
ShoppingCart |
Swift |
TestConnection |
ThirdPartyData |
ThirdPartyStatusResponse |
ThreeDSecure |
Object containing specific data regarding 3-D Secure
ThreeDSecureBase |
Object containing specific data regarding 3-D Secure
ThreeDSecureData |
Object containing data regarding the 3D Secure authentication
ThreeDSecureResults |
Object containing the 3-D Secure specific results
TokenCard |
TokenCardData |
TokenEWallet |
TokenEWalletData |
TokenizePaymentRequest |
TokenNonSepaDirectDebit |
TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificData |
TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificData |
TokenResponse |
TokenSepaDirectDebit |
TokenSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor |
TrialInformation |
The object containing data of the trial period: no-cost or discounted time-constrained trial subscription period.
TrialPeriod |
The object containing information on the trial period duration and the interval between payments during that period.
TrustlyBankAccount |
UpdateTokenRequest |
UploadDisputeFileResponse |
Response of a file upload request
ValidationBankAccountCheck |
ValidationBankAccountOutput |
ValueMappingElement |
WebhooksEvent |