Worldline Connect Python SDK¶
The Python SDK helps you to communicate with the Worldline Connect Server API. Its primary features are:
convenient Python library for the API calls and responses
marshalls Python request objects to HTTP requests
unmarshalls HTTP responses to Python response objects or Python exceptions
handling of all the details concerning authentication
handling of required metadata
Its use is demonstrated by an example for each possible call. The examples execute a call using the provided API keys.
See the Worldline Connect Developer Hub for more information on how to use the SDK.
Structure of this repository¶
This repository consists out of four main components:
The source code of the SDK itself:
The source code of the SDK unit tests:
The source code of the SDK integration tests:
Usage examples:
Note that the source code of the unit tests and integration tests and the examples can only be found on GitHub.
Python 3.7 or higher is required. In addition, the following packages are required:
requests 2.25.0 or higher
requests-toolbelt 0.8.0 or higher
These packages will be installed automatically if the SDK is installed manually or using pip following the below instructions.
To install the SDK using pip, execute the following command:
pip install connect-sdk-python3
Alternatively, you can install the SDK from a source distribution file:
Download the latest version of the Python SDK from GitHub. Choose the
file from the releases page, wherex.y.z
is the version number.Execute the following command in the folder where the SDK was downloaded to:
pip install
After the Python SDK has been installed, it can be uninstalled using the following command:
pip uninstall connect-sdk-python3
The required packages can be uninstalled in the same way.
Running tests¶
There are two types of tests: unit tests and integration tests. The unit tests will work out-of-the-box; for the integration tests some configuration is required. First, some environment variables need to be set:
for the API key id to use. This can be retrieved from the Configuration Center.connect.api.secretApiKey
for the secret API key to use. This can be retrieved from the Configuration Center.connect.api.merchantId
for your merchant ID.
In addition, to run the proxy integration tests, the proxy URI, username and password should be set in the tests/resources/configuration.proxy.ini
In order to run the unit and integration tests, the mock backport and mockito are required. These can be installed using the following command:
pip install mock mockito
The following commands can now be executed from the tests
directory to execute the tests:
Unit tests:
Integration tests:
Both unit and integration tests:
API Reference¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.api_resource.ApiResource(parent: ApiResource | None = None, communicator: Communicator | None = None, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, client_meta_info: str | None = None)[source]¶
Base class of all Worldline Global Collect platform API resources.
- __init__(parent: ApiResource | None = None, communicator: Communicator | None = None, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None = None, client_meta_info: str | None = None)[source]¶
The parent and/or communicator must be given.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.call_context.CallContext(idempotence_key: str | None = None)[source]¶
A call context can be used to send extra information with a request, and to receive extra information from a response.
Please note that this class is not thread-safe. Each request should get its own call context instance.
- __annotations__ = {'_CallContext__idempotence_key': typing.Optional[str], '_CallContext__idempotence_request_timestamp': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- __init__(idempotence_key: str | None = None)[source]¶
Sets the idempotence key to use for the next request for which this call context is used.
- property idempotence_key: str | None¶
- Returns:
The idempotence key.
- property idempotence_request_timestamp: int | None¶
- Returns:
The idempotence request timestamp from the response to the last request for which this call context was used, or None if no idempotence request timestamp was present.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.client.Client(communicator: Communicator, client_meta_info: str | None = None)[source]¶
Worldline Global Collect platform client.
This client and all its child clients are bound to one specific value for the X-GCS-ClientMetaInfo header. To get a new client with a different header value, use with_client_meta_info.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(communicator: Communicator, client_meta_info: str | None = None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
communicator –
client_meta_info – str
- close_expired_connections() None [source]¶
Utility method that delegates the call to this client’s communicator.
- close_idle_connections(idle_time: timedelta) None [source]¶
Utility method that delegates the call to this client’s communicator.
- Parameters:
idle_time – a datetime.timedelta object indicating the idle time
- enable_logging(communicator_logger: CommunicatorLogger) None [source]¶
Turns on logging using the given communicator logger.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the given communicator logger is None.
- set_body_obfuscator(body_obfuscator: BodyObfuscator) None [source]¶
Sets the current body obfuscator to use.
- set_header_obfuscator(header_obfuscator: HeaderObfuscator) None [source]¶
Sets the current header obfuscator to use.
- with_client_meta_info(client_meta_info: str | None) Client [source]¶
- Parameters:
client_meta_info – JSON string containing the metadata for the client
- Returns:
a new Client which uses the passed metadata for the X-GCS-ClientMetaInfo header.
- Raises:
MarshallerSyntaxException – if the given clientMetaInfo is not a valid JSON string
- class worldline.connect.sdk.communicator.Communicator(api_endpoint: str | ParseResult, connection: Connection, authenticator: Authenticator, metadata_provider: MetadataProvider, marshaller: Marshaller)[source]¶
Used to communicate with the Worldline Global Collect platform web services.
It contains all the logic to transform a request object to an HTTP request and an HTTP response to a response object.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- close_expired_connections() None [source]¶
Utility method that delegates the call to this communicator’s connection if that’s an instance of PooledConnection. If not this method does nothing.
- close_idle_connections(idle_time: timedelta) None [source]¶
Utility method that delegates the call to this communicator’s connection if that’s an instance of PooledConnection. If not this method does nothing.
- Parameters:
idle_time – a datetime.timedelta object indicating the idle time
- delete(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, response_type: Type[T], context: CallContext | None) T [source]¶
Corresponds to the HTTP DELETE method.
- Parameters:
relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.
request_headers – An optional list of request headers.
request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.
response_type – The type of response to return.
context – The optional call context to use.
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Global Collect platform
- delete_with_binary_response(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, context: CallContext | None) Tuple[Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Corresponds to the HTTP DELETE method.
- Parameters:
relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.
request_headers – An optional list of request headers.
request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.
context – The optional call context to use.
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Global Collect platform
- enable_logging(communicator_logger: CommunicatorLogger) None [source]¶
Turns on logging using the given communicator logger.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the given communicator logger is None.
- get(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, response_type: Type[T], context: CallContext | None) T [source]¶
Corresponds to the HTTP GET method.
- Parameters:
relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.
request_headers – An optional list of request headers.
request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.
response_type – The type of response to return.
context – The optional call context to use.
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Global Collect platform
- get_with_binary_response(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, context: CallContext | None) Tuple[Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Corresponds to the HTTP GET method.
- Parameters:
relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.
request_headers – An optional list of request headers.
request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.
context – The optional call context to use.
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Global Collect platform
- property marshaller: Marshaller¶
- Returns:
The Marshaller object associated with this communicator. Never None.
- post(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, request_body: Any, response_type: Type[T], context: CallContext | None) T [source]¶
Corresponds to the HTTP POST method.
- Parameters:
relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.
request_headers – An optional list of request headers.
request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.
request_body – The optional request body to send.
response_type – The type of response to return.
context – The optional call context to use.
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Global Collect platform
- post_with_binary_response(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, request_body: Any, context: CallContext | None) Tuple[Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Corresponds to the HTTP POST method.
- Parameters:
relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.
request_headers – An optional list of request headers.
request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.
request_body – The optional request body to send.
context – The optional call context to use.
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Global Collect platform
- put(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, request_body: Any, response_type: Type[T], context: CallContext | None) T [source]¶
Corresponds to the HTTP PUT method.
- Parameters:
relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.
request_headers – An optional list of request headers.
request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.
request_body – The optional request body to send.
response_type – The type of response to return.
context – The optional call context to use.
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Global Collect platform
- put_with_binary_response(relative_path: str, request_headers: List[RequestHeader] | None, request_parameters: ParamRequest | None, request_body: Any, context: CallContext | None) Tuple[Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Corresponds to the HTTP PUT method.
- Parameters:
relative_path – The path to call, relative to the base URI.
request_headers – An optional list of request headers.
request_parameters – An optional set of request parameters.
request_body – The optional request body to send.
context – The optional call context to use.
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
ResponseException – when an error response was received from the Worldline Global Collect platform
- set_body_obfuscator(body_obfuscator: BodyObfuscator) None [source]¶
Sets the current body obfuscator to use.
- set_header_obfuscator(header_obfuscator: HeaderObfuscator) None [source]¶
Sets the current header obfuscator to use.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.communicator_configuration.CommunicatorConfiguration(properties: ConfigParser | None = None, api_endpoint: str | ParseResult | None = None, authorization_id: str | None = None, authorization_secret: str | None = None, api_key_id: str | None = None, secret_api_key: str | None = None, authorization_type: str | None = None, connect_timeout: int | None = None, socket_timeout: int | None = None, max_connections: int | None = None, proxy_configuration: ProxyConfiguration | None = None, integrator: str | None = None, shopping_cart_extension: ShoppingCartExtension | None = None)[source]¶
Configuration for the communicator.
- __annotations__ = {'_CommunicatorConfiguration__api_endpoint': typing.Optional[urllib.parse.ParseResult], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__authorization_id': typing.Optional[str], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__authorization_secret': typing.Optional[str], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__authorization_type': typing.Optional[str], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__connect_timeout': typing.Optional[int], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__integrator': typing.Optional[str], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__max_connections': typing.Optional[int], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__proxy_configuration': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.proxy_configuration.ProxyConfiguration], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__shopping_cart_extension': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.domain.shopping_cart_extension.ShoppingCartExtension], '_CommunicatorConfiguration__socket_timeout': typing.Optional[int], '__api_endpoint': 'Optional[ParseResult]', '__authorization_id': 'Optional[str]', '__authorization_secret': 'Optional[str]', '__authorization_type': 'Optional[str]', '__connect_timeout': 'Optional[int]', '__integrator': 'Optional[str]', '__max_connections': 'Optional[int]', '__proxy_configuration': 'Optional[ProxyConfiguration]', '__shopping_cart_extension': 'Optional[ShoppingCartExtension]', '__socket_timeout': 'Optional[int]'}¶
- __init__(properties: ConfigParser | None = None, api_endpoint: str | ParseResult | None = None, authorization_id: str | None = None, authorization_secret: str | None = None, api_key_id: str | None = None, secret_api_key: str | None = None, authorization_type: str | None = None, connect_timeout: int | None = None, socket_timeout: int | None = None, max_connections: int | None = None, proxy_configuration: ProxyConfiguration | None = None, integrator: str | None = None, shopping_cart_extension: ShoppingCartExtension | None = None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
properties – a ConfigParser.ConfigParser object containing configuration data
connect_timeout – connection timeout for the network communication in seconds
socket_timeout – socket timeout for the network communication in seconds
max_connections – The maximum number of connections in the connection pool
- property api_endpoint: ParseResult | None¶
The Worldline Global Collect platform API endpoint URI.
- property api_key_id: str | None¶
An identifier for the secret API key. The api_key_id can be retrieved from the Configuration Center. This identifier is visible in the HTTP request and is also used to identify the correct account.
This property is an alias for authorization_id
- property authorization_id: str | None¶
An id used for authorization. The meaning of this id is different for each authorization type. For instance, for v1HMAC this is the identifier for the secret API key.
- property authorization_secret: str | None¶
A secret used for authorization. The meaning of this secret is different for each authorization type. For instance, for v1HMAC this is the secret API key.
- property authorization_type: str | None¶
- property connect_timeout: int | None¶
Connection timeout for the underlying network communication in seconds
- property integrator: str | None¶
- property max_connections: int | None¶
- property proxy_configuration: ProxyConfiguration | None¶
- property secret_api_key: str | None¶
A shared secret. The shared secret can be retrieved from the Configuration Center. An api_key_id and secret_api_key always go hand-in-hand, the difference is that secret_api_key is never visible in the HTTP request. This secret is used as input for the HMAC algorithm.
This property is an alias for authorization_secret
- property shopping_cart_extension: ShoppingCartExtension | None¶
- property socket_timeout: int | None¶
Socket timeout for the underlying network communication in seconds
- class worldline.connect.sdk.factory.Factory[source]¶
Worldline Global Collect platform factory for several SDK components.
- static create_client_from_communicator(communicator: Communicator) Client [source]¶
Create a Client based on the settings stored in the Communicator argument
- static create_client_from_configuration(communicator_configuration: CommunicatorConfiguration, metadata_provider: MetadataProvider | None = None, connection: Connection | None = None, authenticator: Authenticator | None = None, marshaller: Marshaller | None = None) Client [source]¶
Create a Client based on the configuration stored in the CommunicatorConfiguration argument
- static create_client_from_file(configuration_file_name: str | bytes, authorization_id: str, authorization_secret: str, metadata_provider: MetadataProvider | None = None, connection: Connection | None = None, authenticator: Authenticator | None = None, marshaller: Marshaller | None = None) Client [source]¶
Creates a Client based on the configuration values in configuration_file_name, authorization_id and authorization_secret.
- static create_communicator_from_configuration(communicator_configuration: CommunicatorConfiguration, metadata_provider: MetadataProvider | None = None, connection: Connection | None = None, authenticator: Authenticator | None = None, marshaller: Marshaller | None = None) Communicator [source]¶
Creates a Communicator based on the configuration stored in the CommunicatorConfiguration argument
- static create_communicator_from_file(configuration_file_name: str | bytes, authorization_id: str, authorization_secret: str, metadata_provider: MetadataProvider | None = None, connection: Connection | None = None, authenticator: Authenticator | None = None, marshaller: Marshaller | None = None) Communicator [source]¶
Creates a Communicator based on the configuration values in configuration_file_name, api_id_key and authorization_secret.
- static create_configuration(configuration_file_name: str | bytes, authorization_id: str, authorization_secret: str) CommunicatorConfiguration [source]¶
Creates a CommunicatorConfiguration based on the configuration values in configuration_file_name, authorization_id and authorization_secret.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.proxy_configuration.ProxyConfiguration(host: str, port: int, scheme: str = 'http', username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None)[source]¶
HTTP proxy configuration.
Can be initialised directly from a host and port or can be constructed from a uri using fromuri
- __str__()[source]¶
Return a proxy string in the form scheme://username:password@host:port or scheme://host:port if authentication is absent
Supports HTTP Basic Auth
- static from_uri(uri: str, username: str | None = None, password: str | None = None) ProxyConfiguration [source]¶
Constructs a ProxyConfiguration from a URI; if username and/or password are given they will be used instead of corresponding data in the URI
- property host: str¶
- property password: str | None¶
- property port: int¶
- property scheme: str¶
- property username: str | None¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.authentication.authenticator.Authenticator[source]¶
Used to authenticate requests to the Worldline Global Collect platform.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'get_authorization'})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- abstractmethod get_authorization(http_method: str, resource_uri: ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader] | None) str [source]¶
Returns a value that can be used for the “Authorization” header.
- Parameters:
http_method – The HTTP method.
resource_uri – The URI of the resource.
request_headers – A sequence of RequestHeaders. This sequence may not be modified and may not contain headers with the same name.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.authentication.authorization_type.AuthorizationType[source]¶
- V1HMAC = 'v1HMAC'¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.authentication.v1hmac_authenticator.V1HMACAuthenticator(api_key_id: str, secret_api_key: str)[source]¶
Authenticator implementation using v1HMAC signatures.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(api_key_id: str, secret_api_key: str)[source]¶
- Parameters:
api_key_id – An identifier for the secret API key. The api_key_id can be retrieved from the Configuration Center. This identifier is visible in the HTTP request and is also used to identify the correct account.
secret_api_key – A shared secret. The shared secret can be retrieved from the Configuration Center. An api_key_id and secret_api_key always go hand-in-hand, the difference is that secret_api_key is never visible in the HTTP request. This secret is used as input for the HMAC algorithm.
- get_authorization(http_method: str, resource_uri: ParseResult, http_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader] | None) str [source]¶
Returns a v1HMAC authentication signature header
- to_data_to_sign(http_method: str, resource_uri: ParseResult, http_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader] | None) str [source]¶
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.communication.communication_exception.CommunicationException(exception: Exception)[source]¶
Indicates an exception regarding the communication with the Worldline Global Collect platform such as a connection exception.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.communication.connection.Connection[source]¶
Represents a connection to the Worldline Global Collect platform server.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'delete', 'disable_logging', 'enable_logging', 'get', 'post', 'put', 'set_body_obfuscator', 'set_header_obfuscator'})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- abstractmethod delete(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Send a DELETE request to the Worldline Global Collect platform and return the response.
- Parameters:
url – The URI to call, including any necessary query parameters.
request_headers – An optional sequence of request headers.
- Returns:
The response from the Worldline Global Collect platform as a tuple with the status code, headers and a generator of body chunks
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
- abstractmethod get(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Send a GET request to the Worldline Global Collect platform and return the response.
- Parameters:
url – The URI to call, including any necessary query parameters.
request_headers – An optional sequence of request headers.
- Returns:
The response from the Worldline Global Collect platform as a tuple with the status code, headers and a generator of body chunks
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
- abstractmethod post(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader], body: str | MultipartFormDataObject | None) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Send a POST request to the Worldline Global Collect platform and return the response.
- Parameters:
url – The URI to call, including any necessary query parameters.
request_headers – An optional sequence of request headers.
body – The optional body to send.
- Returns:
The response from the Worldline Global Collect platform as a tuple with the status code, headers and a generator of body chunks
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
- abstractmethod put(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader], body: str | MultipartFormDataObject | None) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Send a PUT request to the Worldline Global Collect platform and return the response.
- Parameters:
url – The URI to call, including any necessary query parameters.
request_headers – An optional sequence of request headers.
body – The optional body to send.
- Returns:
The response from the Worldline Global Collect platform as a tuple with the status code, headers and a generator of body chunks
- Raises:
CommunicationException – when an exception occurred communicating with the Worldline Global Collect platform
- class worldline.connect.sdk.communication.default_connection.DefaultConnection(connect_timeout: int, socket_timeout: int, max_connections: int = 10, proxy_configuration: ProxyConfiguration | None = None)[source]¶
Provides an HTTP request interface, thread-safe
- Parameters:
connect_timeout – timeout in seconds before a pending connection is dropped
socket_timeout – timeout in seconds before dropping an established connection. This is the time the server is allowed for a response
max_connections – the maximum number of connections in the connection pool
proxy_configuration – ProxyConfiguration object that contains data about proxy settings if present. It should be writeable as string and have a scheme attribute.
Use the methods get, delete, post and put to perform the corresponding HTTP request. Alternatively you can use request with the request method as the first parameter.
URI, headers and body should be given on a per-request basis.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- close_idle_connections(idle_time: timedelta) None [source]¶
- Parameters:
idle_time – a datetime.timedelta object indicating the idle time
- property connect_timeout: int | None¶
Connection timeout in seconds
- delete(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Perform a request to the server given by url
- Parameters:
url – the url to the server, given as a parsed url
request_headers – a sequence containing RequestHeader objects representing the request headers
- enable_logging(communicator_logger: CommunicatorLogger) None [source]¶
Turns on logging using the given communicator logger.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the given communicator logger is None.
- get(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Perform a request to the server given by url
- Parameters:
url – the url to the server, given as a parsed url
request_headers – a sequence containing RequestHeader objects representing the request headers
- post(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader], body: str | MultipartFormDataObject | None) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Perform a request to the server given by url
- Parameters:
url – the url to the server, given as a parsed url
request_headers – a sequence containing RequestHeader objects representing the request headers
body – the request body
- put(url: str | ParseResult, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader], body: str | MultipartFormDataObject | None) Tuple[int, Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Perform a request to the server given by url
- Parameters:
url – the url to the server, given as a parsed url
request_headers – a sequence containing RequestHeader objects representing the request headers
body – the request body
- set_body_obfuscator(body_obfuscator: BodyObfuscator) None [source]¶
Sets the current body obfuscator to use.
- set_header_obfuscator(header_obfuscator: HeaderObfuscator) None [source]¶
Sets the current header obfuscator to use.
- property socket_timeout: int | None¶
Socket timeout in seconds
- class worldline.connect.sdk.communication.metadata_provider.MetadataProvider(integrator: str | None, shopping_cart_extension: ShoppingCartExtension | None = None, additional_request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader] | None = ())[source]¶
Provides meta info about the server.
- __annotations__ = {'_MetadataProvider__metadata_headers': typing.Sequence[worldline.connect.sdk.communication.request_header.RequestHeader]}¶
- property metadata_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]¶
- Returns:
The server related headers containing the metadata to be associated with the request (if any). This will always contain at least an automatically generated header X-GCS-ServerMetaInfo.
- prohibited_headers = ('Authorization', 'Content-Type', 'Date', 'X-GCS-Idempotence-Key', 'X-GCS-ServerMetaInfo')¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.communication.multipart_form_data_object.MultipartFormDataObject[source]¶
A representation of a multipart/form-data object.
- add_file(parameter_name: str, uploadable_file: UploadableFile) None [source]¶
- property boundary: str¶
- property content_type: str¶
- property files: Mapping[str, UploadableFile]¶
- property values: Mapping[str, str]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.communication.multipart_form_data_request.MultipartFormDataRequest[source]¶
A representation of a multipart/form-data request.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'to_multipart_form_data_object'})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- abstractmethod to_multipart_form_data_object() MultipartFormDataObject [source]¶
- Returns:
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.communication.not_found_exception.NotFoundException(exception: Exception, message: str)[source]¶
Indicates an exception that occurs when the requested resource is not found. In normal usage of the SDK, this exception should not occur, however it is possible. For example when path parameters are set with invalid values.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.communication.param_request.ParamRequest[source]¶
Represents a set of request parameters.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'to_request_parameters'})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- abstractmethod to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
] representing the HTTP request parameters
- class worldline.connect.sdk.communication.pooled_connection.PooledConnection[source]¶
Represents a pooled connection to the Worldline Global Collect platform server. Instead of setting up a new HTTP connection for each request, this connection uses a pool of HTTP connections.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'close_expired_connections', 'close_idle_connections', 'delete', 'disable_logging', 'enable_logging', 'get', 'post', 'put', 'set_body_obfuscator', 'set_header_obfuscator'})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.communication.request_header.RequestHeader(name: str, value: str | None)[source]¶
A single request header. Immutable.
- property name: str¶
- Returns:
The header name.
- property value: str | None¶
- Returns:
The un-encoded value.
- worldline.connect.sdk.communication.request_header.get_header(headers: Sequence[RequestHeader] | Mapping[str, str] | None, header_name: str) RequestHeader | None [source]¶
- Returns:
The header with the given name, or None if there was no such header.
- worldline.connect.sdk.communication.request_header.get_header_value(headers: Sequence[RequestHeader] | Mapping[str, str] | None, header_name: str) str | None [source]¶
- Returns:
The value of the header with the given name, or None if there was no such header.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.communication.request_param.RequestParam(name: str, value: str | None)[source]¶
A single request parameter. Immutable.
- property name: str¶
- Returns:
The parameter name.
- property value: str | None¶
- Returns:
The un-encoded value.
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.communication.response_exception.ResponseException(status: int, body: str | None, headers: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Thrown when a response was received from the Worldline Global Collect platform which indicates an error.
- property body: str | None¶
- Returns:
The raw response body that was returned by the Worldline Global Collect platform.
- get_header(header_name: str) Tuple[str, str] | None [source]¶
- Returns:
The header with the given name, or None if there was no such header.
- get_header_value(header_name: str) str | None [source]¶
- Returns:
The value header with the given name, or None if there was no such header.
- property headers: Mapping[str, str]¶
- Returns:
The headers that were returned by the Worldline Global Collect platform. Never None.
- property status_code: int¶
- Returns:
The HTTP status code that was returned by the Worldline Global Collect platform.
- worldline.connect.sdk.communication.response_header.get_disposition_filename(headers: Mapping[str, str] | None) str | None [source]¶
- Returns:
The value of the filename parameter of the Content-Disposition header, or None if there was no such header or parameter.
- worldline.connect.sdk.communication.response_header.get_header(headers: Mapping[str, str] | None, header_name: str) Tuple[str, str] | None [source]¶
- Returns:
The header with the given name as a tuple with the name and value, or None if there was no such header.
- worldline.connect.sdk.communication.response_header.get_header_value(headers: Mapping[str, str] | None, header_name: str) str | None [source]¶
- Returns:
The value of the header with the given name, or None if there was no such header.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.domain.data_object.DataObject[source]¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DataObject [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.domain.shopping_cart_extension.ShoppingCartExtension(creator: str, name: str, version: str, extension_id: str | None = None)[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- static create_from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ShoppingCartExtension [source]¶
- property creator: str¶
- property extension_id: str | None¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ShoppingCartExtension [source]¶
- property name: str¶
- property version: str¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.domain.uploadable_file.UploadableFile(file_name: str, content: Any, content_type: str, content_length: int = -1)[source]¶
A file that can be uploaded.
The allowed forms of content are defined by the Connection implementation. The default implementation supports strings, file descriptors and io.BytesIO objects.
- property content: Any¶
- Returns:
The file’s content.
- property content_length: int¶
- Returns:
The file’s content length, or -1 if not known.
- property content_type: str¶
- Returns:
The file’s content type.
- property file_name: str¶
- Returns:
The name of the file.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.json.default_marshaller.DefaultMarshaller[source]¶
Marshaller implementation based on json.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- static instance() DefaultMarshaller [source]¶
- marshal(request_object: Any) str [source]¶
Marshal a request object to a JSON string.
- Parameters:
request_object – the object to marshal into a serialized JSON string
- Returns:
the serialized JSON string of the request_object
- unmarshal(response_json: str | bytes | None, type_class: Type[T]) T [source]¶
Unmarshal a JSON string to a response object.
- Parameters:
response_json – the json body that should be unmarshalled
type_class – The class to which the response_json should be unmarshalled
- Raises:
MarshallerSyntaxException – if the JSON is not a valid representation for an object of the given type
- class worldline.connect.sdk.json.marshaller.Marshaller[source]¶
Used to marshal and unmarshal Worldline Global Collect platform request and response objects to and from JSON.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'marshal', 'unmarshal'})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- abstractmethod marshal(request_object: Any) str [source]¶
Marshal a request object to a JSON string.
- Parameters:
request_object – the object to marshal into a serialized JSON string
- Returns:
the serialized JSON string of the request_object
- abstractmethod unmarshal(response_json: str | bytes | None, type_class: Type[T]) T | None [source]¶
Unmarshal a JSON string to a response object.
- Parameters:
response_json – the json body that should be unmarshalled
type_class – The class to which the response_json should be unmarshalled
- Raises:
MarshallerSyntaxException – if the JSON is not a valid representation for an object of the given type
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.json.marshaller_syntax_exception.MarshallerSyntaxException(cause: Exception | None = None)[source]¶
Thrown when a JSON string cannot be converted to a response object.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator(additional_rules: Mapping[str, Callable[[str], str]] | None = None)[source]¶
A class that can be used to obfuscate properties in JSON bodies.
- __annotations__ = {'_BodyObfuscator__obfuscation_rules': typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable[[str], str]], '_BodyObfuscator__property_pattern': typing.Pattern[~AnyStr]}¶
- __init__(additional_rules: Mapping[str, Callable[[str], str]] | None = None)[source]¶
Creates a new body obfuscator. This will contain some pre-defined obfuscation rules, as well as any provided custom rules
- Parameters:
additional_rules – An optional mapping from property names to obfuscation rules, where an obfuscation rule is a function that obfuscates a single string,
- static default_body_obfuscator() BodyObfuscator [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.log.communicator_logger.CommunicatorLogger[source]¶
Used to log messages from communicators.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'log'})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- abstractmethod log(message: str, thrown: Exception | None = None) None [source]¶
Logs a throwable with an accompanying message.
- Parameters:
message – The message accompanying the throwable.
thrown – The throwable to log.
- log_request(request_log_message: RequestLogMessage) None [source]¶
Logs a request message object
- log_response(response_log_message: ResponseLogMessage) None [source]¶
Logs a response message object
- class worldline.connect.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator(additional_rules: Mapping[str, Callable[[str], str]] | None = None)[source]¶
A class that can be used to obfuscate headers.
- __annotations__ = {'_HeaderObfuscator__obfuscation_rules': typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable[[str], str]]}¶
- __init__(additional_rules: Mapping[str, Callable[[str], str]] | None = None)[source]¶
Creates a new header obfuscator. This will contain some pre-defined obfuscation rules, as well as any provided custom rules
- Parameters:
additional_rules – An optional mapping from property names to obfuscation rules, where an obfuscation rule is a function that obfuscates a single string,
- static default_header_obfuscator() HeaderObfuscator [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.log.log_message.LogMessage(request_id: str, body_obfuscator: ~worldline.connect.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator = <worldline.connect.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator object>, header_obfuscator: ~worldline.connect.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator = <worldline.connect.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator object>)[source]¶
A utility class to build log messages.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'get_message'})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_LogMessage__body': typing.Optional[str], '_LogMessage__body_obfuscator': <class 'worldline.connect.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator'>, '_LogMessage__content_type': typing.Optional[str], '_LogMessage__header_list': typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str]], '_LogMessage__header_obfuscator': <class 'worldline.connect.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator'>, '_LogMessage__headers': <class 'str'>, '_LogMessage__request_id': <class 'str'>, '__body': 'Optional[str]', '__body_obfuscator': 'BodyObfuscator', '__content_type': 'Optional[str]', '__header_list': 'List[Tuple[str, str]]', '__header_obfuscator': 'HeaderObfuscator', '__headers': 'str', '__request_id': 'str'}¶
- property body: str | None¶
- property content_type: str | None¶
- property headers: str¶
- property request_id: str¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.log.logging_capable.LoggingCapable[source]¶
Classes that extend this class have support for log messages from communicators.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'disable_logging', 'enable_logging'})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- abstractmethod enable_logging(communicator_logger: CommunicatorLogger) None [source]¶
Turns on logging using the given communicator logger.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the given communicator logger is None.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.log.obfuscation_capable.ObfuscationCapable[source]¶
Classes that extend this class support obfuscating bodies and headers.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'set_body_obfuscator', 'set_header_obfuscator'})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- abstractmethod set_body_obfuscator(body_obfuscator: BodyObfuscator) None [source]¶
Sets the current body obfuscator to use.
- abstractmethod set_header_obfuscator(header_obfuscator: HeaderObfuscator) None [source]¶
Sets the current header obfuscator to use.
- worldline.connect.sdk.log.obfuscation_rule.obfuscate_all() Callable[[str], str] [source]¶
Returns an obfuscation rule (function) that will replace all characters with *
- worldline.connect.sdk.log.obfuscation_rule.obfuscate_all_but_first(count: int) Callable[[str], str] [source]¶
Returns an obfuscation rule (function) that will keep a fixed number of characters at the start, then replaces all other characters with *
- worldline.connect.sdk.log.obfuscation_rule.obfuscate_all_but_last(count: int) Callable[[str], str] [source]¶
Returns an obfuscation rule that will keep a fixed number of characters at the end, then replaces all other characters with *
- worldline.connect.sdk.log.obfuscation_rule.obfuscate_with_fixed_length(fixed_length: int) Callable[[str], str] [source]¶
Returns an obfuscation rule (function) that will replace values with a fixed length string containing only *
- class worldline.connect.sdk.log.python_communicator_logger.PythonCommunicatorLogger(logger: Logger, log_level: int, error_log_level: int | None = None)[source]¶
A communicator logger that is backed by the log library.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(logger: Logger, log_level: int, error_log_level: int | None = None)[source]¶
Logs messages to the argument logger using the argument log_level. If absent, the error_log_level will be equal to the log_level. Note that if the CommunicatorLogger’s log level is lower than the argument logger’s log level (e.g. the CommunicatorLogger is given log.INFO as level and the argument logger has a level of log.WARNING), then nothing will be logged to the logger.
- Parameters:
logger – the logger to log to
log_level – the log level that will be used for non-error messages logged via the CommunicatorLogger
error_log_level – the log level that will be used for error messages logged via the CommunicatorLogger.
- log(message: str, thrown: Exception | None = None) None [source]¶
Log a message to the underlying logger. If thrown is absent, the message will be logged with the CommunicatorLogger’s log_level, if a thrown object is provided, the message and exception will be logged with the CommunicatorLogger’s error_log_level.
- Parameters:
message – the message to be logged
thrown – an optional throwable object
- class worldline.connect.sdk.log.request_log_message.RequestLogMessage(request_id: str, method: str, uri: str, body_obfuscator: ~worldline.connect.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator = <worldline.connect.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator object>, header_obfuscator: ~worldline.connect.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator = <worldline.connect.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator object>)[source]¶
A utility class to build request log messages.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'__body': 'Optional[str]', '__body_obfuscator': 'BodyObfuscator', '__content_type': 'Optional[str]', '__header_list': 'List[Tuple[str, str]]', '__header_obfuscator': 'HeaderObfuscator', '__headers': 'str', '__request_id': 'str'}¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.log.response_log_message.ResponseLogMessage(request_id: str, status_code: int, duration: int = -1, body_obfuscator: ~worldline.connect.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator = <worldline.connect.sdk.log.body_obfuscator.BodyObfuscator object>, header_obfuscator: ~worldline.connect.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator = <worldline.connect.sdk.log.header_obfuscator.HeaderObfuscator object>)[source]¶
A utility class to build request log messages.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'__body': 'Optional[str]', '__body_obfuscator': 'BodyObfuscator', '__content_type': 'Optional[str]', '__header_list': 'List[Tuple[str, str]]', '__header_obfuscator': 'HeaderObfuscator', '__headers': 'str', '__request_id': 'str'}¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.log.sys_out_communicator_logger.SysOutCommunicatorLogger[source]¶
A communicator logger that prints its message to sys.stdout It includes a timestamp in yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss format in the system time zone.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- static instance() SysOutCommunicatorLogger [source]¶
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.v1.api_exception.ApiException(status_code: int, response_body: str, error_id: str | None, errors: List[APIError] | None, message: str = 'the Worldline Global Collect platform returned an error response')[source]¶
Represents an error response from the Worldline Global Collect platform which contains an ID and a list of errors.
- property error_id: str | None¶
- Returns:
The errorId received from the Worldline Global Collect platform if available.
- property errors: Sequence[APIError]¶
- Returns:
The errors received from the Worldline Global Collect platform if available. Never None.
- property response_body: str¶
- Returns:
The raw response body that was returned by the Worldline Global Collect platform.
- property status_code: int¶
- Returns:
The HTTP status code that was returned by the Worldline Global Collect platform.
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.v1.authorization_exception.AuthorizationException(status_code: int, response_body: str, error_id: str | None, errors: List[APIError] | None, message: str = 'the Worldline Global Collect platform returned an authorization error response')[source]¶
Represents an error response from the Worldline Global Collect platform when authorization failed.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.v1.declined_payment_exception.DeclinedPaymentException(status_code: int, response_body: str, response: PaymentErrorResponse | None)[source]¶
Represents an error response from a create payment call.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- property create_payment_result: CreatePaymentResult | None¶
- Returns:
The result of creating a payment if available, otherwise None.
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.v1.declined_payout_exception.DeclinedPayoutException(status_code: int, response_body: str, response: PayoutErrorResponse | None)[source]¶
Represents an error response from a payout call.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- property payout_result: PayoutResult | None¶
- Returns:
The result of creating a payout if available, otherwise None.
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.v1.declined_refund_exception.DeclinedRefundException(status_code: int, response_body: str, response: RefundErrorResponse | None)[source]¶
Represents an error response from a refund call.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- property refund_result: RefundResult | None¶
- Returns:
The result of creating a refund if available, otherwise None.
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.v1.declined_transaction_exception.DeclinedTransactionException(status_code: int, response_body: str, error_id: str | None, errors: List[APIError] | None, message: str | None = None)[source]¶
Represents an error response from a create payment, payout or refund call.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- worldline.connect.sdk.v1.exception_factory.create_exception(status_code: int, body: str, error_object: Any, context: CallContext | None) Exception [source]¶
Return a raisable API exception based on the error object given
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.v1.idempotence_exception.IdempotenceException(idempotence_key: str, idempotence_request_timestamp: int, status_code: int, response_body: str, error_id: str | None, errors: List[APIError] | None, message: str = 'the Worldline Global Collect platform returned a duplicate request error response')[source]¶
Represents an error response from the Worldline Global Collect platform when an idempotent request failed because the first request has not finished yet.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- property idempotence_key: str¶
- Returns:
The key that was used for the idempotent request.
- property idempotence_request_timestamp: int¶
- Returns:
The request timestamp of the first idempotent request with the same key.
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.v1.platform_exception.PlatformException(status_code: int, response_body: str, error_id: str | None, errors: List[APIError] | None, message: str = 'the Worldline Global Collect platform returned an error response')[source]¶
Represents an error response from the Worldline Global Collect platform when something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform or further downstream.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.v1.reference_exception.ReferenceException(status_code: int, response_body: str, error_id: str | None, errors: List[APIError] | None, message: str = 'the Worldline Global Collect platform returned a reference error response')[source]¶
Represents an error response from the Worldline Global Collect platform when a non-existing or removed object is trying to be accessed.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.v1_client.V1Client(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
V1 client.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- merchant(merchant_id: str) MerchantClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}
- Parameters:
merchant_id – str
- Returns:
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.v1.validation_exception.ValidationException(status_code: int, response_body: str, error_id: str | None, errors: List[APIError] | None, message: str = 'the Worldline Global Collect platform returned an incorrect request error response')[source]¶
Represents an error response from the Worldline Global Collect platform when validation of requests failed.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_input.AbstractBankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractBankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInput__additional_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property additional_reference: str | None¶
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractBankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_card_payment_method_specific_input.AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__acquirer_promotion_code': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__authorization_mode': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__customer_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__initial_scheme_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__recurring': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_recurrence_details.CardRecurrenceDetails], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__recurring_payment_sequence_indicator': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__requires_approval': typing.Optional[bool], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__skip_authentication': typing.Optional[bool], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__skip_fraud_service': typing.Optional[bool], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__token': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__tokenize': typing.Optional[bool], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__transaction_channel': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__unscheduled_card_on_file_indicator': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__unscheduled_card_on_file_requestor': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__unscheduled_card_on_file_sequence_indicator': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property acquirer_promotion_code: str | None¶
Type: str
- property authorization_mode: str | None¶
Type: str
- property customer_reference: str | None¶
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property initial_scheme_transaction_id: str | None¶
Type: str
- property recurring: CardRecurrenceDetails | None¶
- property recurring_payment_sequence_indicator: str | None¶
Type: str
Deprecated; Use recurring.recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator instead
- property requires_approval: bool | None¶
Type: bool
- property skip_authentication: bool | None¶
Type: bool
Deprecated; Use threeDSecure.skipAuthentication instead
- property skip_fraud_service: bool | None¶
Type: bool
- property token: str | None¶
Type: str
- property tokenize: bool | None¶
Type: bool
- property transaction_channel: str | None¶
Type: str
- property unscheduled_card_on_file_indicator: str | None¶
Type: str
Deprecated; Use unscheduledCardOnFileSequenceIndicator instead
- property unscheduled_card_on_file_requestor: str | None¶
Type: str
- property unscheduled_card_on_file_sequence_indicator: str | None¶
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_cash_payment_method_specific_input.AbstractCashPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractCashPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_e_invoice_payment_method_specific_input.AbstractEInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractEInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput__requires_approval': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractEInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property requires_approval: bool | None¶
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_indicator.AbstractIndicator[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractIndicator__name': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractIndicator__value': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractIndicator [source]¶
- property name: str | None¶
Type: str
- property value: str | None¶
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_order_status.AbstractOrderStatus[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractOrderStatus__id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractOrderStatus [source]¶
- property id: str | None¶
- Every payment entity resource has an identifier or pointer associated with it. This id can be used to uniquely reach the resource.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_payment_method_specific_input.AbstractPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- Payment product identifierPlease see payment products <> for a full overview of possible values.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_payment_method_specific_output.AbstractPaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractPaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- Payment product identifierPlease see payment products <> for a full overview of possible values.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_payout_method_specific_input.AbstractPayoutMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractPayoutMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_redirect_payment_method_specific_input.AbstractRedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractRedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__expiration_period': typing.Optional[int], '_AbstractRedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__recurring_payment_sequence_indicator': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractRedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__requires_approval': typing.Optional[bool], '_AbstractRedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__token': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractRedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__tokenize': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property expiration_period: int | None¶
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractRedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property recurring_payment_sequence_indicator: str | None¶
Type: str
- property requires_approval: bool | None¶
Type: bool
- property token: str | None¶
Type: str
- property tokenize: bool | None¶
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_redirect_payment_product4101_specific_input.AbstractRedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractRedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_redirect_payment_product840_specific_input.AbstractRedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractRedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInput__address_selection_at_pay_pal': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property address_selection_at_pay_pal: bool | None¶
Type: bool
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractRedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input.AbstractSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_sepa_direct_debit_payment_product771_specific_input.AbstractSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInput__mandate_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInput [source]¶
- property mandate_reference: str | None¶
Type: str
Deprecated; Use existingUniqueMandateReference or mandate.uniqueMandateReference instead
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_three_d_secure.AbstractThreeDSecure[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractThreeDSecure__authentication_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_AbstractThreeDSecure__authentication_flow': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractThreeDSecure__challenge_canvas_size': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractThreeDSecure__challenge_indicator': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractThreeDSecure__exemption_request': typing.Optional[str], '_AbstractThreeDSecure__prior_three_d_secure_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure_data.ThreeDSecureData], '_AbstractThreeDSecure__sdk_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sdk_data_input.SdkDataInput], '_AbstractThreeDSecure__skip_authentication': typing.Optional[bool], '_AbstractThreeDSecure__transaction_risk_level': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property authentication_amount: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- property authentication_flow: str | None¶
Type: str
- property challenge_canvas_size: str | None¶
Type: str
- property challenge_indicator: str | None¶
Type: str
- property exemption_request: str | None¶
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractThreeDSecure [source]¶
- property prior_three_d_secure_data: ThreeDSecureData | None¶
- property sdk_data: SdkDataInput | None¶
- property skip_authentication: bool | None¶
Type: bool
- property transaction_risk_level: str | None¶
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.abstract_token.AbstractToken[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AbstractToken__alias': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property alias: str | None¶
- An alias for the token. This can be used to visually represent the token.If no alias is given in Create token calls, a payment product specific default is used, e.g. the obfuscated card number for card payment products.Do not include any unobfuscated sensitive data in the alias.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AbstractToken [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.account_funding_recipient.AccountFundingRecipient[source]¶
Object containing specific data regarding the recipient of an account funding transaction- __annotations__ = {'_AccountFundingRecipient__account_number': typing.Optional[str], '_AccountFundingRecipient__account_number_type': typing.Optional[str], '_AccountFundingRecipient__address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address], '_AccountFundingRecipient__date_of_birth': typing.Optional[str], '_AccountFundingRecipient__name': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.afr_name.AfrName], '_AccountFundingRecipient__partial_pan': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property account_number: str | None¶
- Should be populated with the value of the corresponding accountNumberType of the recipient.
Type: str
- property account_number_type: str | None¶
- Defines the account number type of the recipient. Possible values are:
cash = Mode of payment is cash to the recipient.
walletId = Digital wallet ID.
routingNumber = Routing Transit Number is a code used by financial institutions to identify other financial institutions.
iban = International Bank Account Number, is a standard international numbering system for identifying bank accounts.
bicNumber = Bank Identification Code is a number that is used to identify a specific bank.
giftCard = Gift card is a type of prepaid card that contains a specific amount of money that can be used at participating stores and marketplaces.
Type: str
- property address: Address | None¶
- Object containing the address details of the recipient of an account funding transaction.
- property date_of_birth: str | None¶
- The date of birth of the recipientFormat: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AccountFundingRecipient [source]¶
- property name: AfrName | None¶
- Object containing the name details of the recipient of an account funding transaction.
- property partial_pan: str | None¶
- Either partialPan or accountnumber is required for merchants that use Merchant Category Code (MCC) 6012 for transactions involving UK costumers.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.account_on_file.AccountOnFile[source]¶
Elements from the AccountsOnFile array- __annotations__ = {'_AccountOnFile__attributes': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.account_on_file_attribute.AccountOnFileAttribute]], '_AccountOnFile__display_hints': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.account_on_file_display_hints.AccountOnFileDisplayHints], '_AccountOnFile__id': typing.Optional[int], '_AccountOnFile__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property attributes: List[AccountOnFileAttribute] | None¶
- Array containing the details of the stored token
Type: list[
- property display_hints: AccountOnFileDisplayHints | None¶
- Object containing information for the client on how best to display this field
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AccountOnFile [source]¶
- property id: int | None¶
- ID of the account on file record
Type: int
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- Payment product identifierPlease see payment products <> for a full overview of possible values.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.account_on_file_attribute.AccountOnFileAttribute[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AccountOnFileAttribute__must_write_reason': typing.Optional[str], '_AccountOnFileAttribute__status': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AccountOnFileAttribute [source]¶
- property must_write_reason: str | None¶
- The reason why the status is MUST_WRITE. Currently only “IN_THE_PAST” is possible as value (for expiry date), but this can be extended with new values in the future.
Type: str
- property status: str | None¶
- Possible values:
READ_ONLY - attribute cannot be updated and should be presented in that way to the user
CAN_WRITE - attribute can be updated and should be presented as an editable field, for example an expiration date that will expire very soon
MUST_WRITE - attribute should be updated and must be presented as an editable field, for example an expiration date that has already expired
Any updated values that are entered for CAN_WRITE or MUST_WRITE will be used to update the values stored in the token.Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.account_on_file_display_hints.AccountOnFileDisplayHints[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AccountOnFileDisplayHints__label_template': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.label_template_element.LabelTemplateElement]], '_AccountOnFileDisplayHints__logo': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AccountOnFileDisplayHints [source]¶
- property label_template: List[LabelTemplateElement] | None¶
- Array of attribute keys and their mask
Type: list[
- property logo: str | None¶
- Partial URL that you can reference for the image of this payment product. You can use our server-side resize functionality by appending ‘?size={{width}}x{{height}}’ to the full URL, where width and height are specified in pixels. The resized image will always keep its correct aspect ratio.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.additional_order_input.AdditionalOrderInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AdditionalOrderInput__account_funding_recipient': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.account_funding_recipient.AccountFundingRecipient], '_AdditionalOrderInput__airline_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.airline_data.AirlineData], '_AdditionalOrderInput__installments': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.installments.Installments], '_AdditionalOrderInput__level3_summary_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.level3_summary_data.Level3SummaryData], '_AdditionalOrderInput__loan_recipient': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.loan_recipient.LoanRecipient], '_AdditionalOrderInput__lodging_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.lodging_data.LodgingData], '_AdditionalOrderInput__number_of_installments': typing.Optional[int], '_AdditionalOrderInput__order_date': typing.Optional[str], '_AdditionalOrderInput__type_information': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_type_information.OrderTypeInformation]}¶
- property account_funding_recipient: AccountFundingRecipient | None¶
- Object containing specific data regarding the recipient of an account funding transaction
- property airline_data: AirlineData | None¶
- Object that holds airline specific data
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AdditionalOrderInput [source]¶
- property installments: Installments | None¶
- Object containing data related to installments which can be used for card payments and only with some acquirers. In case you send in the details of this object, only the combination of card products and acquirers that do support installments will be shown on the MyCheckout hosted payment pages.
- property level3_summary_data: Level3SummaryData | None¶
- Object that holds Level3 summary data
Deprecated; Use Order.shoppingCart.amountBreakdown instead
- property loan_recipient: LoanRecipient | None¶
- Object containing specific data regarding the recipient of a loan in the UK
Deprecated; No replacement
- property lodging_data: LodgingData | None¶
- Object that holds lodging specific data
- property number_of_installments: int | None¶
- The number of installments in which this transaction will be paid, which can be used for card payments. Only used with some acquirers. In case you send in the details of this object, only the combination of card products and acquirers that do support installments will be shown on the MyCheckout hosted payment pages.
Type: int
Deprecated; Use installments.numberOfInstallments instead
- property order_date: str | None¶
- Date and time of orderFormat: YYYYMMDDHH24MISS
Type: str
- property type_information: OrderTypeInformation | None¶
- Object that holds the purchase and usage type indicators
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.additional_order_input_airline_data.AdditionalOrderInputAirlineData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AdditionalOrderInputAirlineData__airline_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.airline_data.AirlineData], '_AdditionalOrderInputAirlineData__lodging_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.lodging_data.LodgingData]}¶
- property airline_data: AirlineData | None¶
- Object that holds airline specific data
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AdditionalOrderInputAirlineData [source]¶
- property lodging_data: LodgingData | None¶
- Object that holds lodging specific data
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_Address__additional_info': typing.Optional[str], '_Address__city': typing.Optional[str], '_Address__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_Address__house_number': typing.Optional[str], '_Address__state': typing.Optional[str], '_Address__state_code': typing.Optional[str], '_Address__street': typing.Optional[str], '_Address__zip': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property additional_info: str | None¶
- Additional address information. The additionalInfo is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
Type: str
- property city: str | None¶
- CityNote: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 40 but 20.
Type: str
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Type: str
- property house_number: str | None¶
- House number. The houseNumber is truncated after 10 characters for payments, refunds or payouts that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
Type: str
- property state: str | None¶
- Full name of the state or province
Type: str
- property state_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-2 alpha-3 state codeNotes:
The maximum length for 3-D Secure version 2 is AN3 for payments that are processed by the GlobalCollect platform
The maximum length for paymentProductId 1503 (Boleto) is AN2 for payments that are processed by the GlobalCollect platform
The maximum length is 3 for payments that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
Type: str
- property street: str | None¶
- Streetname
Type: str
- property zip: str | None¶
- Zip codeNote: For payments with product 1503 the maximum length is not 10 but 8.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address_personal.AddressPersonal[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AddressPersonal__name': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_name.PersonalName]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AddressPersonal [source]¶
- property name: PersonalName | None¶
- Object that holds the name elements
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.afr_name.AfrName[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AfrName__first_name': typing.Optional[str], '_AfrName__surname': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property first_name: str | None¶
- Given name(s) or first name(s) of the recipient of an account funding transaction.
Type: str
- property surname: str | None¶
- Surname(s) or last name(s) of the customer
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.airline_data.AirlineData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AirlineData__agent_numeric_code': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__code': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__flight_date': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__flight_legs': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.airline_flight_leg.AirlineFlightLeg]], '_AirlineData__invoice_number': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__is_e_ticket': typing.Optional[bool], '_AirlineData__is_registered_customer': typing.Optional[bool], '_AirlineData__is_restricted_ticket': typing.Optional[bool], '_AirlineData__is_third_party': typing.Optional[bool], '_AirlineData__issue_date': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__merchant_customer_id': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__name': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__number_in_party': typing.Optional[int], '_AirlineData__passenger_name': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__passengers': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.airline_passenger.AirlinePassenger]], '_AirlineData__place_of_issue': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__pnr': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__point_of_sale': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__pos_city_code': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__ticket_delivery_method': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__ticket_number': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineData__total_fare': typing.Optional[int], '_AirlineData__total_fee': typing.Optional[int], '_AirlineData__total_taxes': typing.Optional[int], '_AirlineData__travel_agency_name': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property agent_numeric_code: str | None¶
- Numeric code identifying the agent
Type: str
- property code: str | None¶
- Airline numeric code
Type: str
- property flight_date: str | None¶
- Date of the FlightFormat: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- property flight_legs: List[AirlineFlightLeg] | None¶
- Object that holds the data on the individual legs of the ticket
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AirlineData [source]¶
- property invoice_number: str | None¶
- Airline tracing number
Type: str
- property is_e_ticket: bool | None¶
true = The ticket is an E-Ticket
false = the ticket is not an E-Ticket
Type: bool
- property is_registered_customer: bool | None¶
true = a registered known customer
false = unknown customer
Type: bool
Deprecated; Use Order.customer.accountType instead
- property is_restricted_ticket: bool | None¶
true - Restricted, the ticket is non-refundable
false - No restrictions, the ticket is (partially) refundable
Type: bool
- property is_third_party: bool | None¶
true - The payer is the ticket holder
false - The payer is not the ticket holder
Type: bool
- property issue_date: str | None¶
- This is the date of issue recorded in the airline systemIn a case of multiple issuances of the same ticket to a cardholder, you should use the last ticket date.Format: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- property merchant_customer_id: str | None¶
- Your ID of the customer in the context of the airline data
Type: str
- property name: str | None¶
- Name of the airline
Type: str
- property number_in_party: int | None¶
- Total number of passengers in the party. If the the property numberInParty is not present, then the number of passengers will be used on the WL Online Payment Acceptance Platform.
Type: int
- property passenger_name: str | None¶
- Name of passenger
Type: str
- property passengers: List[AirlinePassenger] | None¶
- Object that holds the data on the individual passengers (this object is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
Type: list[
- property place_of_issue: str | None¶
- Place of issueFor sales in the US the last two characters (pos 14-15) must be the US state code.
Type: str
- property pnr: str | None¶
- Passenger name record
Type: str
- property point_of_sale: str | None¶
- IATA point of sale name
Type: str
- property pos_city_code: str | None¶
- city code of the point of sale
Type: str
- property ticket_delivery_method: str | None¶
- Possible values:
Type: str
- property ticket_number: str | None¶
- The ticket or document number. On the Ogone Payment Platform and the GlobalCollect Payment Platform it contains:
Airline code: 3-digit airline code number
Form code: A maximum of 3 digits indicating the type of document, the source of issue and the number of coupons it contains
Serial number: A maximum of 8 digits allocated on a sequential basis, provided that the total number of digits allocated to the form code and serial number shall not exceed ten
TICKETNUMBER can be replaced with PNR if the ticket number is unavailable
Type: str
- property total_fare: int | None¶
- Total fare for all legs on the ticket, excluding taxes and fees. If multiple tickets are purchased, this is the total fare for all tickets
Type: int
- property total_fee: int | None¶
- Total fee for all legs on the ticket. If multiple tickets are purchased, this is the total fee for all tickets
Type: int
- property total_taxes: int | None¶
- Total taxes for all legs on the ticket. If multiple tickets are purchased, this is the total taxes for all tickets
Type: int
- property travel_agency_name: str | None¶
- Name of the travel agency issuing the ticket. For direct airline integration, leave this property blank on the Ogone Payment Platform.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.airline_flight_leg.AirlineFlightLeg[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AirlineFlightLeg__airline_class': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__arrival_airport': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__arrival_time': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__carrier_code': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__conjunction_ticket': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__coupon_number': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__date': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__departure_time': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__endorsement_or_restriction': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__exchange_ticket': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__fare': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__fare_basis': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__fee': typing.Optional[int], '_AirlineFlightLeg__flight_number': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__number': typing.Optional[int], '_AirlineFlightLeg__origin_airport': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__passenger_class': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__service_class': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__stopover_code': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlineFlightLeg__taxes': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property airline_class: str | None¶
- Reservation Booking Designator
Type: str
- property arrival_airport: str | None¶
- Arrival airport/city code
Type: str
- property arrival_time: str | None¶
- The arrival time in the local time zoneFormat: HH:MM
Type: str
- property carrier_code: str | None¶
- IATA carrier code
Type: str
- property conjunction_ticket: str | None¶
- Identifying number of a ticket issued to a passenger in conjunction with this ticket and that constitutes a single contract of carriage
Type: str
- property coupon_number: str | None¶
- The coupon number associated with this leg of the trip. A ticket can contain several legs of travel, and each leg of travel requires a separate coupon
Type: str
- property date: str | None¶
- Date of the legFormat: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- property departure_time: str | None¶
- The departure time in the local time at the departure airportFormat: HH:MM
Type: str
- property endorsement_or_restriction: str | None¶
- An endorsement can be an agency-added notation or a mandatory government required notation, such as value-added tax. A restriction is a limitation based on the type of fare, such as a ticket with a 3-day minimum stay
Type: str
- property exchange_ticket: str | None¶
- New ticket number that is issued when a ticket is exchanged
Type: str
- property fare: str | None¶
- Fare of this leg
Type: str
- property fare_basis: str | None¶
- Fare Basis/Ticket Designator
Type: str
- property fee: int | None¶
- Fee for this leg of the trip
Type: int
- property flight_number: str | None¶
- The flight number assigned by the airline carrier with no leading spacesShould be a numeric string
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AirlineFlightLeg [source]¶
- property number: int | None¶
- Sequence number of the flight leg
Type: int
- property origin_airport: str | None¶
- Origin airport/city code
Type: str
- property passenger_class: str | None¶
- PassengerClass if this leg
Type: str
- property service_class: str | None¶
- ServiceClass of this leg (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform).Possible values are:
Type: str
Deprecated; Use passengerClass instead
- property stopover_code: str | None¶
- Possible values are:
permitted = Stopover permitted
non-permitted = Stopover not permitted
Type: str
- property taxes: int | None¶
- Taxes for this leg of the trip
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.airline_passenger.AirlinePassenger[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AirlinePassenger__first_name': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlinePassenger__surname': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlinePassenger__surname_prefix': typing.Optional[str], '_AirlinePassenger__title': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property first_name: str | None¶
- First name of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AirlinePassenger [source]¶
- property surname: str | None¶
- Surname of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
Type: str
- property surname_prefix: str | None¶
- Surname prefix of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
Type: str
- property title: str | None¶
- Title of the passenger (this property is used for fraud screening on the Ogone Payment Platform)
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_breakdown.AmountBreakdown[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AmountBreakdown__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_AmountBreakdown__type': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property amount: int | None¶
- Amount in cents and always having 2 decimals
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AmountBreakdown [source]¶
- property type: str | None¶
- Type of the amount. Each type is only allowed to be provided once. Allowed values:
AIRPORT_TAX - The amount of tax paid for the airport, with the last 2 digits implied as decimal places.
CONSUMPTION_TAX - The amount of consumption tax paid by the customer, with the last 2 digits implied as decimal places.
DISCOUNT - Discount on the entire transaction, with the last 2 digits implied as decimal places.
DUTY - Duty on the entire transaction, with the last 2 digits implied as decimal places.
HANDLING - Handling cost on the entire transaction, with the last 2 digits implied as decimal places.
SHIPPING - Shipping cost on the entire transaction, with the last 2 digits implied as decimal places.
TAX - Total tax paid on the entire transaction, with the last 2 digits implied as decimal places.
VAT - Total amount of VAT paid on the transaction, with the last 2 digits implied as decimal places.
BASE_AMOUNT - Order amount excluding all taxes, discount & shipping costs, with the last 2 digits implied as decimal places.Note: BASE_AMOUNT is only supported by the GlobalCollect and Ogone Payment Platforms.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_AmountOfMoney__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_AmountOfMoney__currency_code': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property amount: int | None¶
- Amount in cents and always having 2 decimals
Type: int
- property currency_code: str | None¶
- Three-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AmountOfMoney [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.api_error.APIError[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_APIError__category': typing.Optional[str], '_APIError__code': typing.Optional[str], '_APIError__http_status_code': typing.Optional[int], '_APIError__id': typing.Optional[str], '_APIError__message': typing.Optional[str], '_APIError__property_name': typing.Optional[str], '_APIError__request_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property category: str | None¶
- Category the error belongs to. The category should give an indication of the type of error you are dealing with.Possible values:
CONNECT_PLATFORM_ERROR - indicating that a functional error has occurred in the Connect platform.
PAYMENT_PLATFORM_ERROR - indicating that a functional error has occurred in the Payment platform.
IO_ERROR - indicating that a technical error has occurred within the Connect platform or between Connect and any of the payment platforms or third party systems.
Type: str
- property code: str | None¶
- Error code
Type: str
- property http_status_code: int | None¶
- HTTP status code for this error that can be used to determine the type of error
Type: int
- property id: str | None¶
- ID of the error. This is a short human-readable message that briefly describes the error.
Type: str
- property message: str | None¶
- Human-readable error message that is not meant to be relayed to customer as it might tip off people who are trying to commit fraud
Type: str
- property property_name: str | None¶
- Returned only if the error relates to a value that was missing or incorrect.Contains a location path to the value as a JSonata query <>.Some common examples:
a.b selects the value of property b of root property a,
a[1] selects the first element of the array in root property a,
a[b=’some value’] selects all elements of the array in root property a that have a property b with value ‘some value’.
Type: str
- property request_id: str | None¶
- ID of the request that can be used for debugging purposes
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_card_payment_method_specific_output.ApprovePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ApprovePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__void_response_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApprovePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property void_response_id: str | None¶
- Result of the authorization reversal requestPossible values are:
00 - Successful reversal
0, 8 or 11 - Reversal request submitted
5 or 55 - Reversal request declined or referred
empty or 98 - The provider did not provide a response
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input.ApprovePaymentDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApprovePaymentDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_mobile_payment_method_specific_output.ApprovePaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
Mobile payment specific response data- __annotations__ = {'_ApprovePaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput__void_response_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApprovePaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property void_response_id: str | None¶
- Result of the authorization reversal requestPossible values are:
00 - Successful reversal
0, 8 or 11 - Reversal request submitted
5 or 55 - Reversal request declined or referred
empty or 98 - The provider did not provide a response
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input.ApprovePaymentNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApprovePaymentNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_payment_method_specific_input.ApprovePaymentPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ApprovePaymentPaymentMethodSpecificInput__date_collect': typing.Optional[str], '_ApprovePaymentPaymentMethodSpecificInput__token': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property date_collect: str | None¶
- The desired date for the collectionFormat: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApprovePaymentPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property token: str | None¶
- Token containing tokenized bank account details
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_request.ApprovePaymentRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ApprovePaymentRequest__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_ApprovePaymentRequest__direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input.ApprovePaymentNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput], '_ApprovePaymentRequest__order': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_approve_payment.OrderApprovePayment], '_ApprovePaymentRequest__sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input.ApprovePaymentSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput]}¶
- property amount: int | None¶
- In case you want to approve the capture of a different lower amount you can specify this here (specified in cents, where single digit currencies are presumed to have 2 digits)
Type: int
- property direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input: ApprovePaymentNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object that holds non-SEPA Direct Debit specific input data
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApprovePaymentRequest [source]¶
- property order: OrderApprovePayment | None¶
- Object that holds the order data
- property sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input: ApprovePaymentSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object that holds SEPA Direct Debit specific input data
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input.ApprovePaymentSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApprovePaymentSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payout_request.ApprovePayoutRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ApprovePayoutRequest__date_payout': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property date_payout: str | None¶
- The desired date for the payoutFormat: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApprovePayoutRequest [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_refund_request.ApproveRefundRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ApproveRefundRequest__amount': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property amount: int | None¶
- Refund amount to be approved
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApproveRefundRequest [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_token_request.ApproveTokenRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ApproveTokenRequest [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.authentication_indicator.AuthenticationIndicator[source]¶
Indicates if the payment product supports 3D Security (mandatory, optional or not needed).- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) AuthenticationIndicator [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account.BankAccount[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_BankAccount__account_holder_name': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property account_holder_name: str | None¶
- Name in which the account is held.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankAccount [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban.BankAccountBban[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_BankAccountBban__account_number': typing.Optional[str], '_BankAccountBban__bank_code': typing.Optional[str], '_BankAccountBban__bank_name': typing.Optional[str], '_BankAccountBban__branch_code': typing.Optional[str], '_BankAccountBban__check_digit': typing.Optional[str], '_BankAccountBban__country_code': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property account_number: str | None¶
- Bank account number
Type: str
- property bank_code: str | None¶
- Bank code
Type: str
- property bank_name: str | None¶
- Name of the bank
Type: str
- property branch_code: str | None¶
- Branch code
Type: str
- property check_digit: str | None¶
- Bank check digit
Type: str
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country where the bank account is heldFor UK payouts this value is automatically set to GB as only payouts to UK accounts are supported.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankAccountBban [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban_refund.BankAccountBbanRefund[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_BankAccountBbanRefund__bank_city': typing.Optional[str], '_BankAccountBbanRefund__patronymic_name': typing.Optional[str], '_BankAccountBbanRefund__swift_code': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property bank_city: str | None¶
- City of the bank to refund to
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankAccountBbanRefund [source]¶
- property patronymic_name: str | None¶
- Every Russian has three names: a first name, a patronymic, and a surname. The second name is a patronymic. Russian patronymic is a name derived from the father’s first name by adding -ович/-евич (son of) for male, or -овна/-евна (daughter of) for females.
Type: str
- property swift_code: str | None¶
- The BIC is the Business Identifier Code, also known as SWIFT or Bank Identifier code. It is a code with an internationally agreed format to Identify a specific bank. The BIC contains 8 or 11 positions: the first 4 contain the bank code, followed by the country code and location code.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_iban.BankAccountIban[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_BankAccountIban__iban': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankAccountIban [source]¶
- property iban: str | None¶
- The IBAN is the International Bank Account Number. It is an internationally agreed format for the BBAN and includes the ISO country code and two check digits.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_data.BankData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_BankData__new_bank_name': typing.Optional[str], '_BankData__reformatted_account_number': typing.Optional[str], '_BankData__reformatted_bank_code': typing.Optional[str], '_BankData__reformatted_branch_code': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property new_bank_name: str | None¶
- Bank name, matching the bank code of the request
Type: str
- property reformatted_account_number: str | None¶
- Reformatted account number according to local clearing rules
Type: str
- property reformatted_bank_code: str | None¶
- Reformatted bank code according to local clearing rules
Type: str
- property reformatted_branch_code: str | None¶
- Reformatted branch code according to local clearing rules
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_details.BankDetails[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_BankDetails__bank_account_bban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban.BankAccountBban], '_BankDetails__bank_account_iban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_iban.BankAccountIban]}¶
- property bank_account_bban: BankAccountBban | None¶
- Object that holds the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) data
- property bank_account_iban: BankAccountIban | None¶
- Object that holds the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) data
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankDetails [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_details_request.BankDetailsRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankDetailsRequest [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_details_response.BankDetailsResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_BankDetailsResponse__bank_account_bban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban.BankAccountBban], '_BankDetailsResponse__bank_account_iban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_iban.BankAccountIban], '_BankDetailsResponse__bank_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_data.BankData], '_BankDetailsResponse__swift': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.swift.Swift]}¶
- property bank_account_bban: BankAccountBban | None¶
- Object that holds the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) data
- property bank_account_iban: BankAccountIban | None¶
- Object that holds the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) data
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankDetailsResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_refund_method_specific_input.BankRefundMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_BankRefundMethodSpecificInput__bank_account_bban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban_refund.BankAccountBbanRefund], '_BankRefundMethodSpecificInput__bank_account_iban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_iban.BankAccountIban], '_BankRefundMethodSpecificInput__country_code': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property bank_account_bban: BankAccountBbanRefund | None¶
- Object that holds the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) data
- property bank_account_iban: BankAccountIban | None¶
- Object that holds the International Bank Account Number (IBAN) data
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country where money will be refunded to
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankRefundMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_input.BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_input_base.BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_output.BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__fraud_results': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_results.FraudResults]}¶
- property fraud_results: FraudResults | None¶
- Object containing the results of the fraud screening
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_transfer_payout_method_specific_input.BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput__bank_account_bban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban.BankAccountBban], '_BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput__bank_account_iban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_iban.BankAccountIban], '_BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_customer.PayoutCustomer], '_BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput__payout_date': typing.Optional[str], '_BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput__payout_text': typing.Optional[str], '_BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput__swift_code': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property bank_account_bban: BankAccountBban | None¶
- Object containing account holder name and bank account information. This property can only be used for payouts in the UK.
- property bank_account_iban: BankAccountIban | None¶
- Object containing account holder and IBAN information.
- property customer: PayoutCustomer | None¶
- Object containing the details of the customer.
Deprecated; Moved to PayoutDetails
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property payout_date: str | None¶
- Date of the payout sent to the bank by us.Format: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- property payout_text: str | None¶
- Text to be printed on the bank account statement of the beneficiary. The maximum allowed length might differ per country. The data will be automatically truncated to the maximum allowed length.
Type: str
- property swift_code: str | None¶
- The BIC is the Business Identifier Code, also known as SWIFT or Bank Identifier code. It is a code with an internationally agreed format to Identify a specific bank. The BIC contains 8 or 11 positions: the first 4 contain the bank code, followed by the country code and location code.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.boleto_bancario_requiredness_validator.BoletoBancarioRequirednessValidator[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_BoletoBancarioRequirednessValidator__fiscal_number_length': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property fiscal_number_length: int | None¶
- When performing a payment with Boleto Bancario, some values are only required when the fiscalnumber has a specific length. The length the fiscalnumber has to have to make the field required is defined here.For example the CompanyName is required when the fiscalnumber is a CNPJ. The firstname and surname are required when the fiscalnumber is a CPF.
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BoletoBancarioRequirednessValidator [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.browser_data.BrowserData[source]¶
Object containing information regarding the browser of the customer- __annotations__ = {'_BrowserData__color_depth': typing.Optional[int], '_BrowserData__inner_height': typing.Optional[str], '_BrowserData__inner_width': typing.Optional[str], '_BrowserData__java_enabled': typing.Optional[bool], '_BrowserData__java_script_enabled': typing.Optional[bool], '_BrowserData__screen_height': typing.Optional[str], '_BrowserData__screen_width': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property color_depth: int | None¶
- ColorDepth in bits. Value is returned from the screen.colorDepth property.If you use the latest version of our JavaScript Client SDK, we will collect this data and include it in the encryptedCustomerInput property. We will then automatically populate this data if available.Note: This data can only be collected if JavaScript is enabled in the browser. This means that 3-D Secure version 2.1 requires the use of JavaScript to enabled. In the upcoming version 2.2 of the specification this is no longer a requirement. As we currently support version 2.1 it means that this property is required when cardPaymentMethodSpecifInput.threeDSecure.authenticationFlow is set to “browser”.
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) BrowserData [source]¶
- property inner_height: str | None¶
- The innerHeight of the frame in case you are capturing your payments in a frame. We will use this to validate if the height provided in the cardPaymentMethodSpecifInput.threeDSecure.challengeCanvasSize will actually fit in the iFrame you use.
Type: str
- property inner_width: str | None¶
- The innerWidth of the frame in case you are capturing your payments in a frame. We will use this to validate if the width provided in the cardPaymentMethodSpecifInput.threeDSecure.challengeCanvasSize will actually fit in the iFrame you use.
Type: str
- property java_enabled: bool | None¶
- true =Java is enabled in the browserfalse = Java is not enabled in the browserValue is returned from the navigator.javaEnabled property.If you use the latest version of our JavaScript Client SDK, we will collect this data and include it in the encryptedCustomerInput property. We will then automatically populate this data if available.Note: This data can only be collected if JavaScript is enabled in the browser. This means that 3-D Secure version 2.1 requires the use of JavaScript to enabled. In the upcoming version 2.2 of the specification this is no longer a requirement. As we currently support version 2.1 it means that this property is required when cardPaymentMethodSpecifInput.threeDSecure.authenticationFlow is set to “browser”.
Type: bool
- property java_script_enabled: bool | None¶
- true = JavaScript is enabled in the browserfalse = JavaScript is not enabled in the browserNote: Required in future 3-D Secure version 2.2.
Type: bool
- property screen_height: str | None¶
- Height of the screen in pixels. Value is returned from the screen.height property.If you use the latest version of our JavaScript Client SDK, we will collect this data and include it in the encryptedCustomerInput property. We will then automatically populate this data if available.Note: This data can only be collected if JavaScript is enabled in the browser. This means that 3-D Secure version 2.1 requires the use of JavaScript to enabled. In the upcoming version 2.2 of the specification this is no longer a requirement. As we currently support version 2.1 it means that this property is required when cardPaymentMethodSpecifInput.threeDSecure.authenticationFlow is set to “browser”.
Type: str
- property screen_width: str | None¶
- Width of the screen in pixels. Value is returned from the screen.width property.If you use the latest version of our JavaScript Client SDK, we will collect this data and include it in the encryptedCustomerInput property. We will then automatically populate this data if available.Note: This data can only be collected if JavaScript is enabled in the browser. This means that 3-D Secure version 2.1 requires the use of JavaScript to enabled. In the upcoming version 2.2 of the specification this is no longer a requirement. As we currently support version 2.1 it means that this property is required when cardPaymentMethodSpecifInput.threeDSecure.authenticationFlow is set to “browser”.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cancel_approval_payment_response.CancelApprovalPaymentResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CancelApprovalPaymentResponse__payment': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment.Payment]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CancelApprovalPaymentResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cancel_payment_card_payment_method_specific_output.CancelPaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
Content of the cardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput object from the CancelPaymentResponse- __annotations__ = {'_CancelPaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__void_response_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CancelPaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property void_response_id: str | None¶
- Result of the authorization reversal requestPossible values are:
00 - Successful reversal
0, 8 or 11 - Reversal request submitted
5 or 55 - Reversal request declined or referred
empty or 98 - The provider did not provide a response
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cancel_payment_mobile_payment_method_specific_output.CancelPaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
Content of the mobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput object from the CancelPaymentResponse- __annotations__ = {'_CancelPaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput__void_response_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CancelPaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property void_response_id: str | None¶
- Result of the authorization reversal requestPossible values are:
00 - Successful reversal
0, 8 or 11 - Reversal request submitted
5 or 55 - Reversal request declined or referred
empty or 98 - The provider did not provide a response
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cancel_payment_response.CancelPaymentResponse[source]¶
Response to the cancelation of a payment- __annotations__ = {'_CancelPaymentResponse__card_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cancel_payment_card_payment_method_specific_output.CancelPaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_CancelPaymentResponse__mobile_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cancel_payment_mobile_payment_method_specific_output.CancelPaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_CancelPaymentResponse__payment': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment.Payment]}¶
- property card_payment_method_specific_output: CancelPaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object that holds specific information on cancelled card payments
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CancelPaymentResponse [source]¶
- property mobile_payment_method_specific_output: CancelPaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object that holds specific information on cancelled mobile payments
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.capture.Capture[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_Capture__capture_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.capture_output.CaptureOutput], '_Capture__status': typing.Optional[str], '_Capture__status_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.capture_status_output.CaptureStatusOutput]}¶
- property capture_output: CaptureOutput | None¶
- Object containing capture details
- property status: str | None¶
- Current high-level status of the payment in a human-readable form. Possible values are :
CAPTURE_REQUESTED - The transaction is in the queue to be captured.
CAPTURED - The transaction has been captured and we have received online confirmation.
CANCELLED - You have cancelled the transaction.
REJECTED_CAPTURE - We or one of our downstream acquirers/providers have rejected the capture request.
REVERSED - The transaction has been reversed.
Please see Statuses <> for a full overview of possible values.Type: str
- property status_output: CaptureStatusOutput | None¶
- This object has the numeric representation of the current capture status, timestamp of last status change and performable action on the current payment resource.In case of failed payments and negative scenarios, detailed error information is listed.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.capture_output.CaptureOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CaptureOutput__amount_paid': typing.Optional[int], '_CaptureOutput__amount_reversed': typing.Optional[int], '_CaptureOutput__bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_output.BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_CaptureOutput__card_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_method_specific_output.CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_CaptureOutput__cash_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_method_specific_output.CashPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_CaptureOutput__direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output.NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_CaptureOutput__e_invoice_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.e_invoice_payment_method_specific_output.EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_CaptureOutput__invoice_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.invoice_payment_method_specific_output.InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_CaptureOutput__mobile_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_method_specific_output.MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_CaptureOutput__payment_method': typing.Optional[str], '_CaptureOutput__redirect_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_method_specific_output.RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_CaptureOutput__reversal_reason': typing.Optional[str], '_CaptureOutput__sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output.SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput]}¶
- property amount_paid: int | None¶
- Amount that has been paid
Type: int
- property amount_reversed: int | None¶
- Amount that has been reversed
Type: int
- property bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_output: BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the bank transfer payment method details
- property card_payment_method_specific_output: CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the card payment method details
- property cash_payment_method_specific_output: CashPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the cash payment method details
- property direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output: NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the non SEPA direct debit payment method details
- property e_invoice_payment_method_specific_output: EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the e-invoice payment method details
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CaptureOutput [source]¶
- property invoice_payment_method_specific_output: InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the invoice payment method details
- property mobile_payment_method_specific_output: MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the mobile payment method details
- property payment_method: str | None¶
- Payment method identifier used by the our payment engine with the following possible values:
Type: str
- property redirect_payment_method_specific_output: RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the redirect payment product details
- property reversal_reason: str | None¶
- The reason description given for the reversedAmount property.
Type: str
- property sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output: SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the SEPA direct debit details
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.capture_payment_request.CapturePaymentRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CapturePaymentRequest__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_CapturePaymentRequest__is_final': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property amount: int | None¶
- Here you can specify the amount that you want to capture (specified in cents, where single digit currencies are presumed to have 2 digits).The amount can be lower than the amount that was authorized, but not higher.If left empty, the full amount will be captured and the request will be final.If the full amount is captured, the request will also be final.
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CapturePaymentRequest [source]¶
- property is_final: bool | None¶
- This property indicates whether this will be the final capture of this transaction.The default value for this property is false.
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.capture_response.CaptureResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CaptureResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.capture_status_output.CaptureStatusOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CaptureStatusOutput__is_retriable': typing.Optional[bool], '_CaptureStatusOutput__provider_raw_output': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.key_value_pair.KeyValuePair]], '_CaptureStatusOutput__status_code': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CaptureStatusOutput [source]¶
- property is_retriable: bool | None¶
- Flag indicating whether a rejected payment may be retried by the merchant without incurring a fee
Type: bool
- property provider_raw_output: List[KeyValuePair] | None¶
- This is the raw response returned by the acquirer. This property contains unprocessed data directly returned by the acquirer. It’s recommended for data analysis only due to its dynamic nature, which may undergo future changes.
Type: list[
- property status_code: int | None¶
- Numeric status code of the legacy API. It is returned to ease the migration from the legacy APIs to Worldline Connect. You should not write new business logic based on this property as it will be deprecated in a future version of the API. The value can also be found in the GlobalCollect Payment Console, in the Ogone BackOffice and in report files.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.captures_response.CapturesResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CapturesResponse__captures': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.capture.Capture]]}¶
- property captures: List[Capture] | None¶
- The list of all captures performed on the requested payment.
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CapturesResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card.Card[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_Card__cvv': typing.Optional[str], '_Card__partial_pin': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property cvv: str | None¶
- Card Verification Value, a 3 or 4 digit code used as an additional security feature for card not present transactions.
Type: str
- property partial_pin: str | None¶
- The first 2 digits of the card’s PIN code. May be optionally submitted for the following payment products:
BC Card (paymentProductId 180)
Hana Card (paymentProductId 181)
Hyundai Card (paymentProductId 182)
KB Card (paymentProductId 183)
Lotte Card (paymentProductId 184)
NH Card (paymentProductId 185)
Samsung Card (paymentProductId 186)
Shinhan Card (paymentProductId 187)
Submitting this property may improve your authorization rate.Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_essentials.CardEssentials[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CardEssentials__card_number': typing.Optional[str], '_CardEssentials__cardholder_name': typing.Optional[str], '_CardEssentials__expiry_date': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property card_number: str | None¶
- The complete credit/debit card number
Type: str
- property cardholder_name: str | None¶
- The card holder’s name on the card. Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 51 characters.
Type: str
- property expiry_date: str | None¶
- Expiry date of the cardFormat: MMYY
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardEssentials [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_fraud_results.CardFraudResults[source]¶
Details of the card payment fraud checks that were performed- __annotations__ = {'_CardFraudResults__avs_result': typing.Optional[str], '_CardFraudResults__cvv_result': typing.Optional[str], '_CardFraudResults__fraugster': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraugster_results.FraugsterResults], '_CardFraudResults__retail_decisions': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_results_retail_decisions.FraudResultsRetailDecisions]}¶
- property avs_result: str | None¶
- Result of the Address Verification Service checks. Possible values are:
A - Address (Street) matches, Zip does not
B - Street address match for international transactions—Postal code not verified due to incompatible formats
C - Street address and postal code not verified for international transaction due to incompatible formats
D - Street address and postal code match for international transaction, cardholder name is incorrect
E - AVS error
F - Address does match and five digit ZIP code does match (UK only)
G - Address information is unavailable; international transaction; non-AVS participant
H - Billing address and postal code match, cardholder name is incorrect (Amex)
I - Address information not verified for international transaction
K - Cardholder name matches (Amex)
L - Cardholder name and postal code match (Amex)
M - Cardholder name, street address, and postal code match for international transaction
N - No Match on Address (Street) or Zip
O - Cardholder name and address match (Amex)
P - Postal codes match for international transaction—Street address not verified due to incompatible formats
Q - Billing address matches, cardholder is incorrect (Amex)
R - Retry, System unavailable or Timed out
S - Service not supported by issuer
U - Address information is unavailable
W - 9 digit Zip matches, Address (Street) does not
X - Exact AVS Match
Y - Address (Street) and 5 digit Zip match
Z - 5 digit Zip matches, Address (Street) does not
0 - No service available
Type: str
- property cvv_result: str | None¶
- Result of the Card Verification Value checks. Possible values are:
M - CVV check performed and valid value
N - CVV checked and no match
P - CVV check not performed, not requested
S - Cardholder claims no CVV code on card, issuer states CVV-code should be on card
U - Issuer not certified for CVV2
Y - Server provider did not respond
0 - No service available
Type: str
- property fraugster: FraugsterResults | None¶
- Results of Fraugster fraud prevention check. Fraugster collects transaction data points such as name, email address, billing, etc. to analyze whether or not the transaction is fraudulent.
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardFraudResults [source]¶
- property retail_decisions: FraudResultsRetailDecisions | None¶
- Additional response data returned by RetailDecisions
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_method_specific_input.CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__card': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card.Card], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__external_cardholder_authentication_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.external_cardholder_authentication_data.ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__merchant_initiated_reason_indicator': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__network_token_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.scheme_token_data.SchemeTokenData], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__return_url': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__three_d_secure': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure.ThreeDSecure]}¶
- property card: Card | None¶
- Object containing card details. The card details will be ignored in case the property networkTokenData is present.
- property external_cardholder_authentication_data: ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData | None¶
- Object containing 3D secure details.
Deprecated; Use threeDSecure.externalCardholderAuthenticationData instead
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
- Indicates if this transaction is of a one-off or a recurring type
true - This is recurring
false - This is one-off
Type: bool
- property merchant_initiated_reason_indicator: str | None¶
- Indicates reason behind the merchant initiated transaction. These are industry specific.Possible values:
delayedCharges - Delayed charges are performed to process a supplemental account charge after original services have been rendered and respective payment has been processed. This is typically used in hotel, cruise lines and vehicle rental environments to perform a supplemental payment after the original services are rendered.
noShow - Cardholders can use their cards to make a guaranteed reservation with certain merchant segments. A guaranteed reservation ensures that the reservation will be honored and allows a merchant to perform a No Show transaction to charge the cardholder a penalty according to the merchant’s cancellation policy. For merchants that accept token-based payment credentials to guarantee a reservation, it is necessary to perform a customer initiated (Account Verification) at the time of reservation to be able perform a No Show transaction later.
Type: str
- property network_token_data: SchemeTokenData | None¶
- Object holding data that describes a network token
- property return_url: str | None¶
- The URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first.URLs without a protocol will be rejected.
Type: str
Deprecated; Use threeDSecure.redirectionData.returnUrl instead
- property three_d_secure: ThreeDSecure | None¶
- Object containing specific data regarding 3-D Secure
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_method_specific_input_base.CardPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CardPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase__three_d_secure': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure_base.ThreeDSecureBase]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase [source]¶
- property three_d_secure: ThreeDSecureBase | None¶
- Object containing specific data regarding 3-D Secure
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_method_specific_output.CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
Card payment specific response data- __annotations__ = {'_CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__authorisation_code': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__card': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_essentials.CardEssentials], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__fraud_results': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_fraud_results.CardFraudResults], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__initial_scheme_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__network_token_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.network_token_data.NetworkTokenData], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__network_token_used': typing.Optional[bool], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__payment_account_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__scheme_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__three_d_secure_results': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure_results.ThreeDSecureResults], '_CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__token': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property authorisation_code: str | None¶
- Card Authorization code as returned by the acquirer
Type: str
- property card: CardEssentials | None¶
- Object containing card details
- property fraud_results: CardFraudResults | None¶
- Fraud results contained in the CardFraudResults object
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property initial_scheme_transaction_id: str | None¶
- The unique scheme transactionId of the initial transaction that was performed with SCA.Should be stored by the merchant to allow it to be submitted in future transactions.
Type: str
- property network_token_data: NetworkTokenData | None¶
- Object holding data that describes a network token.
- property network_token_used: bool | None¶
- Indicates if a network token was used during the payment.
Type: bool
- property payment_account_reference: str | None¶
- A unique reference to the primary account number. Payment Account Reference provides a consolidated view of transactions associated with a PAN and its affiliated tokens, making it easier to identify customers and their associated transactions across payment channels.
Type: str
- property scheme_transaction_id: str | None¶
- The unique scheme transactionId of this transaction.Should be stored by the merchant to allow it to be submitted in future transactions. Use this value in case the initialSchemeTransactionId property is empty.
Type: str
- property three_d_secure_results: ThreeDSecureResults | None¶
- 3D Secure results object
- property token: str | None¶
- If a token was used for or created during the payment, then the ID of that token.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_payout_method_specific_input.CardPayoutMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CardPayoutMethodSpecificInput__card': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card.Card], '_CardPayoutMethodSpecificInput__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int], '_CardPayoutMethodSpecificInput__recipient': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_recipient.PayoutRecipient], '_CardPayoutMethodSpecificInput__token': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardPayoutMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- Payment product identifierPlease see payment products <> for a full overview of possible values.
Type: int
- property recipient: PayoutRecipient | None¶
- Object containing the details of the recipient of the payout
- property token: str | None¶
- ID of the token that holds previously stored card data.If both the token and card are provided, then the card takes precedence over the token.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_recurrence_details.CardRecurrenceDetails[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CardRecurrenceDetails__end_date': typing.Optional[str], '_CardRecurrenceDetails__min_frequency': typing.Optional[int], '_CardRecurrenceDetails__recurring_payment_sequence_indicator': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property end_date: str | None¶
- Date in YYYYMMDD after which there will be no further charges. If no value is provided we will set a default value of five years after we processed the first recurring transaction.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardRecurrenceDetails [source]¶
- property min_frequency: int | None¶
- Minimum number of days between authorizations. If no value is provided we will set a default value of 30 days.
Type: int
- property recurring_payment_sequence_indicator: str | None¶
first = This transaction is the first of a series of recurring transactions
recurring = This transaction is a subsequent transaction in a series of recurring transactions
last = This transaction is the last of a series of recurring transactions for payments that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
Note: For any first of a recurring the system will automatically create a token as you will need to use a token for any subsequent recurring transactions. In case a token already exists this is indicated in the response with a value of False for the isNewToken property in the response.Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_without_cvv.CardWithoutCvv[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CardWithoutCvv__issue_number': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CardWithoutCvv [source]¶
- property issue_number: str | None¶
- Issue number on the card (if applicable)
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_method_specific_input.CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product1503_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1503_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1503SpecificInput], '_CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product1504_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1504_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1504SpecificInput], '_CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product1521_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1521_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1521SpecificInput], '_CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product1522_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1522_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1522SpecificInput], '_CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product1523_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1523_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1523SpecificInput], '_CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product1524_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1524_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1524SpecificInput], '_CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product1526_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1526_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1526SpecificInput]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property payment_product1503_specific_input: CashPaymentProduct1503SpecificInput | None¶
- Object that holds the specific data for Boleto Bancario in Brazil (payment product 1503)
Deprecated; No replacement
- property payment_product1504_specific_input: CashPaymentProduct1504SpecificInput | None¶
- Object that holds the specific data for Konbini in Japan (payment product 1504)
- property payment_product1521_specific_input: CashPaymentProduct1521SpecificInput | None¶
- Object that holds the specific data for e-Pay (payment product 1521).
- property payment_product1522_specific_input: CashPaymentProduct1522SpecificInput | None¶
- Object that holds the specific data for Tesco - Paysbuy Cash (payment product 1522).
- property payment_product1523_specific_input: CashPaymentProduct1523SpecificInput | None¶
- Object that holds the specific data for ATM Transfers Indonesia(payment product 1523).
- property payment_product1524_specific_input: CashPaymentProduct1524SpecificInput | None¶
- Object that holds the specific data for DragonPay (payment product 1524).
- property payment_product1526_specific_input: CashPaymentProduct1526SpecificInput | None¶
- Object that holds the specific data for 7-11 MOLPay Cash (payment product 1526).
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_method_specific_input_base.CashPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CashPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_method_specific_output.CashPaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CashPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__fraud_results': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_results.FraudResults]}¶
- property fraud_results: FraudResults | None¶
- Object containing the results of the fraud screening
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CashPaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1503_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1503SpecificInput[source]¶
Deprecated; No replacement
- __annotations__ = {'_CashPaymentProduct1503SpecificInput__return_url': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CashPaymentProduct1503SpecificInput [source]¶
- property return_url: str | None¶
- The URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first.URLs without a protocol will be rejected.
Type: str
Deprecated; No replacement, since Boleto Bancario no longer needs a return URL
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1504_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1504SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CashPaymentProduct1504SpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1521_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1521SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CashPaymentProduct1521SpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1522_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1522SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CashPaymentProduct1522SpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1523_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1523SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CashPaymentProduct1523SpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1524_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1524SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CashPaymentProduct1524SpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product1526_specific_input.CashPaymentProduct1526SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CashPaymentProduct1526SpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_product_with_redirect_specific_input_base.CashPaymentProductWithRedirectSpecificInputBase[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CashPaymentProductWithRedirectSpecificInputBase__return_url': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CashPaymentProductWithRedirectSpecificInputBase [source]¶
- property return_url: str | None¶
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.company_information.CompanyInformation[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CompanyInformation__date_of_incorporation': typing.Optional[str], '_CompanyInformation__name': typing.Optional[str], '_CompanyInformation__vat_number': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property date_of_incorporation: str | None¶
- The date of incorporation is the specific date when the company was registered with the relevant authority.Format: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CompanyInformation [source]¶
- property name: str | None¶
- Name of company, as a customer
Type: str
- property vat_number: str | None¶
- Local VAT number of the company
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.complete_payment_card_payment_method_specific_input.CompletePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CompletePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput__card': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_without_cvv.CardWithoutCvv]}¶
- property card: CardWithoutCvv | None¶
- Object containing card details
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CompletePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.complete_payment_request.CompletePaymentRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CompletePaymentRequest__card_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.complete_payment_card_payment_method_specific_input.CompletePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput], '_CompletePaymentRequest__merchant': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.merchant.Merchant], '_CompletePaymentRequest__order': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order.Order]}¶
- property card_payment_method_specific_input: CompletePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for card payments
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CompletePaymentRequest [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.complete_payment_response.CompletePaymentResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CompletePaymentResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.contact_details.ContactDetails[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ContactDetails__fax_number': typing.Optional[str], '_ContactDetails__mobile_phone_number': typing.Optional[str], '_ContactDetails__phone_number': typing.Optional[str], '_ContactDetails__work_phone_number': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property fax_number: str | None¶
- Fax number of the customer
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ContactDetails [source]¶
- property mobile_phone_number: str | None¶
- International version of the mobile phone number of the customer including the leading + (i.e. +16127779311).
Type: str
- property phone_number: str | None¶
- Phone number of the customer. The ‘+’ character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
Type: str
- property work_phone_number: str | None¶
- International version of the work phone number of the customer including the leading + (i.e. +31235671500)
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.contact_details_base.ContactDetailsBase[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ContactDetailsBase__email_address': typing.Optional[str], '_ContactDetailsBase__email_message_type': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property email_address: str | None¶
- Email address of the customer
Type: str
- property email_message_type: str | None¶
- Preference for the type of email message markup
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ContactDetailsBase [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.contact_details_risk_assessment.ContactDetailsRiskAssessment[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ContactDetailsRiskAssessment__email_address': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property email_address: str | None¶
- Email address of the customer
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ContactDetailsRiskAssessment [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.contact_details_token.ContactDetailsToken[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ContactDetailsToken [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.convert_amount.ConvertAmount[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ConvertAmount__converted_amount': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property converted_amount: int | None¶
- Converted amount in cents and having 2 decimal
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ConvertAmount [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_dispute_request.CreateDisputeRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreateDisputeRequest__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_CreateDisputeRequest__contact_person': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateDisputeRequest__email_address': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateDisputeRequest__reply_to': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateDisputeRequest__request_message': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- The amount of money that is to be disputed.
- property contact_person: str | None¶
- The name of the person on your side who can be contacted regarding this dispute.
Type: str
- property email_address: str | None¶
- The email address of the contact person.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreateDisputeRequest [source]¶
- property reply_to: str | None¶
- The email address to which the reply message will be sent.
Type: str
- property request_message: str | None¶
- The message sent from you to Worldline.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_hosted_checkout_request.CreateHostedCheckoutRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreateHostedCheckoutRequest__bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_input_base.BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase], '_CreateHostedCheckoutRequest__card_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_method_specific_input_base.CardPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase], '_CreateHostedCheckoutRequest__cash_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_method_specific_input_base.CashPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase], '_CreateHostedCheckoutRequest__e_invoice_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.e_invoice_payment_method_specific_input_base.EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInputBase], '_CreateHostedCheckoutRequest__fraud_fields': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_fields.FraudFields], '_CreateHostedCheckoutRequest__hosted_checkout_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.hosted_checkout_specific_input.HostedCheckoutSpecificInput], '_CreateHostedCheckoutRequest__merchant': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.merchant.Merchant], '_CreateHostedCheckoutRequest__mobile_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_method_specific_input_hosted_checkout.MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInputHostedCheckout], '_CreateHostedCheckoutRequest__order': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order.Order], '_CreateHostedCheckoutRequest__redirect_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_method_specific_input_base.RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase], '_CreateHostedCheckoutRequest__sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input_base.SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase]}¶
- property bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_input: BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for bank transfer payments
- property card_payment_method_specific_input: CardPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for card payments
- property cash_payment_method_specific_input: CashPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for cash payments
- property e_invoice_payment_method_specific_input: EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInputBase | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for eInvoice payments
- property fraud_fields: FraudFields | None¶
- Object containing additional data that will be used to assess the risk of fraud
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreateHostedCheckoutRequest [source]¶
- property hosted_checkout_specific_input: HostedCheckoutSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing hosted checkout specific data
- property mobile_payment_method_specific_input: MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInputHostedCheckout | None¶
- Object containing reference data for Google Pay (paymentProductId 320) and Apple Pay (paymentProductID 302).
- property redirect_payment_method_specific_input: RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for payments that involve redirects to 3rd parties to complete, like iDeal and PayPal
- property sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input: SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for SEPA direct debit payments
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_hosted_checkout_response.CreateHostedCheckoutResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreateHostedCheckoutResponse__hosted_checkout_id': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateHostedCheckoutResponse__invalid_tokens': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]], '_CreateHostedCheckoutResponse__merchant_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateHostedCheckoutResponse__partial_redirect_url': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateHostedCheckoutResponse__returnmac': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreateHostedCheckoutResponse [source]¶
- property hosted_checkout_id: str | None¶
- This is the ID under which the data for this checkout can be retrieved.
Type: str
- property invalid_tokens: List[str] | None¶
- Tokens that are submitted in the request are validated. In case any of the tokens can’t be used anymore they are returned in this array. You should most likely remove those tokens from your system.
Type: list[str]
- property merchant_reference: str | None¶
- If a payment is created during this hosted checkout, then it will use this merchantReference. This is the merchantReference you provided in the Create Hosted Checkout request, or if you did not provide one, a reference generated by Connect. This allows you to to link a webhook related to the created payment back to this hosted checkout using the webhook’s paymentOutput.references.merchantReference.This property is intended primarily for hosted checkouts on the Ogone Payment Platform. On the GlobalCollect platform, you can also use hostedCheckoutSpecificOutput.hostedCheckoutId.
Type: str
- property partial_redirect_url: str | None¶
- The partial URL as generated by our system. You will need to add the protocol and the relevant subdomain to this URL, before redirecting your customer to this URL. A special ‘payment’ subdomain will always work so you can always add ‘https://payment.’ at the beginning of this response value to view your MyCheckout hosted payment pages.
Type: str
- property returnmac: str | None¶
- When the customer is returned to your site we will append this property and value to the query-string. You should store this data, so you can identify the returning customer.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_hosted_mandate_management_request.CreateHostedMandateManagementRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreateHostedMandateManagementRequest__create_mandate_info': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.hosted_mandate_info.HostedMandateInfo], '_CreateHostedMandateManagementRequest__hosted_mandate_management_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.hosted_mandate_management_specific_input.HostedMandateManagementSpecificInput]}¶
- property create_mandate_info: HostedMandateInfo | None¶
- Object containing partial information needed for the creation of the mandate. The recurrencetype, signature type of the mandate and reference to the customer are mandatory. You can also supply any personal information you already know about the customer so they have to fill in less details.
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreateHostedMandateManagementRequest [source]¶
- property hosted_mandate_management_specific_input: HostedMandateManagementSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing hosted mandate management specific data
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_hosted_mandate_management_response.CreateHostedMandateManagementResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreateHostedMandateManagementResponse__hosted_mandate_management_id': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateHostedMandateManagementResponse__partial_redirect_url': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateHostedMandateManagementResponse__returnmac': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreateHostedMandateManagementResponse [source]¶
- property hosted_mandate_management_id: str | None¶
- This is the ID under which the data for this mandate management can be retrieved.
Type: str
- property partial_redirect_url: str | None¶
- The partial URL as generated by our system. You will need to add the protocol and the relevant subdomain to this URL, before redirecting your customer to this URL. A special ‘payment’ subdomain will always work so you can always add ‘https://payment.’ at the beginning of this response value to view your hosted mandate management pages.
Type: str
- property returnmac: str | None¶
- When the customer is returned to your site we will append this property and value to the query-string. You should store this data, so you can identify the returning customer.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_mandate_base.CreateMandateBase[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreateMandateBase__alias': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateMandateBase__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_customer.MandateCustomer], '_CreateMandateBase__customer_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateMandateBase__language': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateMandateBase__recurrence_type': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateMandateBase__signature_type': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateMandateBase__unique_mandate_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property alias: str | None¶
- An alias for the mandate. This can be used to visually represent the mandate.Do not include any unobfuscated sensitive data in the alias.Default value if not provided is the obfuscated IBAN of the customer.
Type: str
- property customer: MandateCustomer | None¶
- Customer object containing customer specific inputs
- property customer_reference: str | None¶
- The unique identifier of a customer
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreateMandateBase [source]¶
- property language: str | None¶
- The language code of the customer, one of de, en, es, fr, it, nl, si, sk, sv.
Type: str
- property recurrence_type: str | None¶
- Specifies whether the mandate is for one-off or recurring payments. Possible values are:
Type: str
- property signature_type: str | None¶
- Specifies whether the mandate is unsigned or singed by SMS. Possible values are:
Type: str
- property unique_mandate_reference: str | None¶
- The unique identifier of the mandate. If you do not provide one, we will generate one for you.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_mandate_request.CreateMandateRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreateMandateRequest [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_mandate_response.CreateMandateResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreateMandateResponse__mandate': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_response.MandateResponse], '_CreateMandateResponse__merchant_action': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_merchant_action.MandateMerchantAction]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreateMandateResponse [source]¶
- property mandate: MandateResponse | None¶
- Object containing information on a mandate
- property merchant_action: MandateMerchantAction | None¶
- Object that contains the action, including the needed data, that you should perform next, showing the redirect to a third party to complete the payment or like showing instructions
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_mandate_with_return_url.CreateMandateWithReturnUrl[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreateMandateWithReturnUrl__return_url': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreateMandateWithReturnUrl [source]¶
- property return_url: str | None¶
- Return URL to use if the mandate signing requires redirection.Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first.URLs without a protocol will be rejected.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_payment_product_session_request.CreatePaymentProductSessionRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreatePaymentProductSessionRequest__payment_product_session302_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_product_session302_specific_input.MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificInput]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreatePaymentProductSessionRequest [source]¶
- property payment_product_session302_specific_input: MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing details for creating an Apple Pay session.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_payment_product_session_response.CreatePaymentProductSessionResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreatePaymentProductSessionResponse__payment_product_session302_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_product_session302_specific_output.MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificOutput]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreatePaymentProductSessionResponse [source]¶
- property payment_product_session302_specific_output: MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the Apple Pay session object.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_payment_request.CreatePaymentRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreatePaymentRequest__bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_input.BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInput], '_CreatePaymentRequest__card_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_method_specific_input.CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput], '_CreatePaymentRequest__cash_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_method_specific_input.CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput], '_CreatePaymentRequest__direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input.NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput], '_CreatePaymentRequest__e_invoice_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.e_invoice_payment_method_specific_input.EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput], '_CreatePaymentRequest__encrypted_customer_input': typing.Optional[str], '_CreatePaymentRequest__fraud_fields': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_fields.FraudFields], '_CreatePaymentRequest__invoice_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.invoice_payment_method_specific_input.InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput], '_CreatePaymentRequest__merchant': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.merchant.Merchant], '_CreatePaymentRequest__mobile_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_method_specific_input.MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput], '_CreatePaymentRequest__order': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order.Order], '_CreatePaymentRequest__redirect_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_method_specific_input.RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput], '_CreatePaymentRequest__sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input.SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput]}¶
- property bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_input: BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for bank transfer payments
- property card_payment_method_specific_input: CardPaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for card payments
- property cash_payment_method_specific_input: CashPaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for cash payments
- property direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input: NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for direct debit payments
- property e_invoice_payment_method_specific_input: EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for e-invoice payments.
- property encrypted_customer_input: str | None¶
- Data that was encrypted client side containing all customer entered data elements like card data.Note: Because this data can only be submitted once to our system and contains encrypted card data you should not store it. As the data was captured within the context of a client session you also need to submit it to us before the session has expired.
Type: str
- property fraud_fields: FraudFields | None¶
- Object containing additional data that will be used to assess the risk of fraud
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreatePaymentRequest [source]¶
- property invoice_payment_method_specific_input: InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for invoice payments
- property mobile_payment_method_specific_input: MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for mobile payments.Mobile payments produce the required payment data in encrypted form.
For Apple Pay, the encrypted payment data is the PKPayment <>.token.paymentData object passed as a string (with all quotation marks escaped).
For Google Pay, the encrypted payment data can be found in property paymentMethodData.tokenizationData.token of the PaymentData <>.toJson() result.
- property order: Order | None¶
- Order object containing order related dataPlease note that this object is required to be able to submit the amount.
- property redirect_payment_method_specific_input: RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for payments that involve redirects to 3rd parties to complete, like iDeal and PayPal
- property sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input: SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for SEPA direct debit payments
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_payment_response.CreatePaymentResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreatePaymentResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_payment_result.CreatePaymentResult[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreatePaymentResult__creation_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_creation_output.PaymentCreationOutput], '_CreatePaymentResult__merchant_action': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_action.MerchantAction], '_CreatePaymentResult__payment': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment.Payment]}¶
- property creation_output: PaymentCreationOutput | None¶
- Object containing the details of the created payment
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreatePaymentResult [source]¶
- property merchant_action: MerchantAction | None¶
- Object that contains the action, including the needed data, that you should perform next, like showing instruction, showing the transaction results or redirect to a third party to complete the payment
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_payout_request.CreatePayoutRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreatePayoutRequest__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_CreatePayoutRequest__bank_account_bban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban.BankAccountBban], '_CreatePayoutRequest__bank_account_iban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_iban.BankAccountIban], '_CreatePayoutRequest__bank_transfer_payout_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_transfer_payout_method_specific_input.BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput], '_CreatePayoutRequest__card_payout_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_payout_method_specific_input.CardPayoutMethodSpecificInput], '_CreatePayoutRequest__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_customer.PayoutCustomer], '_CreatePayoutRequest__merchant': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_merchant.PayoutMerchant], '_CreatePayoutRequest__payout_date': typing.Optional[str], '_CreatePayoutRequest__payout_details': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_details.PayoutDetails], '_CreatePayoutRequest__payout_text': typing.Optional[str], '_CreatePayoutRequest__references': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_references.PayoutReferences], '_CreatePayoutRequest__swift_code': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- Object containing amount and ISO currency code attributes
Deprecated; Moved to PayoutDetails
- property bank_account_bban: BankAccountBban | None¶
- Object containing account holder name and bank account information. This property can only be used for payouts in the UK.
Deprecated; Moved to BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput
- property bank_account_iban: BankAccountIban | None¶
- Object containing account holder and IBAN information.
Deprecated; Moved to BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput
- property bank_transfer_payout_method_specific_input: BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for bank transfer payouts.
- property card_payout_method_specific_input: CardPayoutMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for card payouts.
- property customer: PayoutCustomer | None¶
- Object containing the details of the customer.
Deprecated; Moved to PayoutDetails
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreatePayoutRequest [source]¶
- property merchant: PayoutMerchant | None¶
- Object containing information on you, the merchant
- property payout_date: str | None¶
- Date of the payout sent to the bank by usFormat: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
Deprecated; Moved to BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput
- property payout_details: PayoutDetails | None¶
- Object containing the details for Create Payout Request
- property payout_text: str | None¶
- Text to be printed on the bank account statement of the beneficiary. The maximum allowed length might differ per country. The data will be automatically truncated to the maximum allowed length.
Type: str
Deprecated; Moved to BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput
- property references: PayoutReferences | None¶
- Object that holds all reference properties that are linked to this transaction
Deprecated; Moved to PayoutDetails
- property swift_code: str | None¶
- The BIC is the Business Identifier Code, also known as SWIFT or Bank Identifier code. It is a code with an internationally agreed format to Identify a specific bank. The BIC contains 8 or 11 positions: the first 4 contain the bank code, followed by the country code and location code.
Type: str
Deprecated; Moved to BankTransferPayoutMethodSpecificInput
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_token_request.CreateTokenRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreateTokenRequest__card': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_card.TokenCard], '_CreateTokenRequest__e_wallet': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_e_wallet.TokenEWallet], '_CreateTokenRequest__encrypted_customer_input': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateTokenRequest__non_sepa_direct_debit': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_non_sepa_direct_debit.TokenNonSepaDirectDebit], '_CreateTokenRequest__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int], '_CreateTokenRequest__sepa_direct_debit': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_sepa_direct_debit_without_creditor.TokenSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor]}¶
- property e_wallet: TokenEWallet | None¶
- Object containing eWallet details
- property encrypted_customer_input: str | None¶
- Data that was encrypted client side containing all customer entered data elements like card data.Note: Because this data can only be submitted once to our system and contains encrypted card data you should not store it. As the data was captured within the context of a client session you also need to submit it to us before the session has expired.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreateTokenRequest [source]¶
- property non_sepa_direct_debit: TokenNonSepaDirectDebit | None¶
- Object containing non SEPA Direct Debit details
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- Payment product identifierPlease see payment products <> for a full overview of possible values.
Type: int
- property sepa_direct_debit: TokenSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor | None¶
- Object containing SEPA Direct Debit details
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_token_response.CreateTokenResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CreateTokenResponse__is_new_token': typing.Optional[bool], '_CreateTokenResponse__original_payment_id': typing.Optional[str], '_CreateTokenResponse__token': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreateTokenResponse [source]¶
- property is_new_token: bool | None¶
- Indicates if a new token was created
true - A new token was created
false - A token with the same card number already exists and is returned. Please note that the existing token has not been updated. When you want to update other data then the card number, you need to use the update API call, as data is never updated during the creation of a token.
Type: bool
- property original_payment_id: str | None¶
- The initial Payment ID of the transaction from which the token has been created
Type: str
- property token: str | None¶
- ID of the token
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.created_payment_output.CreatedPaymentOutput[source]¶
This object is used when a payment was created during a HostedCheckout. It is part of the response of a GET HostedCheckout object and contains the details of the created payment object.- __annotations__ = {'_CreatedPaymentOutput__displayed_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.displayed_data.DisplayedData], '_CreatedPaymentOutput__is_checked_remember_me': typing.Optional[bool], '_CreatedPaymentOutput__payment': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment.Payment], '_CreatedPaymentOutput__payment_creation_references': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_creation_references.PaymentCreationReferences], '_CreatedPaymentOutput__payment_status_category': typing.Optional[str], '_CreatedPaymentOutput__tokenization_succeeded': typing.Optional[bool], '_CreatedPaymentOutput__tokens': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property displayed_data: DisplayedData | None¶
- Object that contains the action, including the needed data, that you should perform next, like showing instruction, showing the transaction results or redirect to a third party to complete the payment
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CreatedPaymentOutput [source]¶
- property is_checked_remember_me: bool | None¶
- Indicates whether the customer ticked the “Remember my details for future purchases” checkbox on the MyCheckout hosted payment pages
Type: bool
- property payment_creation_references: PaymentCreationReferences | None¶
- Object containing the created references
- property payment_status_category: str | None¶
- Highlevel indication of the payment status with the following possible values:
REJECTED - The payment has been rejected or is in such a state that it will never become successful. This category groups the following statuses:
SUCCESSFUL - The payment was not (yet) rejected. Use the payment statuses to determine if it was completed, see Statuses <>. This category groups the following statuses:
STATUS_UNKNOWN - The status of the payment is unknown at this moment. This category groups the following statuses:
Please see Statuses <> for a full overview of possible values.Type: str
Deprecated; Use Payment.statusOutput.statusCategory instead
- property tokenization_succeeded: bool | None¶
- If the payment was attempted to be tokenized, indicates if tokenization was successful or not.
Type: bool
- property tokens: str | None¶
- This property contains the tokens that are associated with the hosted checkout session/customer. You can use the tokens listed in this list for a future checkout of the same customer.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.creditor.Creditor[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_Creditor__additional_address_info': typing.Optional[str], '_Creditor__city': typing.Optional[str], '_Creditor__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_Creditor__house_number': typing.Optional[str], '_Creditor__iban': typing.Optional[str], '_Creditor__id': typing.Optional[str], '_Creditor__name': typing.Optional[str], '_Creditor__reference_party': typing.Optional[str], '_Creditor__reference_party_id': typing.Optional[str], '_Creditor__street': typing.Optional[str], '_Creditor__zip': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property additional_address_info: str | None¶
- Additional information about the creditor’s address, like Suite II, Apartment 2a
Type: str
- property city: str | None¶
- City of the creditor address
Type: str
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Type: str
- property house_number: str | None¶
- House number of the creditor address
Type: str
- property iban: str | None¶
- Creditor IBAN numberThe IBAN is the International Bank Account Number. It is an internationally agreed format for the bank account number and includes the ISO country code and two check digits.
Type: str
- property id: str | None¶
- Creditor identifier
Type: str
- property name: str | None¶
- Name of the collecting creditor
Type: str
- property reference_party: str | None¶
- Creditor type of the legal reference of the collecting entity
Type: str
- property reference_party_id: str | None¶
- Legal reference of the collecting creditor
Type: str
- property street: str | None¶
- Street of the creditor address
Type: str
- property zip: str | None¶
- ZIP code of the creditor address
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer.Customer[source]¶
Object containing data related to the customer- __annotations__ = {'_Customer__account': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_account.CustomerAccount], '_Customer__account_type': typing.Optional[str], '_Customer__billing_address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address], '_Customer__contact_details': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.contact_details.ContactDetails], '_Customer__device': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_device.CustomerDevice], '_Customer__fiscal_number': typing.Optional[str], '_Customer__is_company': typing.Optional[bool], '_Customer__is_previous_customer': typing.Optional[bool], '_Customer__locale': typing.Optional[str], '_Customer__personal_information': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_information.PersonalInformation], '_Customer__shipping_address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address_personal.AddressPersonal]}¶
- property account: CustomerAccount | None¶
- Object containing data related to the account the customer has with you
- property account_type: str | None¶
- Type of the customer account that is used to place this order. Can have one of the following values:
none - The account that was used to place the order with is a guest account or no account was used at all
created - The customer account was created during this transaction
existing - The customer account was an already existing account prior to this transaction
Type: str
- property contact_details: ContactDetails | None¶
- Object containing contact details like email address and phone number
- property device: CustomerDevice | None¶
- Object containing information on the device and browser of the customer
- property fiscal_number: str | None¶
- The fiscal registration number of the customer or the tax registration number of the company in case of a business customer. Please find below specifics per country:
Argentina - Consumer (DNI) with a length of 7 or 8 digits
Argentina - Company (CUIT) with a length of 11 digits
Brazil - Consumer (CPF) with a length of 11 digits
Brazil - Company (CNPJ) with a length of 14 digits
Chile - Consumer (RUT) with a length of 9 digits
Colombia - Consumer (NIT) with a length of 8, 9 or 10 digits
Denmark - Consumer (CPR-nummer or personnummer) with a length of 10 digits
Dominican Republic - Consumer (RNC) with a length of 11 digits
Finland - Consumer (Finnish: henkilötunnus (abbreviated as HETU)) with a length of 11 characters
India - Consumer (PAN) with a length of 10 characters
Mexico - Consumer (RFC) with a length of 13 digits
Mexico - Company (RFC) with a length of 12 digits
Norway - Consumer (fødselsnummer) with a length of 11 digits
Peru - Consumer (RUC) with a length of 11 digits
Sweden - Consumer (personnummer) with a length of 10 or 12 digits
Uruguay - Consumer (CI) with a length of 8 digits
Uruguay - Consumer (NIE) with a length of 9 digits
Uruguay - Company (RUT) with a length of 12 digits
Type: str
- property is_company: bool | None¶
- Indicates if the payer is a company or an individual
true = This is a company
false = This is an individual
Type: bool
- property is_previous_customer: bool | None¶
- Specifies if the customer has a history of online shopping with the merchant
true - The customer is a known returning customer
false - The customer is new/unknown customer
Type: bool
- property locale: str | None¶
- The locale that the customer should be addressed in (for 3rd parties). Note that some 3rd party providers only support the languageCode part of the locale, in those cases we will only use part of the locale provided.
Type: str
- property personal_information: PersonalInformation | None¶
- Object containing personal information like name, date of birth and gender.
- property shipping_address: AddressPersonal | None¶
- Object containing shipping address details
Deprecated; Use Order.shipping.address instead
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_account.CustomerAccount[source]¶
Object containing data related to the account the customer has with you- __annotations__ = {'_CustomerAccount__authentication': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_account_authentication.CustomerAccountAuthentication], '_CustomerAccount__change_date': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerAccount__changed_during_checkout': typing.Optional[bool], '_CustomerAccount__create_date': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerAccount__had_suspicious_activity': typing.Optional[bool], '_CustomerAccount__has_forgotten_password': typing.Optional[bool], '_CustomerAccount__has_password': typing.Optional[bool], '_CustomerAccount__password_change_date': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerAccount__password_changed_during_checkout': typing.Optional[bool], '_CustomerAccount__payment_account_on_file': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_account_on_file.PaymentAccountOnFile], '_CustomerAccount__payment_account_on_file_type': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerAccount__payment_activity': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_payment_activity.CustomerPaymentActivity]}¶
- property authentication: CustomerAccountAuthentication | None¶
- Object containing data on the authentication used by the customer to access their account
- property change_date: str | None¶
- The last date (YYYYMMDD) on which the customer made changes to their account with you. These are changes to billing & shipping address details, new payment account (tokens), or new users(s) added.
Type: str
- property changed_during_checkout: bool | None¶
- true = the customer made changes to their account during this checkoutfalse = the customer didn’t change anything to their account during this checkout/nThe changes ment here are changes to billing & shipping address details, new payment account (tokens), or new users(s) added.
Type: bool
- property create_date: str | None¶
- The date (YYYYMMDD) on which the customer created their account with you
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CustomerAccount [source]¶
- property had_suspicious_activity: bool | None¶
- Specifies if you have experienced suspicious activity on the account of the customertrue = you have experienced suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the customer account used for this transactionfalse = you have experienced no suspicious activity (including previous fraud) on the customer account used for this transaction
Type: bool
- property has_forgotten_password: bool | None¶
- Specifies if the customer (initially) had forgotten their password
true - The customer has forgotten their password
false - The customer has not forgotten their password
Type: bool
- property has_password: bool | None¶
- Specifies if the customer entered a password to gain access to an account registered with the you
true - The customer has used a password to gain access
false - The customer has not used a password to gain access
Type: bool
- property password_change_date: str | None¶
- The last date (YYYYMMDD) on which the customer changed their password for the account used in this transaction
Type: str
- property password_changed_during_checkout: bool | None¶
- Indicates if the password of an account is changed during this checkouttrue = the customer made changes to their password of the account used during this checkoutalse = the customer didn’t change anything to their password of the account used during this checkout
Type: bool
- property payment_account_on_file: PaymentAccountOnFile | None¶
- Object containing information on the payment account data on file (tokens)
- property payment_account_on_file_type: str | None¶
- Indicates the type of account. For example, for a multi-account card product.
not-applicable = the card used doesn’t support multiple card products
credit = the card used is a credit card
debit = the card used is a debit card
Type: str
- property payment_activity: CustomerPaymentActivity | None¶
- Object containing data on the purchase history of the customer with you
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_account_authentication.CustomerAccountAuthentication[source]¶
Object containing data on the authentication used by the customer to access their account- __annotations__ = {'_CustomerAccountAuthentication__data': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerAccountAuthentication__method': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerAccountAuthentication__utc_timestamp': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property data: str | None¶
- Data that documents and supports a specific authentication process submitted using the order.customer.account.authentication.method property. The data submitted using this property will be used by the issuer to validate the used authentication method.For example, if the order.customer.account.authentication.method is:
federated-id, then this element can carry information about the provider of the federated ID and related information.
fido-authentication, then this element can carry the FIDO attestation data (including the signature).
fido-authentication-with-signed-assurance-data, then this element can carry FIDO Attestation data with the FIDO assurance data signed.
src-assurance-data, then this element can carry the SRC assurance data
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CustomerAccountAuthentication [source]¶
- property method: str | None¶
- Authentication used by the customer on your website or appPossible values :
guest = no login occurred, customer is ‘logged in’ as guest
merchant-credentials = the customer logged in using credentials that are specific to you
federated-id = the customer logged in using a federated ID
issuer-credentials = the customer logged in using credentials from the card issuer (of the card used in this transaction)
third-party-authentication = the customer logged in using third-party authentication
fido-authentication = the customer logged in using a FIDO authenticator
fido-authentication-with-signed-assurance-data = the customer logged in using a FIDO authenticator which also provides signed assurance data
src-assurance-data = the customer authenticated themselves during a Secure Remote Commerce session
Type: str
- property utc_timestamp: str | None¶
- Timestamp (YYYYMMDDHHmm) of the authentication of the customer to their account with you
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_account_risk_assessment.CustomerAccountRiskAssessment[source]¶
Object containing data related to the account the customer has with you- __annotations__ = {'_CustomerAccountRiskAssessment__has_forgotten_password': typing.Optional[bool], '_CustomerAccountRiskAssessment__has_password': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CustomerAccountRiskAssessment [source]¶
- property has_forgotten_password: bool | None¶
- Specifies if the customer (initially) had forgotten their password
true - The customer has forgotten their password
false - The customer has not forgotten their password
Type: bool
- property has_password: bool | None¶
- Specifies if the customer entered a password to gain access to an account registered with the you
true - The customer has used a password to gain access
false - The customer has not used a password to gain access
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_approve_payment.CustomerApprovePayment[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CustomerApprovePayment__account_type': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property account_type: str | None¶
- Type of the customer account that is used to place this order. Can have one of the following values:
none - The account that was used to place the order is a guest account or no account was used at all
created - The customer account was created during this transaction
existing - The customer account was an already existing account prior to this transaction
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CustomerApprovePayment [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_base.CustomerBase[source]¶
Basic information of a customer- __annotations__ = {'_CustomerBase__company_information': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.company_information.CompanyInformation], '_CustomerBase__merchant_customer_id': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerBase__vat_number': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property company_information: CompanyInformation | None¶
- Object containing company information
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CustomerBase [source]¶
- property merchant_customer_id: str | None¶
- Your identifier for the customer. It can be used as a search criteria in the GlobalCollect Payment Console and is also included in the GlobalCollect report files. It is used in the fraud-screening process for payments on the Ogone Payment Platform.
Type: str
- property vat_number: str | None¶
- Local VAT number of the company
Type: str
Deprecated; Use companyInformation.vatNumber instead
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_device.CustomerDevice[source]¶
Object containing information on the device and browser of the customer- __annotations__ = {'_CustomerDevice__accept_header': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerDevice__browser_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.browser_data.BrowserData], '_CustomerDevice__default_form_fill': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerDevice__device_fingerprint_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerDevice__ip_address': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerDevice__locale': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerDevice__timezone_offset_utc_minutes': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerDevice__user_agent': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property accept_header: str | None¶
- The accept-header of the customer client from the HTTP Headers.
Type: str
- property browser_data: BrowserData | None¶
- Object containing information regarding the browser of the customer
- property default_form_fill: str | None¶
- Degree of default form fill, with the following possible values:
automatically - All fields filled automatically
automatically-but-modified - All fields filled automatically, but some fields were modified manually
manually - All fields were entered manually
Type: str
- property device_fingerprint_transaction_id: str | None¶
- One must set the deviceFingerprintTransactionId received by the response of the endpoint /{merchant}/products/{paymentProductId}/deviceFingerprint
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CustomerDevice [source]¶
- property ip_address: str | None¶
- The IP address of the customer client from the HTTP Headers.
Type: str
- property locale: str | None¶
- Locale of the client device/browser. Returned in the browser from the navigator.language property.If you use the latest version of our JavaScript Client SDK, we will collect this data and include it in the encryptedCustomerInput property. We will then automatically populate this data if available.
Type: str
- property timezone_offset_utc_minutes: str | None¶
- Offset in minutes of timezone of the client versus the UTC. Value is returned by the JavaScript getTimezoneOffset() Method.If you use the latest version of our JavaScript Client SDK, we will collect this data and include it in the encryptedCustomerInput property. We will then automatically populate this data if available.
Type: str
- property user_agent: str | None¶
- User-Agent of the client device/browser from the HTTP Headers.As a fall-back we will use the userAgent that might be included in the encryptedCustomerInput, but this is captured client side using JavaScript and might be different.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_device_risk_assessment.CustomerDeviceRiskAssessment[source]¶
Object containing information on the device and browser of the customer- __annotations__ = {'_CustomerDeviceRiskAssessment__default_form_fill': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerDeviceRiskAssessment__device_fingerprint_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property default_form_fill: str | None¶
- Degree of default form fill, with the following possible values:
automatically - All fields filled automatically
automatically-but-modified - All fields filled automatically, but some fields were modified manually
manually - All fields were entered manually
Type: str
- property device_fingerprint_transaction_id: str | None¶
- One must set the deviceFingerprintTransactionId received by the response of the endpoint /{merchant}/products/{paymentProductId}/deviceFingerprint
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CustomerDeviceRiskAssessment [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_payment_activity.CustomerPaymentActivity[source]¶
Object containing data on the purchase history of the customer with you- __annotations__ = {'_CustomerPaymentActivity__number_of_payment_attempts_last24_hours': typing.Optional[int], '_CustomerPaymentActivity__number_of_payment_attempts_last_year': typing.Optional[int], '_CustomerPaymentActivity__number_of_purchases_last6_months': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CustomerPaymentActivity [source]¶
- property number_of_payment_attempts_last24_hours: int | None¶
- Number of payment attempts (so including unsuccessful ones) made by this customer with you in the last 24 hours
Type: int
- property number_of_payment_attempts_last_year: int | None¶
- Number of payment attempts (so including unsuccessful ones) made by this customer with you in the last 12 months
Type: int
- property number_of_purchases_last6_months: int | None¶
- Number of successful purchases made by this customer with you in the last 6 months
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_risk_assessment.CustomerRiskAssessment[source]¶
Object containing data related to the customer- __annotations__ = {'_CustomerRiskAssessment__account': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_account_risk_assessment.CustomerAccountRiskAssessment], '_CustomerRiskAssessment__account_type': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerRiskAssessment__billing_address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address], '_CustomerRiskAssessment__contact_details': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.contact_details_risk_assessment.ContactDetailsRiskAssessment], '_CustomerRiskAssessment__device': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_device_risk_assessment.CustomerDeviceRiskAssessment], '_CustomerRiskAssessment__is_previous_customer': typing.Optional[bool], '_CustomerRiskAssessment__locale': typing.Optional[str], '_CustomerRiskAssessment__personal_information': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_information_risk_assessment.PersonalInformationRiskAssessment], '_CustomerRiskAssessment__shipping_address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address_personal.AddressPersonal]}¶
- property account: CustomerAccountRiskAssessment | None¶
- Object containing data related to the account the customer has with you
- property account_type: str | None¶
- Type of the customer account that is used to place this order. Can have one of the following values:
none - The account that was used to place the order is a guest account or no account was used at all
created - The customer account was created during this transaction
existing - The customer account was an already existing account prior to this transaction
Type: str
- property contact_details: ContactDetailsRiskAssessment | None¶
- Object containing contact details like email address
- property device: CustomerDeviceRiskAssessment | None¶
- Object containing information on the device and browser of the customer
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CustomerRiskAssessment [source]¶
- property is_previous_customer: bool | None¶
- Specifies if the customer has a history of online shopping with the merchant
true - The customer is a known returning customer
false - The customer is new/unknown customer
Type: bool
- property locale: str | None¶
- The locale that the customer should be addressed in (for 3rd parties). Note that some 3rd party providers only support the languageCode part of the locale, in those cases we will only use part of the locale provided.
Type: str
- property personal_information: PersonalInformationRiskAssessment | None¶
- Object containing personal information like name, date of birth and gender
- property shipping_address: AddressPersonal | None¶
- Object containing shipping address details
Deprecated; Use Order.shipping.address instead
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_token.CustomerToken[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CustomerToken__billing_address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address], '_CustomerToken__personal_information': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_information_token.PersonalInformationToken]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CustomerToken [source]¶
- property personal_information: PersonalInformationToken | None¶
- Object containing personal information of the customer
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_token_with_contact_details.CustomerTokenWithContactDetails[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_CustomerTokenWithContactDetails__contact_details': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.contact_details_token.ContactDetailsToken]}¶
- property contact_details: ContactDetailsToken | None¶
- Object containing contact details like email address and phone number
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CustomerTokenWithContactDetails [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cybersource_decision_manager.CybersourceDecisionManager[source]¶
This object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment. Cybersource is a fraud detection tool leveraging data networks, configurable rules, intelligence, and device fingerprinting to identify risky transactions.- __annotations__ = {'_CybersourceDecisionManager__clause_name': typing.Optional[str], '_CybersourceDecisionManager__fraud_score': typing.Optional[int], '_CybersourceDecisionManager__policy_applied': typing.Optional[str], '_CybersourceDecisionManager__reason_codes': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]}¶
- property clause_name: str | None¶
- Name of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
Type: str
- property fraud_score: int | None¶
- Result of the Cybersource Decision Manager check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) CybersourceDecisionManager [source]¶
- property policy_applied: str | None¶
- Name of the policy that was applied during the evaluation of this transaction.
Type: str
- property reason_codes: List[str] | None¶
- List of one or more reason codes.
Type: list[str]
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.debtor.Debtor[source]¶
This object describes the the consumer (or company) that will be debited and it is part of a SEPA Direct Debit Mandate- __annotations__ = {'_Debtor__additional_address_info': typing.Optional[str], '_Debtor__city': typing.Optional[str], '_Debtor__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_Debtor__first_name': typing.Optional[str], '_Debtor__house_number': typing.Optional[str], '_Debtor__state': typing.Optional[str], '_Debtor__state_code': typing.Optional[str], '_Debtor__street': typing.Optional[str], '_Debtor__surname': typing.Optional[str], '_Debtor__surname_prefix': typing.Optional[str], '_Debtor__zip': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property additional_address_info: str | None¶
- Additional information about the debtor’s address, like Suite II, Apartment 2a
Type: str
- property city: str | None¶
- City of the debtor’s address
Type: str
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the debtor’s address
Type: str
- property first_name: str | None¶
- Debtor first name
Type: str
- property house_number: str | None¶
- House number of the debtor’s address
Type: str
- property state: str | None¶
- State of debtor address
Type: str
- property state_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-2 alpha-3 state codeNotes:
The maximum length for 3-D Secure version 2 is AN3.
The maximum length for paymentProductId 1503 (Boleto) is AN2.
Type: str
- property street: str | None¶
- Street of debtor’s address
Type: str
- property surname: str | None¶
- Debtor’s last name
Type: str
- property surname_prefix: str | None¶
- Prefix of the debtor’s last name
Type: str
- property zip: str | None¶
- ZIP code of the debtor’s address
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.decrypted_payment_data.DecryptedPaymentData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DecryptedPaymentData__auth_method': typing.Optional[str], '_DecryptedPaymentData__cardholder_name': typing.Optional[str], '_DecryptedPaymentData__cryptogram': typing.Optional[str], '_DecryptedPaymentData__dpan': typing.Optional[str], '_DecryptedPaymentData__eci': typing.Optional[int], '_DecryptedPaymentData__expiry_date': typing.Optional[str], '_DecryptedPaymentData__pan': typing.Optional[str], '_DecryptedPaymentData__payment_method': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property auth_method: str | None¶
- The type of payment credential which the customer used.
For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.authMethod property in the encrypted payment data.
.Type: str
Deprecated; Use decryptedPaymentData.paymentMethod instead
- property cardholder_name: str | None¶
- The card holder’s name on the card. Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 51 characters.
For Apple Pay, maps to the cardholderName property in the encrypted payment data.
For Google Pay this is not available in the encrypted payment data, and can be omitted.
Type: str
- property cryptogram: str | None¶
- The 3D secure online payment cryptogram.
For Apple Pay, maps to the paymentData.onlinePaymentCryptogram property in the encrypted payment data.
For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.cryptogram property in the encrypted payment data.
Not allowed for Google Pay if the authMethod in the response of Google is PAN_ONLY.Type: str
- property dpan: str | None¶
- The device specific PAN.
For Apple Pay, maps to the applicationPrimaryAccountNumber property in the encrypted payment data.
For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.dpan property in the encrypted payment data.
Not allowed for Google Pay if the authMethod in the response of Google is PAN_ONLY.Type: str
- property eci: int | None¶
- The eci is Electronic Commerce Indicator.
For Apple Pay, maps to the paymentData.eciIndicator property in the encrypted payment data.
For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.eciIndicator property in the encrypted payment data.
Type: int
- property expiry_date: str | None¶
- Expiry date of the cardFormat: MMYY.
For Apple Pay, maps to the applicationExpirationDate property in the encrypted payment data. This property is formatted as YYMMDD, so this needs to be converted to get a correctly formatted expiry date.
For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.expirationMonth and paymentMethodDetails.expirationYear properties in the encrypted payment data. These need to be combined to get a correctly formatted expiry date.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DecryptedPaymentData [source]¶
- property pan: str | None¶
- The non-device specific complete credit/debit card number (also know as the PAN).
For Apple Pay this is not available in the encrypted payment data, and must be omitted.
For Google Pay, maps to the paymentMethodDetails.pan property in the encrypted payment data.
Not allowed for Google Pay if the authMethod in the response of Google is CRYPTOGRAM_3DS.Type: str
- property payment_method: str | None¶
In case Google provides in the response as authMethod: CRYPTOGRAM_3DS send in as value of this property TOKENIZED_CARD.
In case Google provides in the response as authMethod: PAN_ONLY send in as value of this property CARD.
For Apple Pay this is not available in the encrypted payment data, and must be omitted.Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.device_fingerprint_details.DeviceFingerprintDetails[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DeviceFingerprintDetails__payment_id': typing.Optional[str], '_DeviceFingerprintDetails__raw_device_fingerprint_output': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DeviceFingerprintDetails [source]¶
- property payment_id: str | None¶
- The ID of the payment that is linked to the Device Fingerprint data.
Type: str
- property raw_device_fingerprint_output: str | None¶
- The detailed data that was collected during the Device Fingerprint collection. The structure will be different depending on the collection method and device fingerprint partner used. Please contact us if you want more information on the details that are returned in this string.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.device_fingerprint_request.DeviceFingerprintRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DeviceFingerprintRequest__collector_callback': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property collector_callback: str | None¶
- You can supply a JavaScript function call that will be called after the device fingerprint data collecting using the provided JavaScript snippet is finished. This will then be added to the snippet that is returned in the property html.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DeviceFingerprintRequest [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.device_fingerprint_response.DeviceFingerprintResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DeviceFingerprintResponse__device_fingerprint_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_DeviceFingerprintResponse__html': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property device_fingerprint_transaction_id: str | None¶
- Contains the unique id which is used by the device fingerprint collector script. This must be used to set the property fraudFields.deviceFingerprintTransactionId in either in the CreatePayment.order.customer.device.deviceFingerprintTransactionId, the CreateRiskAssessmentCards.order.customer.device.deviceFingerprintTransactionId or the CreateRiskAssessmentBankaccounts.order.customer.device.deviceFingerprintTransactionId.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DeviceFingerprintResponse [source]¶
- property html: str | None¶
- Contains the ready-to-use device fingerprint collector script. You have to inject it into your page and call it when the customer presses the final payment submit button. You should only call it once per payment request.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.device_render_options.DeviceRenderOptions[source]¶
Object containing rendering options of the device- __annotations__ = {'_DeviceRenderOptions__sdk_interface': typing.Optional[str], '_DeviceRenderOptions__sdk_ui_type': typing.Optional[str], '_DeviceRenderOptions__sdk_ui_types': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DeviceRenderOptions [source]¶
- property sdk_interface: str | None¶
- Lists all of the SDK Interface types that the device supports for displaying specific challenge user interfaces within the SDK.
native = The app supports only a native user interface
html = The app supports only an HTML user interface
both = Both Native and HTML user interfaces are supported by the app
Type: str
- property sdk_ui_type: str | None¶
- Lists all UI types that the device supports for displaying specific challenge user interfaces within the SDK.
text = Text interface
single-select = Select a single option
multi-select = Select multiple options
oob = Out of ounds
html-other = HTML Other (only valid when cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.threeDSecure.sdkData.deviceRenderOptions.sdkInterface is set to html)
Type: str
Deprecated; Use deviceRenderOptions.sdkUiTypes instead
- property sdk_ui_types: List[str] | None¶
- Lists all UI types that the device supports for displaying specific challenge user interfaces within the SDK.
text = Text interface
single-select = Select a single option
multi-select = Select multiple options
oob = Out of ounds
html-other = HTML Other (only valid when cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.threeDSecure.sdkData.deviceRenderOptions.sdkInterface is set to html)
Type: list[str]
- class[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_Directory__entries': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.directory_entry.DirectoryEntry]]}¶
- property entries: List[DirectoryEntry] | None¶
- List of entries in the directory
Type: list[
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.directory_entry.DirectoryEntry[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DirectoryEntry__country_names': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]], '_DirectoryEntry__issuer_id': typing.Optional[str], '_DirectoryEntry__issuer_list': typing.Optional[str], '_DirectoryEntry__issuer_name': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property country_names: List[str] | None¶
- Country name of the issuer, used to group issuers per countryNote: this is only filled if supported by the payment product.
Type: list[str]
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DirectoryEntry [source]¶
- property issuer_id: str | None¶
- Unique ID of the issuing bank of the customer
Type: str
- property issuer_list: str | None¶
- To be used to sort the issuers.
short - These issuers should be presented at the top of the list
long - These issuers should be presented after the issuers marked as short
Note: this is only filled if supported by the payment product. Currently only iDeal (809) support this. Sorting within the groups should be done alphabetically.Type: str
- property issuer_name: str | None¶
- Name of the issuing bank, as it should be presented to the customer
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.displayed_data.DisplayedData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DisplayedData__displayed_data_type': typing.Optional[str], '_DisplayedData__rendering_data': typing.Optional[str], '_DisplayedData__show_data': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.key_value_pair.KeyValuePair]]}¶
- property displayed_data_type: str | None¶
- Action merchants needs to take in the online payment process. Possible values are:
SHOW_INSTRUCTIONS - The customer needs to be shown payment instruction using the details found in showData. Alternatively the instructions can be rendered by us using the renderingData
SHOW_TRANSACTION_RESULTS - The customer needs to be shown the transaction results using the details found in showData. Alternatively the instructions can be rendered by us using the renderingData
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DisplayedData [source]¶
- property rendering_data: str | None¶
- This property contains the blob with data for the instructions rendering service.This service will be available at the following endpoint:http(s)://{{merchant specific subdomain}}.{{base MyCheckout hosted payment pages domain}}/instructions/{{merchantId}}/{{clientSessionId}}This instructions page rendering service accepts the following parameters:
instructionsRenderingData (required, the content of this property)
locale (optional, if present overrides default locale, e.g. “en_GB”)
variant (optional, code of a variant, if present overrides default variant, e.g. “100”)
customerId (required for Pix, otherwise optional, the customerId from a client session)
You can offer a link to a customer to see an instructions page for a payment done earlier. Because of the size of the instructionsRenderingData this will need to be set in a web form as a value of a hidden field. Before presenting the link you need to obtain a clientSessionId by creating a session using the S2S API. You will need to use the MyCheckout hosted payment pages domain hosted in the same region as the API domain used for the createClientSession call.The instructionsRenderingData is a String blob that is presented to you via the Server API as part of the merchantAction (if available, and non-redirect) in the JSON return values for the createPayment call or the getHostedCheckoutStatus call (merchantAction inside createdPaymentOutput when available).You are responsible to store the instructionsRenderingData blob in order to be able to present the instructions page at a later time, when this information might no longer be available through Server API calls.Type: str
- property show_data: List[KeyValuePair] | None¶
- Array of key value pairs of data that needs to be shown to the customer. This is returned for both the SHOW_INSTRUCTION as well as the SHOW_TRANSACTION_RESULTS actionType.Note: The returned value for the key BARCODE is a base64 encoded gif image. By prepending ‘data:image/gif;base64,’ this value can be used as the source of an HTML inline image.
Type: list[
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute.Dispute[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_Dispute__dispute_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute_output.DisputeOutput], '_Dispute__id': typing.Optional[str], '_Dispute__payment_id': typing.Optional[str], '_Dispute__status': typing.Optional[str], '_Dispute__status_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute_status_output.DisputeStatusOutput]}¶
- property dispute_output: DisputeOutput | None¶
- This property contains the creationDetails and default information regarding a dispute.
- property id: str | None¶
- Dispute ID for a given merchant.
Type: str
- property payment_id: str | None¶
- The ID of the payment that is being disputed.
Type: str
- property status: str | None¶
- Current dispute status.
Type: str
- property status_output: DisputeStatusOutput | None¶
- This property contains the output for a dispute regarding the status of the dispute.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute_creation_detail.DisputeCreationDetail[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DisputeCreationDetail__dispute_creation_date': typing.Optional[str], '_DisputeCreationDetail__dispute_originator': typing.Optional[str], '_DisputeCreationDetail__user_name': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property dispute_creation_date: str | None¶
- The date and time of creation of this dispute, in yyyyMMddHHmmss format.
Type: str
- property dispute_originator: str | None¶
- The originator of this dispute, which is either Worldline or you as our client.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DisputeCreationDetail [source]¶
- property user_name: str | None¶
- The user account name of the dispute creator.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute_output.DisputeOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DisputeOutput__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_DisputeOutput__contact_person': typing.Optional[str], '_DisputeOutput__creation_details': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute_creation_detail.DisputeCreationDetail], '_DisputeOutput__email_address': typing.Optional[str], '_DisputeOutput__files': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.hosted_file.HostedFile]], '_DisputeOutput__reference': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute_reference.DisputeReference], '_DisputeOutput__reply_to': typing.Optional[str], '_DisputeOutput__request_message': typing.Optional[str], '_DisputeOutput__response_message': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- Object containing amount and ISO currency code attributes
- property contact_person: str | None¶
- The name of the person on your side who can be contacted regarding this dispute.
Type: str
- property creation_details: DisputeCreationDetail | None¶
- Object containing various details related to this dispute’s creation.
- property email_address: str | None¶
- The email address of the contact person.
Type: str
- property files: List[HostedFile] | None¶
- An array containing all files related to this dispute.
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DisputeOutput [source]¶
- property reference: DisputeReference | None¶
- A collection of reference information related to this dispute.
- property reply_to: str | None¶
- The email address to which the reply message will be sent.
Type: str
- property request_message: str | None¶
- The message sent from you to Worldline.
Type: str
- property response_message: str | None¶
- The return message sent from the GlobalCollect platform to you.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute_reference.DisputeReference[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DisputeReference__merchant_order_id': typing.Optional[str], '_DisputeReference__merchant_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_DisputeReference__payment_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_DisputeReference__provider_id': typing.Optional[str], '_DisputeReference__provider_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DisputeReference [source]¶
- property merchant_order_id: str | None¶
- The merchant’s order ID of the transaction to which this dispute is linked.
Type: str
- property merchant_reference: str | None¶
- Your (unique) reference for the transaction that you can use to reconcile our report files.
Type: str
- property payment_reference: str | None¶
- Payment Reference generated by WebCollect.
Type: str
- property provider_id: str | None¶
- The numerical identifier of the Service Provider (Acquirer).
Type: str
- property provider_reference: str | None¶
- The Service Provider’s reference.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute_response.DisputeResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DisputeResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute_status_output.DisputeStatusOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DisputeStatusOutput__is_cancellable': typing.Optional[bool], '_DisputeStatusOutput__status_category': typing.Optional[str], '_DisputeStatusOutput__status_code': typing.Optional[int], '_DisputeStatusOutput__status_code_change_date_time': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DisputeStatusOutput [source]¶
- property is_cancellable: bool | None¶
- Flag indicating if the payment can be cancelled
Type: bool
- property status_category: str | None¶
- Highlevel status of the payment, payout or refund with the following possible values:
CREATED - The transaction has been created. This is the initial state once a new payment, payout or refund is created. This category groups the following statuses:
PENDING_PAYMENT: The payment is waiting on customer action. This category groups the following statuses:
ACCOUNT_VERIFIED: The account has been verified. This category groups the following statuses:
PENDING_MERCHANT: The transaction is awaiting approval to proceed with the payment, payout or refund. This category groups the following statuses:
PENDING_CONNECT_OR_3RD_PARTY: The transaction is in the queue to be processed. This category groups the following statuses:
COMPLETED: The transaction has completed. This category groups the following statuses:
REVERSED: The transaction has been reversed. This category groups the following statuses:
REFUNDED: The transaction has been refunded. This category groups the following statuses:
UNSUCCESSFUL: The transaction has been rejected or is in such a state that it will never become successful. This category groups the following statuses:
Please see Statuses <> for a full overview of possible values.Type: str
- property status_code: int | None¶
- Numeric status code of the legacy API. It is returned to ease the migration from the legacy APIs to Worldline Connect. You should not write new business logic based on this property as it will be deprecated in a future version of the API. The value can also be found in the GlobalCollect Payment Console, in the Ogone BackOffice and in report files.
Type: int
- property status_code_change_date_time: str | None¶
- Date and time of paymentFormat: YYYYMMDDHH24MISS
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.disputes_response.DisputesResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DisputesResponse__disputes': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute.Dispute]]}¶
- property disputes: List[Dispute] | None¶
- Array containing disputes and their characteristics.
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) DisputesResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.e_invoice_payment_method_specific_input.EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput__accepted_terms_and_conditions': typing.Optional[bool], '_EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product9000_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.e_invoice_payment_product9000_specific_input.EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificInput]}¶
- property accepted_terms_and_conditions: bool | None¶
- Indicates that the customer has read and accepted the terms and conditions of the product before proceeding with the payment. This must be done before the payment can continue. An URL to the terms and conditions can be retrieved with Get payment product <>.
Type: bool
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property payment_product9000_specific_input: EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificInput | None¶
- Object that holds the specific data for AfterPay Installments (payment product 9000).
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.e_invoice_payment_method_specific_input_base.EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInputBase[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInputBase [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.e_invoice_payment_method_specific_output.EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
E-invoice payment specific response data- __annotations__ = {'_EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput__fraud_results': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_results.FraudResults], '_EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput__payment_product9000_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.e_invoice_payment_product9000_specific_output.EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificOutput]}¶
- property fraud_results: FraudResults | None¶
- Object containing the results of the fraud screening
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property payment_product9000_specific_output: EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificOutput | None¶
- AfterPay Installments (payment product 9000) specific details
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.e_invoice_payment_product9000_specific_input.EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificInput__bank_account_iban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_iban.BankAccountIban], '_EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificInput__installment_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property bank_account_iban: BankAccountIban | None¶
- Object containing the bank account details of the customer.
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificInput [source]¶
- property installment_id: str | None¶
- The ID of the installment plan selected by the customer. Installment plans can be retrieved with Get payment product <>.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.e_invoice_payment_product9000_specific_output.EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificOutput__installment_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) EInvoicePaymentProduct9000SpecificOutput [source]¶
- property installment_id: str | None¶
- The ID of the installment plan used for the payment.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.empty_validator.EmptyValidator[source]¶
A validator object that contains no additional properties.- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) EmptyValidator [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.error_response.ErrorResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ErrorResponse__error_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ErrorResponse__errors': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.api_error.APIError]]}¶
- property error_id: str | None¶
- Unique reference, for debugging purposes, of this error response
Type: str
- property errors: List[APIError] | None¶
- List of one or more errors
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ErrorResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.exemption_output.ExemptionOutput[source]¶
Object containing exemption output- __annotations__ = {'_ExemptionOutput__exemption_raised': typing.Optional[str], '_ExemptionOutput__exemption_rejection_reason': typing.Optional[str], '_ExemptionOutput__exemption_request': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property exemption_raised: str | None¶
- Type of strong customer authentication (SCA) exemption that was raised towards the acquirer for this transaction.
Type: str
- property exemption_rejection_reason: str | None¶
- The request exemption could not be granted. The reason why is returned in this property.
Type: str
- property exemption_request: str | None¶
- Type of strong customer authentication (SCA) exemption requested by you for this transaction.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ExemptionOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.external_cardholder_authentication_data.ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData[source]¶
Object containing 3D secure details.- __annotations__ = {'_ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData__acs_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData__applied_exemption': typing.Optional[str], '_ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData__cavv': typing.Optional[str], '_ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData__cavv_algorithm': typing.Optional[str], '_ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData__directory_server_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData__eci': typing.Optional[int], '_ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData__scheme_risk_score': typing.Optional[int], '_ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData__three_d_secure_version': typing.Optional[str], '_ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData__three_d_server_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData__validation_result': typing.Optional[str], '_ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData__xid': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property acs_transaction_id: str | None¶
- Identifier of the authenticated transaction at the ACS/Issuer.
Type: str
- property applied_exemption: str | None¶
- Exemption code from Carte Bancaire (130) (unknown possible values so far -free format).
Type: str
- property cavv: str | None¶
- The CAVV (cardholder authentication verification value) or AAV (accountholder authentication value) provides an authentication validation value.
Type: str
- property cavv_algorithm: str | None¶
- The algorithm, from your 3D Secure provider, used to generate the authentication CAVV.
Type: str
- property directory_server_transaction_id: str | None¶
- The 3-D Secure Directory Server transaction ID that is used for the 3D Authentication
Type: str
- property eci: int | None¶
- Electronic Commerce Indicator provides authentication validation results returned after AUTHENTICATIONVALIDATION
0 = No authentication, Internet (no liability shift, not a 3D Secure transaction)
1 = Authentication attempted (MasterCard)
2 = Successful authentication (MasterCard)
5 = Successful authentication (Visa, Diners Club, Amex)
6 = Authentication attempted (Visa, Diners Club, Amex)
7 = No authentication, Internet (no liability shift, not a 3D Secure transaction)
(empty) = Not checked or not enrolled
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData [source]¶
- property scheme_risk_score: int | None¶
- Global score calculated by the Carte Bancaire (130) Scoring platform. Possible values from 0 to 99.
Type: int
- property three_d_secure_version: str | None¶
- The 3-D Secure version used for the authentication. Possible values:
Type: str
- property three_d_server_transaction_id: str | None¶
- The 3-D Secure Server transaction ID that is used for the 3-D Secure version 2 Authentication.
Type: str
Deprecated; No replacement
- property validation_result: str | None¶
- The 3D Secure authentication result from your 3D Secure provider.
Type: str
- property xid: str | None¶
- The transaction ID that is used for the 3D Authentication
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.find_payments_response.FindPaymentsResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FindPaymentsResponse__limit': typing.Optional[int], '_FindPaymentsResponse__offset': typing.Optional[int], '_FindPaymentsResponse__payments': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment.Payment]], '_FindPaymentsResponse__total_count': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) FindPaymentsResponse [source]¶
- property limit: int | None¶
- The limit you used in the request.
Type: int
- property offset: int | None¶
- The offset you used in the request.
Type: int
- property payments: List[Payment] | None¶
- A list of payments that matched your filter, starting at the given offset and limited to the given limit.
Type: list[
- property total_count: int | None¶
- The total number of payments that matched your filter.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.find_payouts_response.FindPayoutsResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FindPayoutsResponse__limit': typing.Optional[int], '_FindPayoutsResponse__offset': typing.Optional[int], '_FindPayoutsResponse__payouts': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_result.PayoutResult]], '_FindPayoutsResponse__total_count': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) FindPayoutsResponse [source]¶
- property limit: int | None¶
- The limit you used in the request.
Type: int
- property offset: int | None¶
- The offset you used in the request.
Type: int
- property payouts: List[PayoutResult] | None¶
- A list of payouts that matched your filter, starting at the given offset and limited to the given limit.
Type: list[
- property total_count: int | None¶
- The total number of payouts that matched your filter.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.find_refunds_response.FindRefundsResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FindRefundsResponse__limit': typing.Optional[int], '_FindRefundsResponse__offset': typing.Optional[int], '_FindRefundsResponse__refunds': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_result.RefundResult]], '_FindRefundsResponse__total_count': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) FindRefundsResponse [source]¶
- property limit: int | None¶
- The limit you used in the request.
Type: int
- property offset: int | None¶
- The offset you used in the request.
Type: int
- property refunds: List[RefundResult] | None¶
- A list of refunds that matched your filter, starting at the given offset and limited to the given limit.
Type: list[
- property total_count: int | None¶
- The total number of refunds that matched your filter.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fixed_list_validator.FixedListValidator[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FixedListValidator__allowed_values': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]}¶
- property allowed_values: List[str] | None¶
- List of the allowed values that the field will be validated against
Type: list[str]
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) FixedListValidator [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_fields.FraudFields[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FraudFields__addresses_are_identical': typing.Optional[bool], '_FraudFields__black_list_data': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudFields__card_owner_address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address], '_FraudFields__customer_ip_address': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudFields__default_form_fill': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudFields__device_fingerprint_activated': typing.Optional[bool], '_FraudFields__device_fingerprint_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudFields__gift_card_type': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudFields__gift_message': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudFields__has_forgotten_pwd': typing.Optional[bool], '_FraudFields__has_password': typing.Optional[bool], '_FraudFields__is_previous_customer': typing.Optional[bool], '_FraudFields__order_timezone': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudFields__ship_comments': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudFields__shipment_tracking_number': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudFields__shipping_details': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_fields_shipping_details.FraudFieldsShippingDetails], '_FraudFields__user_data': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]], '_FraudFields__website': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property addresses_are_identical: bool | None¶
- Indicates that invoice and shipping addresses are equal.
Type: bool
Deprecated; For risk assessments there is no replacement. For other calls, use Order.shipping.addressIndicator instead
- property black_list_data: str | None¶
- Additional black list input
Type: str
- property card_owner_address: Address | None¶
- The address that belongs to the owner of the card
Deprecated; This should be the same as Order.customer.billingAddress
- property customer_ip_address: str | None¶
- The IP Address of the customer that is making the payment. The ‘+’ character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
Type: str
- property default_form_fill: str | None¶
- Degree of default form fill, with the following possible values:
automatically - All fields filled automatically
automatically-but-modified - All fields filled automatically, but some fields were modified manually
manually - All fields were entered manually
Type: str
Deprecated; Use Order.customer.device.defaultFormFill instead
- property device_fingerprint_activated: bool | None¶
- Indicates that the device fingerprint has been used while processing the order.
Type: bool
Deprecated; No replacement
- property device_fingerprint_transaction_id: str | None¶
- One must set the deviceFingerprintTransactionId received by the response of the endpoint /{merchant}/products/{paymentProductId}/deviceFingerprint
Type: str
Deprecated; Use Order.customer.device.deviceFingerprintTransactionId instead
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) FraudFields [source]¶
- property gift_card_type: str | None¶
- One of the following gift card types:
celebrate-fall - Celebrate Fall
grandparents-day - Grandparent’s Day
independence-day - Independence Day
anniversary - Anniversary
birthday - Birthday
congratulations - Congratulations
april-fools-day - April Fool’s Day
easter - Easter
fathers-day - Father’s Day
graduation - Graduation
holiday - Holiday
seasons-greetings - Season’s Greetings
passover - Passover
kwanzaa - Kwanzaa
halloween - Halloween
mothers-day - Mother’s Day
new-years-day - New Year’s Day
bosses-day - Bosses’ Day
st-patricks-day - St. Patrick’s Day
sweetest-day - Sweetest Day
christmas - Christmas
baby-shower - Baby Shower
thanksgiving - Thanksgiving
other - Other
valentines-day - Valentine’s Day
wedding - Wedding
secretarys-day - Secretary’s Day
chinese-new-year - Chinese New Year
hanukkah - Hanukkah
Type: str
- property gift_message: str | None¶
- Gift message
Type: str
- property has_forgotten_pwd: bool | None¶
- Specifies if the customer (initially) had forgotten their password
true - The customer has forgotten their password
false - The customer has not forgotten their password
Type: bool
Deprecated; Use Order.customer.account.hasForgottenPassword instead
- property has_password: bool | None¶
- Specifies if the customer entered a password to gain access to an account registered with the you
true - The customer has used a password to gain access
false - The customer has not used a password to gain access
Type: bool
Deprecated; Use Order.customer.account.hasPassword instead
- property is_previous_customer: bool | None¶
- Specifies if the customer has a history of online shopping with the merchant
true - The customer is a known returning customer
false - The customer is new/unknown customer
Type: bool
Deprecated; Use Order.customer.isPreviousCustomer instead
- property order_timezone: str | None¶
- Timezone in which the order was placed. The ‘+’ character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
Type: str
- property ship_comments: str | None¶
- Comments included during shipping
Type: str
Deprecated; Use Order.shipping.comments instead
- property shipment_tracking_number: str | None¶
- Shipment tracking number
Type: str
Deprecated; Use Order.shipping.trackingNumber instead
- property shipping_details: FraudFieldsShippingDetails | None¶
- Details on how the order is shipped to the customer
Deprecated; No replacement
- property user_data: List[str] | None¶
- Array of up to 16 userData properties, each with a max length of 256 characters, that can be used for fraudscreening
Type: list[str]
- property website: str | None¶
- The website from which the purchase was made
Type: str
Deprecated; Use Merchant.websiteUrl instead
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_fields_shipping_details.FraudFieldsShippingDetails[source]¶
Deprecated; No replacement
- __annotations__ = {'_FraudFieldsShippingDetails__method_details': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudFieldsShippingDetails__method_speed': typing.Optional[int], '_FraudFieldsShippingDetails__method_type': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) FraudFieldsShippingDetails [source]¶
- property method_details: str | None¶
- Details regarding the shipping method
Type: str
Deprecated; No replacement
- property method_speed: int | None¶
- Shipping method speed indicator
Type: int
Deprecated; No replacement
- property method_type: int | None¶
- Shipping method type indicator
Type: int
Deprecated; No replacement
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_results.FraudResults[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FraudResults__cybersource_decision_manager': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cybersource_decision_manager.CybersourceDecisionManager], '_FraudResults__fraud_service_result': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudResults__in_auth': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.in_auth.InAuth], '_FraudResults__microsoft_fraud_protection': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.microsoft_fraud_results.MicrosoftFraudResults]}¶
- property cybersource_decision_manager: CybersourceDecisionManager | None¶
- This object contains the results of the Cybersource Decision Manager assessment. Cybersource is a fraud detection tool leveraging data networks, configurable rules, intelligence, and device fingerprinting to identify risky transactions.
- property fraud_service_result: str | None¶
- Results from the fraud prevention check. Possible values are:
accepted - Based on the checks performed the transaction can be accepted
challenged - Based on the checks performed the transaction should be manually reviewed
denied - Based on the checks performed the transaction should be rejected
no-advice - No fraud check was requested/performed
error - The fraud check resulted in an error and the fraud check was thus not performed
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) FraudResults [source]¶
- property microsoft_fraud_protection: MicrosoftFraudResults | None¶
- This object contains the results of Microsoft Fraud Protection risk assessment. Microsoft collects transaction data points and uses Adaptive AI that continuously learns to protect you against payment fraud, and the device fingerprinting details from the Microsoft Device Fingerprinting service.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_results_retail_decisions.FraudResultsRetailDecisions[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FraudResultsRetailDecisions__fraud_code': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudResultsRetailDecisions__fraud_neural': typing.Optional[str], '_FraudResultsRetailDecisions__fraud_rcf': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property fraud_code: str | None¶
- Result of the fraud service.Provides additional information about the fraud result
Type: str
- property fraud_neural: str | None¶
- Returns the raw score of the neural
Type: str
- property fraud_rcf: str | None¶
- Result of the fraud serviceRepresent sets of fraud rules returned during the evaluation of the transaction
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) FraudResultsRetailDecisions [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraugster_results.FraugsterResults[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FraugsterResults__fraud_investigation_points': typing.Optional[str], '_FraugsterResults__fraud_score': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property fraud_investigation_points: str | None¶
- Result of the Fraugster checkContains the investigation points used during the evaluation
Type: str
- property fraud_score: int | None¶
- Result of the Fraugster checkContains the overall Fraud score which is an integer between 0 and 99
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) FraugsterResults [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.frequency.Frequency[source]¶
The object containing the frequency and interval between recurring payments.- __annotations__ = {'_Frequency__interval': typing.Optional[str], '_Frequency__interval_frequency': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property interval: str | None¶
- The interval between recurring payments specified as days, weeks, quarters, or years.
Type: str
- property interval_frequency: int | None¶
- The number of days, weeks, months, quarters, or years between recurring payments.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.g_pay_three_d_secure.GPayThreeDSecure[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_GPayThreeDSecure__challenge_canvas_size': typing.Optional[str], '_GPayThreeDSecure__challenge_indicator': typing.Optional[str], '_GPayThreeDSecure__exemption_request': typing.Optional[str], '_GPayThreeDSecure__redirection_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirection_data.RedirectionData], '_GPayThreeDSecure__skip_authentication': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property challenge_canvas_size: str | None¶
- Dimensions of the challenge window that potentially will be displayed to the customer. The challenge content is formatted to appropriately render in this window to provide the best possible user experience.Preconfigured sizes are width x height in pixels of the window displayed in the customer browser window. Possible values are:
250x400 (default)
.Type: str
- property challenge_indicator: str | None¶
- Allows you to indicate if you want the customer to be challenged for extra security on this transaction.Possible values:
no-preference - You have no preference whether or not to challenge the customer (default)
no-challenge-requested - you prefer the cardholder not to be challenged
challenge-requested - you prefer the customer to be challenged
challenge-required - you require the customer to be challenged
Type: str
- property exemption_request: str | None¶
- Type of strong customer authentication (SCA) exemption requested for this transaction. Possible values:
none - No exemption flagging is to be used of this transaction (Default).
automatic - Our systems will determine the best possible exemption based on the transaction parameters and the risk scores.
transaction-risk-analysis - You have determined that this transaction is of low risk and are willing to take the liability. Please note that your fraud rate needs to stay below thresholds to allow your use of this exemption.
low-value - The value of the transaction is below 30 EUR. Please note that the issuer will still require every 5th low-value transaction pithing 24 hours to be strongly authenticated. The issuer will also keep track of the cumulative amount authorized on the card. When this exceeds 100 EUR strong customer authentication is also required.
whitelist - You have been whitelisted by the customer at the issuer.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GPayThreeDSecure [source]¶
- property redirection_data: RedirectionData | None¶
- Object containing browser specific redirection related data
- property skip_authentication: bool | None¶
true = 3D Secure authentication will be skipped for this transaction. This setting should be used when isRecurring is set to true and recurringPaymentSequenceIndicator is set to recurring.
false = 3D Secure authentication will not be skipped for this transaction.
Note: This is only possible if your account in our system is setup for 3D Secure authentication and if your configuration in our system allows you to override it per transaction.Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.get_customer_details_request.GetCustomerDetailsRequest[source]¶
Input for the retrieval of a customer’s details.- __annotations__ = {'_GetCustomerDetailsRequest__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_GetCustomerDetailsRequest__values': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.key_value_pair.KeyValuePair]]}¶
- property country_code: str | None¶
- The code of the country where the customer should reside.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GetCustomerDetailsRequest [source]¶
- property values: List[KeyValuePair] | None¶
- A list of keys with a value used to retrieve the details of a customer. Depending on the country code, different keys are required. These can be determined with a getPaymentProduct call and using payment product properties with the property usedForLookup set to true.
Type: list[
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.get_customer_details_response.GetCustomerDetailsResponse[source]¶
Output for the retrieval of a customer’s details.- __annotations__ = {'_GetCustomerDetailsResponse__city': typing.Optional[str], '_GetCustomerDetailsResponse__country': typing.Optional[str], '_GetCustomerDetailsResponse__email_address': typing.Optional[str], '_GetCustomerDetailsResponse__first_name': typing.Optional[str], '_GetCustomerDetailsResponse__fiscal_number': typing.Optional[str], '_GetCustomerDetailsResponse__language_code': typing.Optional[str], '_GetCustomerDetailsResponse__phone_number': typing.Optional[str], '_GetCustomerDetailsResponse__street': typing.Optional[str], '_GetCustomerDetailsResponse__surname': typing.Optional[str], '_GetCustomerDetailsResponse__zip': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property city: str | None¶
- The city in which the customer resides.
Type: str
- property country: str | None¶
- The country in which the customer resides.
Type: str
- property email_address: str | None¶
- The email address registered to the customer.
Type: str
- property first_name: str | None¶
- The first name of the customer
Type: str
- property fiscal_number: str | None¶
- The fiscal number (SSN) for the customer.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GetCustomerDetailsResponse [source]¶
- property language_code: str | None¶
- The code of the language used by the customer.
Type: str
- property phone_number: str | None¶
- The phone number registered to the customer.
Type: str
- property street: str | None¶
- The street on which the customer resides.
Type: str
- property surname: str | None¶
- The surname or family name of the customer.
Type: str
- property zip: str | None¶
- The ZIP or postal code for the area in which the customer resides.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.get_hosted_checkout_response.GetHostedCheckoutResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_GetHostedCheckoutResponse__created_payment_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.created_payment_output.CreatedPaymentOutput], '_GetHostedCheckoutResponse__status': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property created_payment_output: CreatedPaymentOutput | None¶
- When a payment has been created during the hosted checkout session this object will return the details.
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GetHostedCheckoutResponse [source]¶
- property status: str | None¶
- This is the status of the hosted checkout. Possible values are:
IN_PROGRESS - The checkout is still in progress and has not finished yet
PAYMENT_CREATED - A payment has been created
CANCELLED_BY_CONSUMER - If a customer cancels the payment on the payment product detail page of the MyCheckout hosted payment pages, the status will change to IN_PROGRESS. Since we understand you want to be aware of a customer cancelling the payment on the page we host for you, you can choose to receive the status CANCELLED_BY_CONSUMER instead of the status IN_PROGRESS. In order to receive the status CANCELLED_BY_CONSUMER, you need to have the returnCancelState flag enabled in the Create hosted checkout <> call.
CLIENT_NOT_ELIGIBLE_FOR_SELECTED_PAYMENT_PRODUCT - With some payment products it might occur that the device of the user is not capable to complete the payment. If the Hosted Checkout Session was restricted to a single project that is not compatible to the user’s device you will receive this Hosted Checkout status. This scenario applies to: Google Pay (Payment Product ID: 320).
Please see Statuses <> for a full overview of possible values.Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.get_hosted_mandate_management_response.GetHostedMandateManagementResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_GetHostedMandateManagementResponse__mandate': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_response.MandateResponse], '_GetHostedMandateManagementResponse__status': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GetHostedMandateManagementResponse [source]¶
- property mandate: MandateResponse | None¶
- When a mandate has been created during the hosted mandate management session this object will return the details.
- property status: str | None¶
- This is the status of the hosted mandate management. Possible values are:
IN_PROGRESS - The session has been created, but no mandate has been created yet.
MANDATE_CREATED - A mandate has been created, the customer might still need to sign the mandate.
FAILED - There was an error while creating the mandate, the session can not continue.
CANCELLED_BY_CONSUMER - The session was cancelled before a mandate was created
.Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.get_iin_details_request.GetIINDetailsRequest[source]¶
Input for the retrieval of the IIN details request.- __annotations__ = {'_GetIINDetailsRequest__bin': typing.Optional[str], '_GetIINDetailsRequest__payment_context': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_context.PaymentContext]}¶
- property bin: str | None¶
- The first digits of the credit card number from left to right with a minimum of 6 digits. Providing additional digits can result in more co-brands being returned.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GetIINDetailsRequest [source]¶
- property payment_context: PaymentContext | None¶
- Optional payment context to refine the IIN lookup to filter out payment products not applicable to your payment.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.get_iin_details_response.GetIINDetailsResponse[source]¶
Output of the retrieval of the IIN details request- __annotations__ = {'_GetIINDetailsResponse__co_brands': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.iin_detail.IINDetail]], '_GetIINDetailsResponse__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_GetIINDetailsResponse__is_allowed_in_context': typing.Optional[bool], '_GetIINDetailsResponse__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property co_brands: List[IINDetail] | None¶
- Populated only if the card has multiple brands.A list with for every brand of the card, the payment product identifier associated with that brand, and if you submitted a payment context, whether that payment product is allowed in the context.
Type: list[
- property country_code: str | None¶
- The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country where the card was issued. If we don’t know where the card was issued, then the countryCode will return the value ‘99’.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GetIINDetailsResponse [source]¶
- property is_allowed_in_context: bool | None¶
- Populated only if you submitted a payment context.
true - The payment product is allowed in the submitted context.
false - The payment product is not allowed in the submitted context. Note that in this case, none of the brands of the card will be allowed in the submitted context.
Type: bool
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- The payment product identifier associated with the card. If the card has multiple brands, then we select the most appropriate payment product based on your configuration and the payment context, if you submitted one.Please see payment products <> for a full overview of possible values
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.get_installment_request.GetInstallmentRequest[source]¶
Using the Installment Service API you can ask us to provide you with information related to the available installment options, based on the country, amount and optionally payment productId and bin number.- __annotations__ = {'_GetInstallmentRequest__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_GetInstallmentRequest__bin': typing.Optional[str], '_GetInstallmentRequest__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_GetInstallmentRequest__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- Object containing amount and ISO currency code attributes
- property bin: str | None¶
- The first digits of the card number from left to right with a minimum of 6 digits
Type: str
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GetInstallmentRequest [source]¶
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- Payment product identifierPlease see payment products <> for a full overview of possible values.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.get_mandate_response.GetMandateResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_GetMandateResponse__mandate': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_response.MandateResponse]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GetMandateResponse [source]¶
- property mandate: MandateResponse | None¶
- Object containing information on a mandate.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.get_privacy_policy_response.GetPrivacyPolicyResponse[source]¶
Output of the retrieval of the privacy policy- __annotations__ = {'_GetPrivacyPolicyResponse__html_content': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GetPrivacyPolicyResponse [source]¶
- property html_content: str | None¶
- HTML content to be displayed to the user
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.gift_card_purchase.GiftCardPurchase[source]¶
Object containing information on purchased gift card(s)- __annotations__ = {'_GiftCardPurchase__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_GiftCardPurchase__number_of_gift_cards': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- Object containing information on an amount of money
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) GiftCardPurchase [source]¶
- property number_of_gift_cards: int | None¶
- Number of gift cards that are purchased through this transaction
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.hosted_checkout_specific_input.HostedCheckoutSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_HostedCheckoutSpecificInput__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_HostedCheckoutSpecificInput__locale': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedCheckoutSpecificInput__payment_product_filters': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_filters_hosted_checkout.PaymentProductFiltersHostedCheckout], '_HostedCheckoutSpecificInput__recurring_payments_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.recurring_payments_data.RecurringPaymentsData], '_HostedCheckoutSpecificInput__return_cancel_state': typing.Optional[bool], '_HostedCheckoutSpecificInput__return_url': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedCheckoutSpecificInput__show_result_page': typing.Optional[bool], '_HostedCheckoutSpecificInput__tokens': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedCheckoutSpecificInput__validate_shopping_cart': typing.Optional[bool], '_HostedCheckoutSpecificInput__variant': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) HostedCheckoutSpecificInput [source]¶
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
true - Only payment products that support recurring payments will be shown. Any transactions created will also be tagged as being a first of a recurring sequence.
false - Only payment products that support one-off payments will be shown.
The default value for this property is false.Type: bool
- property locale: str | None¶
- Locale to use to present the MyCheckout payment pages to the customer. Please make sure that a language pack is configured for the locale you are submitting. If you submit a locale that is not setup on your account we will use the default language pack for your account. You can easily upload additional language packs and set the default language pack in the Configuration Center.
Type: str
- property payment_product_filters: PaymentProductFiltersHostedCheckout | None¶
- Contains the payment product ids and payment product groups that will be used for manipulating the payment products available for the payment to the customer.
- property recurring_payments_data: RecurringPaymentsData | None¶
- The object containing reference data for the text that can be displayed on MyCheckout hosted payment page with subscription information.Note:The data in this object is only meant for displaying recurring payments-related data on your checkout page.You still need to submit all the recurring payment-related data in the corresponding payment product-specific input. (example: cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.recurring and cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.isRecurring)
- property return_cancel_state: bool | None¶
- This flag affects the status of a Hosted Checkout when a customer presses the cancel button and is returned to you as a result.If set to true, then the status will be CANCELLED_BY_CONSUMER. If set to false, then the status will be IN_PROGRESS.The default value is false. This flag was added to introduce the additional CANCELLED_BY_CONSUMER state as a non-breaking change.
Type: bool
- property return_url: str | None¶
- The URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first.URLs without a protocol will be rejected.
Type: str
- property show_result_page: bool | None¶
true - MyCheckout will show a result page to the customer when applicable. Default.
false - MyCheckout will redirect the customer back to the provided returnUrl when this is possible.
The default value for this property is true.Type: bool
- property tokens: str | None¶
- String containing comma separated tokens (no spaces) associated with the customer of this hosted checkout. Valid tokens will be used to present the customer the option to re-use previously used payment details. This means the customer for instance does not have to re-enter their card details again, which a big plus when the customer is using their mobile phone to complete the checkout.
Type: str
- property validate_shopping_cart: bool | None¶
- By default, validation is done for all the information required to display the shopping cart. Set this value to false if you would like to turn that feature off for a hosted checkout on the Ogone Payment Platform, in which case the rendering of the shopping cart will be skipped if any required information is missing. Use this when you want fraud-checks to be performed on the shopping cart, but do not want to suply all data needed for displaying it in the hosted checkout. The default value for this property is true.
Type: bool
- property variant: str | None¶
- Using the Configuration Center it is possible to create multiple variations of your MyCheckout payment pages. By specifying a specific variant you can force the use of another variant then the default. This allows you to test out the effect of certain changes to your MyCheckout payment pages in a controlled manner. Please note that you need to specify the ID of the variant.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.hosted_checkout_specific_output.HostedCheckoutSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_HostedCheckoutSpecificOutput__hosted_checkout_id': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedCheckoutSpecificOutput__variant': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) HostedCheckoutSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property hosted_checkout_id: str | None¶
- The ID of the Hosted Checkout Session in which the payment was made.
Type: str
- property variant: str | None¶
- Using the Configuration Center it is possible to create multiple variations of your MyCheckout payment pages. By specifying a specific variant you can force the use of another variant then the default. This allows you to test out the effect of certain changes to your hosted mandate pages in a controlled manner. Please note that you need to specify the ID of the variant.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.hosted_file.HostedFile[source]¶
File items.- __annotations__ = {'_HostedFile__file_name': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedFile__file_size': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedFile__file_type': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedFile__id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property file_name: str | None¶
- The name of the file.
Type: str
- property file_size: str | None¶
- The size of the file in bytes.
Type: str
- property file_type: str | None¶
- The type of the file.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) HostedFile [source]¶
- property id: str | None¶
- The numeric identifier of the file.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.hosted_mandate_info.HostedMandateInfo[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_HostedMandateInfo__alias': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedMandateInfo__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_customer.MandateCustomer], '_HostedMandateInfo__customer_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedMandateInfo__recurrence_type': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedMandateInfo__signature_type': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedMandateInfo__unique_mandate_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property alias: str | None¶
- An alias for the mandate. This can be used to visually represent the mandate.Do not include any unobfuscated sensitive data in the alias.Default value if not provided is the obfuscated IBAN of the customer.
Type: str
- property customer: MandateCustomer | None¶
- Customer object containing customer specific inputs
- property customer_reference: str | None¶
- The unique identifier of a customer
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) HostedMandateInfo [source]¶
- property recurrence_type: str | None¶
- Specifies whether the mandate is for one-off or recurring payments. Possible values are:
Type: str
- property signature_type: str | None¶
- Specifies whether the mandate is unsigned or singed by SMS. Possible values are:
Type: str
- property unique_mandate_reference: str | None¶
- The unique identifier of the mandate
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.hosted_mandate_management_specific_input.HostedMandateManagementSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_HostedMandateManagementSpecificInput__locale': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedMandateManagementSpecificInput__return_url': typing.Optional[str], '_HostedMandateManagementSpecificInput__show_result_page': typing.Optional[bool], '_HostedMandateManagementSpecificInput__variant': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) HostedMandateManagementSpecificInput [source]¶
- property locale: str | None¶
- Locale to use to present the hosted mandate pages to the customer. Please make sure that a language pack is configured for the locale you are submitting. If you submit a locale that is not setup on your account we will use the default language pack for your account. You can easily upload additional language packs and set the default language pack in the Configuration Center.
Type: str
- property return_url: str | None¶
- The URL that the customer is redirect to after the mandate flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first.URLs without a protocol will be rejected.
Type: str
- property show_result_page: bool | None¶
true - MyMandate will show a result page to the customer when applicable. Default.
false - MyMandate will redirect the customer back to the provided returnUrl when this is possible.
The default value for this property is true.Type: bool
- property variant: str | None¶
- The ID of the variant used to create the Hosted Mandate Management Session in which the payment was made.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.iin_detail.IINDetail[source]¶
Output of the retrieval of the IIN details request- __annotations__ = {'_IINDetail__is_allowed_in_context': typing.Optional[bool], '_IINDetail__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property is_allowed_in_context: bool | None¶
- Populated only if you submitted a payment context.
true - The payment product is allowed in the submitted context.
false - The payment product is not allowed in the submitted context. Note that in this case, none of the brands of the card will be allowed in the submitted context.
Type: bool
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- Payment product identifierPlease see payment products <> for a full overview of possible values.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.in_auth.InAuth[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_InAuth__device_category': typing.Optional[str], '_InAuth__device_id': typing.Optional[str], '_InAuth__risk_score': typing.Optional[str], '_InAuth__true_ip_address': typing.Optional[str], '_InAuth__true_ip_address_country': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property device_category: str | None¶
- The type of device used by the customer. Example values:
Type: str
- property device_id: str | None¶
- This is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
Type: str
- property risk_score: str | None¶
- The score calculated on the basis of Anomalies, Velocity, Location, Integrity, List-Based, and Device Reputation. Range of the score is between 0 and 100. A lower value is better.
Type: str
- property true_ip_address: str | None¶
- The true IP address as determined by inAuth. This might be different from the IP address that you are seeing on your side due to the proxy piercing technology deployed by inAuth.
Type: str
- property true_ip_address_country: str | None¶
- The country of the customer based on the location of the True IP Address determined by inAuth.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.installment_display_hints.InstallmentDisplayHints[source]¶
Object containing information for the client on how best to display this options- __annotations__ = {'_InstallmentDisplayHints__display_order': typing.Optional[int], '_InstallmentDisplayHints__label': typing.Optional[str], '_InstallmentDisplayHints__logo': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property display_order: int | None¶
- Determines the order in which the installment options should be shown (sorted ascending). In countries like Turkey there are multiple loyalty programs that offer installments
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) InstallmentDisplayHints [source]¶
- property label: str | None¶
- Name of the installment option
Type: str
- property logo: str | None¶
- Partial URL that you can reference for the image of this installment provider. You can use our server-side resize functionality by appending ‘?size={{width}}x{{height}}’ to the full URL, where width and height are specified in pixels. The resized image will always keep its correct aspect ratio.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.installment_options.InstallmentOptions[source]¶
Array containing installment options their details and characteristics- __annotations__ = {'_InstallmentOptions__display_hints': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.installment_display_hints.InstallmentDisplayHints], '_InstallmentOptions__id': typing.Optional[str], '_InstallmentOptions__installment_plans': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.installments.Installments]]}¶
- property display_hints: InstallmentDisplayHints | None¶
- Object containing information for the client on how best to display the installment options
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) InstallmentOptions [source]¶
- property id: str | None¶
- The ID of the installment option in our system
Type: str
- property installment_plans: List[Installments] | None¶
- Object containing information about installment plans
Type: list[
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.installment_options_response.InstallmentOptionsResponse[source]¶
The response contains the details of the installment options- __annotations__ = {'_InstallmentOptionsResponse__installment_options': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.installment_options.InstallmentOptions]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) InstallmentOptionsResponse [source]¶
- property installment_options: List[InstallmentOptions] | None¶
- Array containing installment options their details and characteristics
Type: list[
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.installments.Installments[source]¶
Object containing data related to installments which can be used for card payments and only with some acquirers. In case you send in the details of this object, only the combination of card products and acquirers that do support installments will be shown on the MyCheckout hosted payment pages.- __annotations__ = {'_Installments__amount_of_money_per_installment': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_Installments__amount_of_money_total': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_Installments__frequency_of_installments': typing.Optional[str], '_Installments__installment_plan_code': typing.Optional[int], '_Installments__interest_rate': typing.Optional[str], '_Installments__number_of_installments': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property amount_of_money_per_installment: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- The amount that will be paid per installment. The total amount of amountOfMoneyPerInstallment x numberOfInstallments can not be higher than the total amount of this transaction, although we will not validate that.For the payment product IDs BC Card (paymentProductId 8590), Hana Card (paymentProductId 8591), Hyundai Card (paymentProductId 8592), KB Card (paymentProductId 8593), Lotte Card (paymentProductId 8594), NH Card (paymentProductId 8595), Samsung Card (paymentProductId 8596) and Shinhan Card (paymentProductId 8597), this property is not used as the value is decided by the issuer.
- property amount_of_money_total: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- Object containing the total amount and ISO currency code attributes
- property frequency_of_installments: str | None¶
- The frequency in which the installments will be collected from the customer. The possible values are:
monthly (default)
For the payment product IDs BC Card (paymentProductId 8590), Hana Card (paymentProductId 8591), Hyundai Card (paymentProductId 8592), KB Card (paymentProductId 8593), Lotte Card (paymentProductId 8594), NH Card (paymentProductId 8595), Samsung Card (paymentProductId 8596) and Shinhan Card (paymentProductId 8597), only the value monthly is valid.Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) Installments [source]¶
- property installment_plan_code: int | None¶
- The code for the installment plan. The possible values are:
43 No-interest, 3 month Installmentplan
**46**No-interest, 6 month Installmentplan
**49**No-interest, 9 month Installmentplan
**52**No-interest, 12 month Installmentplan
Type: int
- property interest_rate: str | None¶
- The interest rate paid for installments expressed in percentage. So for example 5.75 means 5.75%For the payment product IDs BC Card (paymentProductId 8590), Hana Card (paymentProductId 8591), Hyundai Card (paymentProductId 8592), KB Card (paymentProductId 8593), Lotte Card (paymentProductId 8594), NH Card (paymentProductId 8595), Samsung Card (paymentProductId 8596) and Shinhan Card (paymentProductId 8597), this property is not used as the value is decided by the issuer.
Type: str
- property number_of_installments: int | None¶
- The number of installments in which this transaction will be paid, which can be used for card payments at supported acquirers, or with specific payment products. Only used with some acquirers. In case you send in the details of this object, only the payment products (or combination of card products and acquirers) that support installments will be shown on the MyCheckout hosted payment pages. If this property is not provided the customer will not see details on the installment plan in a HostedCheckout.For the payment product IDs BC Card (paymentProductId 8590), Hana Card (paymentProductId 8591), Hyundai Card (paymentProductId 8592), KB Card (paymentProductId 8593), Lotte Card (paymentProductId 8594), NH Card (paymentProductId 8595), Samsung Card (paymentProductId 8596) and Shinhan Card (paymentProductId 8597), there is a maximum of 12 installments.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.invoice_payment_method_specific_input.InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput__additional_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property additional_reference: str | None¶
- Your (additional) reference identifier for this transaction. Data supplied in this property will also be returned in our report files, allowing you to reconcile the incoming funds.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.invoice_payment_method_specific_output.InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput__fraud_results': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_results.FraudResults]}¶
- property fraud_results: FraudResults | None¶
- Object containing the results of the fraud screening
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.key_value_pair.KeyValuePair[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_KeyValuePair__key': typing.Optional[str], '_KeyValuePair__value': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) KeyValuePair [source]¶
- property key: str | None¶
- Name of the key or property
Type: str
- property value: str | None¶
- Value of the key or property
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.label_template_element.LabelTemplateElement[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_LabelTemplateElement__attribute_key': typing.Optional[str], '_LabelTemplateElement__mask': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property attribute_key: str | None¶
- Name of the attribute that is shown to the customer on selection pages or screens
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) LabelTemplateElement [source]¶
- property mask: str | None¶
- Regular mask for the attributeKeyNote: The mask is optional as not every field has a mask
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.length_validator.LengthValidator[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_LengthValidator__max_length': typing.Optional[int], '_LengthValidator__min_length': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) LengthValidator [source]¶
- property max_length: int | None¶
- The maximum allowed length
Type: int
- property min_length: int | None¶
- The minimum allowed length
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.level3_summary_data.Level3SummaryData[source]¶
Deprecated; Use ShoppingCart.amountBreakdown instead
- __annotations__ = {'_Level3SummaryData__discount_amount': typing.Optional[int], '_Level3SummaryData__duty_amount': typing.Optional[int], '_Level3SummaryData__shipping_amount': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property discount_amount: int | None¶
- Discount on the entire transaction, with the last 2 digits are implied decimal places
Type: int
Deprecated; Use ShoppingCart.amountBreakdown with type DISCOUNT instead
- property duty_amount: int | None¶
- Duty on the entire transaction, with the last 2 digits are implied decimal places
Type: int
Deprecated; Use ShoppingCart.amountBreakdown with type DUTY instead
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) Level3SummaryData [source]¶
- property shipping_amount: int | None¶
- Shippingcost on the entire transaction, with the last 2 digits are implied decimal places
Type: int
Deprecated; Use ShoppingCart.amountBreakdown with type SHIPPING instead
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.line_item.LineItem[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_LineItem__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_LineItem__invoice_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.line_item_invoice_data.LineItemInvoiceData], '_LineItem__level3_interchange_information': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.line_item_level3_interchange_information.LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation], '_LineItem__order_line_details': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_line_details.OrderLineDetails]}¶
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- Object containing amount and ISO currency code attributesNote: make sure you submit the amount and currency code for each line item
- property invoice_data: LineItemInvoiceData | None¶
- Object containing the line items of the invoice or shopping cart. The ‘+’ character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
- property level3_interchange_information: LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation | None¶
- Object containing additional information that when supplied can have a beneficial effect on the discountrates
Deprecated; Use orderLineDetails instead
- property order_line_details: OrderLineDetails | None¶
- Object containing additional information that when supplied can have a beneficial effect on the discountrates
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.line_item_invoice_data.LineItemInvoiceData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_LineItemInvoiceData__description': typing.Optional[str], '_LineItemInvoiceData__merchant_linenumber': typing.Optional[str], '_LineItemInvoiceData__merchant_pagenumber': typing.Optional[str], '_LineItemInvoiceData__nr_of_items': typing.Optional[str], '_LineItemInvoiceData__price_per_item': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property description: str | None¶
- Shopping cart item description
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) LineItemInvoiceData [source]¶
- property merchant_linenumber: str | None¶
- Line number for printed invoice or order of items in the cartShould be a numeric string
Type: str
- property merchant_pagenumber: str | None¶
- Page number for printed invoiceShould be a numeric string
Type: str
- property nr_of_items: str | None¶
- Quantity of the item
Type: str
- property price_per_item: int | None¶
- Price per item
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.line_item_level3_interchange_information.LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation__discount_amount': typing.Optional[int], '_LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation__line_amount_total': typing.Optional[int], '_LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation__product_code': typing.Optional[str], '_LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation__product_price': typing.Optional[int], '_LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation__product_type': typing.Optional[str], '_LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation__quantity': typing.Optional[int], '_LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation__tax_amount': typing.Optional[int], '_LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation__unit': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property discount_amount: int | None¶
- Discount on the line item, with the last two digits are implied decimal places
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) LineItemLevel3InterchangeInformation [source]¶
- property line_amount_total: int | None¶
- Total amount for the line item
Type: int
- property product_code: str | None¶
- Product or UPC Code, left justifiedNote: Must not be all spaces or all zeros
Type: str
- property product_price: int | None¶
- The price of one unit of the product, the value should be zero or greater
Type: int
- property product_type: str | None¶
- Code used to classify items that are purchasedNote: Must not be all spaces or all zeros
Type: str
- property quantity: int | None¶
- Quantity of the units being purchased, should be greater than zeroNote: Must not be all spaces or all zeros
Type: int
- property tax_amount: int | None¶
- Tax on the line item, with the last two digits are implied decimal places
Type: int
- property unit: str | None¶
- Indicates the line item unit of measure; for example: each, kit, pair, gallon, month, etc.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.loan_recipient.LoanRecipient[source]¶
Deprecated; No replacement
- __annotations__ = {'_LoanRecipient__account_number': typing.Optional[str], '_LoanRecipient__date_of_birth': typing.Optional[str], '_LoanRecipient__partial_pan': typing.Optional[str], '_LoanRecipient__surname': typing.Optional[str], '_LoanRecipient__zip': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property account_number: str | None¶
- Should be filled with the last 10 digits of the bank account number of the recipient of the loan.
Type: str
Deprecated; No replacement
- property date_of_birth: str | None¶
- The date of birth of the customer of the recipient of the loan.Format: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
Deprecated; No replacement
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) LoanRecipient [source]¶
- property partial_pan: str | None¶
- Should be filled with the first 6 and last 4 digits of the PAN number of the recipient of the loan.
Type: str
Deprecated; No replacement
- property surname: str | None¶
- Surname of the recipient of the loan.
Type: str
Deprecated; No replacement
- property zip: str | None¶
- Zip code of the recipient of the loan
Type: str
Deprecated; No replacement
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.lodging_charge.LodgingCharge[source]¶
Object that holds lodging related charges- __annotations__ = {'_LodgingCharge__charge_amount': typing.Optional[int], '_LodgingCharge__charge_amount_currency_code': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingCharge__charge_type': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property charge_amount: int | None¶
- Amount of additional charges associated with the stay of the guest.Note: The currencyCode is presumed to be identical to the order.amountOfMoney.currencyCode.
Type: int
- property charge_amount_currency_code: str | None¶
- Currency for Charge amount. The code should be in 3 letter ISO format.
Type: str
- property charge_type: str | None¶
- Type of additional charges associated with the stay of the guest.Allowed values:
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) LodgingCharge [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.lodging_data.LodgingData[source]¶
Object that holds lodging specific data- __annotations__ = {'_LodgingData__charges': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.lodging_charge.LodgingCharge]], '_LodgingData__check_in_date': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingData__check_out_date': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingData__folio_number': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingData__is_confirmed_reservation': typing.Optional[bool], '_LodgingData__is_facility_fire_safety_conform': typing.Optional[bool], '_LodgingData__is_no_show': typing.Optional[bool], '_LodgingData__is_preference_smoking_room': typing.Optional[bool], '_LodgingData__number_of_adults': typing.Optional[int], '_LodgingData__number_of_nights': typing.Optional[int], '_LodgingData__number_of_rooms': typing.Optional[int], '_LodgingData__program_code': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingData__property_customer_service_phone_number': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingData__property_phone_number': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingData__renter_name': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingData__rooms': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.lodging_room.LodgingRoom]]}¶
- property charges: List[LodgingCharge] | None¶
- Object that holds lodging related charges
Type: list[
- property check_in_date: str | None¶
- The date the guest checks into (or plans to check in to) the facility.Format: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- property check_out_date: str | None¶
- The date the guest checks out of (or plans to check out of) the facility.Format: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- property folio_number: str | None¶
- The Lodging Folio Number assigned to the itemized statement of charges and credits associated with this lodging stay, which can be any combination of characters and numerals defined by the Merchant or authorized Third Party Processor.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) LodgingData [source]¶
- property is_confirmed_reservation: bool | None¶
- Indicates whether the room reservation is confirmed.
true - The room reservation is confirmed
false - The room reservation is not confirmed
Type: bool
- property is_facility_fire_safety_conform: bool | None¶
- Defines whether or not the facility conforms to the requirements of the Hotel and Motel Fire Safety Act of 1990, or similar legislation.
true - The facility conform to the requirements
false - The facility doesn’t conform to the requirements
Type: bool
- property is_no_show: bool | None¶
- Indicate if this the customer is a no show case. In such case, the lodging property can charge a no show fee.
true - The customer is a no show
false - Not applicable
Type: bool
- property is_preference_smoking_room: bool | None¶
- Indicated the preference of the customer for a smoking or non-smoking room.
true - A smoking room is preferred
false - A non-smoking room is preferred
Type: bool
- property number_of_adults: int | None¶
- The total number of adult guests staying (or planning to stay) at the facility (i.e., all booked rooms)
Type: int
- property number_of_nights: int | None¶
- The number of nights for the lodging stay
Type: int
- property number_of_rooms: int | None¶
- The number of rooms rented for the lodging stay
Type: int
- property program_code: str | None¶
- Code that corresponds to the category of lodging charges detailed in this message.Allowed values:
lodging - (Default) Submitted charges are for lodging
noShow - Submitted charges are for the failure of the guest(s) to check in for reserved a room
advancedDeposit - Submitted charges are for an Advanced Deposit to reserve one or more rooms
If no value is submitted the default value lodging is used.Type: str
- property property_customer_service_phone_number: str | None¶
- The international customer service phone number of the facility
Type: str
- property property_phone_number: str | None¶
- The local phone number of the facility in an international phone number format
Type: str
- property renter_name: str | None¶
- Name of the person or business entity charged for the reservation and/or lodging stay
Type: str
- property rooms: List[LodgingRoom] | None¶
- Object that holds lodging related room data
Type: list[
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.lodging_room.LodgingRoom[source]¶
Object that holds lodging related room data- __annotations__ = {'_LodgingRoom__daily_room_rate': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingRoom__daily_room_rate_currency_code': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingRoom__daily_room_tax_amount': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingRoom__daily_room_tax_amount_currency_code': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingRoom__number_of_nights_at_room_rate': typing.Optional[int], '_LodgingRoom__room_location': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingRoom__room_number': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingRoom__type_of_bed': typing.Optional[str], '_LodgingRoom__type_of_room': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property daily_room_rate: str | None¶
- Daily room rate exclusive of any taxes and feesNote: The currencyCode is presumed to be identical to the order.amountOfMoney.currencyCode.
Type: str
- property daily_room_rate_currency_code: str | None¶
- Currency for Daily room rate. The code should be in 3 letter ISO format
Type: str
- property daily_room_tax_amount: str | None¶
- Daily room taxNote: The currencyCode is presumed to be identical to the order.amountOfMoney.currencyCode.
Type: str
- property daily_room_tax_amount_currency_code: str | None¶
- Currency for Daily room tax. The code should be in 3 letter ISO format
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) LodgingRoom [source]¶
- property number_of_nights_at_room_rate: int | None¶
- Number of nights charged at the rate in the dailyRoomRate property
Type: int
- property room_location: str | None¶
- Location of the room within the facility, e.g. Park or Garden etc.
Type: str
- property room_number: str | None¶
- Room number
Type: str
- property type_of_bed: str | None¶
- Size of bed, e.g., king, queen, double.
Type: str
- property type_of_room: str | None¶
- Describes the type of room, e.g., standard, deluxe, suite.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_address.MandateAddress[source]¶
Address details of the consumer- __annotations__ = {'_MandateAddress__city': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateAddress__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateAddress__house_number': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateAddress__street': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateAddress__zip': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property city: str | None¶
- City
Type: str
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandateAddress [source]¶
- property house_number: str | None¶
- House number
Type: str
- property street: str | None¶
- Streetname
Type: str
- property zip: str | None¶
- Zip code
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_approval.MandateApproval[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MandateApproval__mandate_signature_date': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateApproval__mandate_signature_place': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateApproval__mandate_signed': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandateApproval [source]¶
- property mandate_signature_date: str | None¶
- The date when the mandate was signedFormat: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- property mandate_signature_place: str | None¶
- The city where the mandate was signed
Type: str
- property mandate_signed: bool | None¶
true = Mandate is signed
false = Mandate is not signed
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_contact_details.MandateContactDetails[source]¶
Contact details of the consumer- __annotations__ = {'_MandateContactDetails__email_address': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property email_address: str | None¶
- Email address of the customer
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandateContactDetails [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_customer.MandateCustomer[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MandateCustomer__bank_account_iban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_iban.BankAccountIban], '_MandateCustomer__company_name': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateCustomer__contact_details': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_contact_details.MandateContactDetails], '_MandateCustomer__mandate_address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_address.MandateAddress], '_MandateCustomer__personal_information': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_personal_information.MandatePersonalInformation]}¶
- property bank_account_iban: BankAccountIban | None¶
- Object containing IBAN information
- property company_name: str | None¶
- Name of company, as a customer
Type: str
- property contact_details: MandateContactDetails | None¶
- Object containing contact details like email address and phone number
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandateCustomer [source]¶
- property mandate_address: MandateAddress | None¶
- Object containing billing address details
- property personal_information: MandatePersonalInformation | None¶
- Object containing personal information of the customer
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_merchant_action.MandateMerchantAction[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MandateMerchantAction__action_type': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateMerchantAction__redirect_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_redirect_data.MandateRedirectData]}¶
- property action_type: str | None¶
- Action merchants needs to take in the online mandate process. Possible values are:
REDIRECT - The customer needs to be redirected using the details found in redirectData
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandateMerchantAction [source]¶
- property redirect_data: MandateRedirectData | None¶
- Object containing all data needed to redirect the customer
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_non_sepa_direct_debit.MandateNonSepaDirectDebit[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MandateNonSepaDirectDebit__payment_product705_specific_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_product705_specific_data.TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificData], '_MandateNonSepaDirectDebit__payment_product730_specific_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_product730_specific_data.TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificData]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandateNonSepaDirectDebit [source]¶
- property payment_product705_specific_data: TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificData | None¶
- Object containing specific data for Direct Debit UK
- property payment_product730_specific_data: TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificData | None¶
- Object containing specific data for ACH
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_personal_information.MandatePersonalInformation[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MandatePersonalInformation__name': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_personal_name.MandatePersonalName], '_MandatePersonalInformation__title': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandatePersonalInformation [source]¶
- property name: MandatePersonalName | None¶
- Object containing the name details of the customer
- property title: str | None¶
- Object containing the title of the customer (Mr, Miss or Mrs)
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_personal_name.MandatePersonalName[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MandatePersonalName__first_name': typing.Optional[str], '_MandatePersonalName__surname': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property first_name: str | None¶
- Given name(s) or first name(s) of the customer
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandatePersonalName [source]¶
- property surname: str | None¶
- Surname(s) or last name(s) of the customer
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_redirect_data.MandateRedirectData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandateRedirectData [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_response.MandateResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MandateResponse__alias': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateResponse__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_customer.MandateCustomer], '_MandateResponse__customer_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateResponse__recurrence_type': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateResponse__status': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateResponse__unique_mandate_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property alias: str | None¶
- An alias for the mandate. This can be used to visually represent the mandate.Do not include any unobfuscated sensitive data in the alias.Default value if not provided is the obfuscated IBAN of the customer.
Type: str
- property customer: MandateCustomer | None¶
- Customer object containing customer specific inputs
- property customer_reference: str | None¶
- The unique identifier of the customer to which this mandate is applicable
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandateResponse [source]¶
- property recurrence_type: str | None¶
- Specifieds whether the mandate is for one-off or recurring payments.
Type: str
- property status: str | None¶
- The status of the mandate. Possible values are:
Type: str
- property unique_mandate_reference: str | None¶
- The unique identifier of the mandate
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_sepa_direct_debit.MandateSepaDirectDebit[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MandateSepaDirectDebit__creditor': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.creditor.Creditor]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandateSepaDirectDebit [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_sepa_direct_debit_with_mandate_id.MandateSepaDirectDebitWithMandateId[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MandateSepaDirectDebitWithMandateId__mandate_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandateSepaDirectDebitWithMandateId [source]¶
- property mandate_id: str | None¶
- Unique mandate identifier
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_sepa_direct_debit_without_creditor.MandateSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MandateSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor__bank_account_iban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_iban.BankAccountIban], '_MandateSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor__customer_contract_identifier': typing.Optional[str], '_MandateSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor__debtor': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.debtor.Debtor], '_MandateSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_MandateSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor__mandate_approval': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_approval.MandateApproval], '_MandateSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor__pre_notification': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property bank_account_iban: BankAccountIban | None¶
- Object containing Account holder and IBAN information
- property customer_contract_identifier: str | None¶
- Identifies the contract between customer and merchant
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MandateSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor [source]¶
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
Type: bool
- property mandate_approval: MandateApproval | None¶
- Object containing the details of the mandate approval
- property pre_notification: str | None¶
- Indicates whether a pre-notification should be sent to the customer.
do-not-send - Do not send a pre-notification
send-on-first-collection - Send a pre-notification
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.merchant.Merchant[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_Merchant__configuration_id': typing.Optional[str], '_Merchant__contact_website_url': typing.Optional[str], '_Merchant__seller': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.seller.Seller], '_Merchant__website_url': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property configuration_id: str | None¶
- In case your account has been setup with multiple configurations you can use this property to identify the one you would like to use for the transaction. Note that you can only submit preconfigured values in combination with the Worldline Online Payments Acceptance platform. In case no value is supplied a default value of 0 will be submitted to the Worldline Online Payments Acceptance platform. The Worldline Online Payments Acceptance platform internally refers to this as a PosId.
Type: str
- property contact_website_url: str | None¶
- URL to find contact or support details to contact in case of questions.
Type: str
- property website_url: str | None¶
- The website from which the purchase was made. The ‘+’ character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_action.MerchantAction[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MerchantAction__action_type': typing.Optional[str], '_MerchantAction__form_fields': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field.PaymentProductField]], '_MerchantAction__mobile_three_d_secure_challenge_parameters': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_three_d_secure_challenge_parameters.MobileThreeDSecureChallengeParameters], '_MerchantAction__redirect_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_data.RedirectData], '_MerchantAction__rendering_data': typing.Optional[str], '_MerchantAction__show_data': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.key_value_pair.KeyValuePair]], '_MerchantAction__third_party_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.third_party_data.ThirdPartyData]}¶
- property action_type: str | None¶
- Action merchants needs to take in the online payment process. Possible values are:
REDIRECT - The customer needs to be redirected using the details found in redirectData
SHOW_FORM - The customer needs to be shown a form with the fields found in formFields. You can submit the data entered by the user in a Complete payment <> request. Additionally:
for payment product 3012 (Bancontact), to support payments via the Bancontact app, showData contains a QR code and URL intent.
for payment product 863 (WeChat Pay), to support payments via the WeChat app, showData contains a QR code, URL intent, or signature and nonce combination. The showData property describes when each of these values can be returned.
Note that WeChat Pay does not support completing payments.SHOW_INSTRUCTIONS - The customer needs to be shown payment instruction using the details found in showData. Alternatively the instructions can be rendered by us using the instructionsRenderingData
SHOW_TRANSACTION_RESULTS - The customer needs to be shown the transaction results using the details found in showData
MOBILE_THREEDS_CHALLENGE - The customer needs to complete a challenge as part of the 3D Secure authentication inside your mobile app. The details contained in mobileThreeDSecureChallengeParameters need to be provided to the EMVco certified Mobile SDK as a challengeParameters object.
INITIALIZE_INAPP_THREED_SECURE_SDK - You need to initialize the 3D in app SDK using the returned parameters. The details contained in mobileThreeDSecureChallengeParameters need to be provided to the EMVco certified Mobile SDK as an initializationParameters object.
CALL_THIRD_PARTY - The merchant needs to call a third party using the data found in thirdPartyData
Type: str
- property form_fields: List[PaymentProductField] | None¶
- Populated only when the actionType of the merchantAction is SHOW_FORM. In this case, this property contains the list of fields to render, in the format that is also used in the response of Get payment product <>.
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MerchantAction [source]¶
- property mobile_three_d_secure_challenge_parameters: MobileThreeDSecureChallengeParameters | None¶
- Populated only when the actionType of the merchantAction is MOBILE_THREEDS_CHALLENGE. In this case, this object contains the list of properties to provide to the EMVco certified Mobile SDK as a challengeParameters object.
- property redirect_data: RedirectData | None¶
- Object containing all data needed to redirect the customer
- property rendering_data: str | None¶
- This property contains the blob with data for the instructions rendering service.This service will be available at the following endpoint:http(s)://{{merchant specific subdomain}}.{{base MyCheckout hosted payment pages domain}}/instructions/{{merchantId}}/{{clientSessionId}}This instructions page rendering service accepts the following parameters:
instructionsRenderingData (required, the content of this property)
locale (optional, if present overrides default locale, e.g. “en_GB”)
variant (optional, code of a variant, if present overrides default variant, e.g. “100”)
customerId (required for Pix, otherwise optional, the customerId from a client session)
You can offer a link to a customer to see an instructions page for a payment done earlier. Because of the size of the instructionsRenderingData this will need to be set in a web form as a value of a hidden field. Before presenting the link you need to obtain a clientSessionId by creating a session using the S2S API. You will need to use the MyCheckout hosted payment pages domain hosted in the same region as the API domain used for the createClientSession call.The instructionsRenderingData is a String blob that is presented to you via the Server API as part of the merchantAction (if available, and non-redirect) in the JSON return values for the createPayment call or the getHostedCheckoutStatus call (merchantAction inside createdPaymentOutput when available).You are responsible to store the instructionsRenderingData blob in order to be able to present the instructions page at a later time, when this information might no longer be available through Server API calls.Type: str
- property show_data: List[KeyValuePair] | None¶
- This is returned for the SHOW_INSTRUCTION, the SHOW_TRANSACTION_RESULTS and the SHOW_FORM actionType.When returned for SHOW_TRANSACTION_RESULTS or SHOW_FORM, this contains an array of key value pairs of data that needs to be shown to the customer.Note: The returned value for the key BARCODE is a base64 encoded gif image. By prepending ‘data:image/gif;base64,’ this value can be used as the source of an HTML inline image.For SHOW_FORM, for payment product 3012 (Bancontact), this contains a QR code and a URL intent that can be used to complete the payment in the Bancontact app.In this case, the key QRCODE contains a base64 encoded PNG image. By prepending ‘data:image/png;base64,’ this value can be used as the source of an HTML inline image on a desktop or tablet (intended to be scanned by an Android device with the Bancontact app). The key URLINTENT contains a URL intent that can be used as the link of an ‘open the app’ button on an Android device.For SHOW_FORM, for payment product 863 (WeChat Pay), this contains the PaymentId that WeChat has assigned to the payment. In this case, the key WECHAT_PAYMENTID contains this PaymentId. In addition, this can contain different values depending on the integration type:
desktopQRCode - contains a QR code that can be used to complete the payment in the WeChat app. In this case, the key QRCODE contains a base64 encoded PNG image. By prepending ‘data:image/png;base64,’ this value can be used as the source of an HTML inline image on a desktop or tablet (intended to be scanned by a mobile device with the WeChat app).
urlIntent - contains a URL intent that can be used to complete the payment in the WeChat app. In this case, the key URLINTENT contains a URL intent that can be used as the link of an ‘open the app’ button on a mobile device.
For SHOW_FORM, for payment product 740 (PromptPay), this contains a QR code image URL and a timestamp with the expiration date-time of the QR code. In this case, the key QRCODE_IMAGE_URL contains a URL that can be used as the source of an HTML inline image on a desktop. For tablets and mobile devices, it is advised to use the <a> download attribute, so the user can download the image on their device and upload it in their banking mobile application. The key COUNTDOWN_DATETIME, contains a date-time that the QR code will expire. The date-time is in UTC with format: YYYYMMDDHH24MISS. You are advised to show a countdown timer.Type: list[
- property third_party_data: ThirdPartyData | None¶
- This is returned for the CALL_THIRD_PARTY actionType.The payment product specific field of the payment product used for the payment will be populated with the third party data that should be used when calling the third party.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_risk_assessment.MerchantRiskAssessment[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MerchantRiskAssessment__website_url': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MerchantRiskAssessment [source]¶
- property website_url: str | None¶
- The website from which the purchase was made
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.microsoft_fraud_results.MicrosoftFraudResults[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MicrosoftFraudResults__clause_name': typing.Optional[str], '_MicrosoftFraudResults__device_country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_MicrosoftFraudResults__device_id': typing.Optional[str], '_MicrosoftFraudResults__fraud_score': typing.Optional[int], '_MicrosoftFraudResults__policy_applied': typing.Optional[str], '_MicrosoftFraudResults__reason_codes': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]], '_MicrosoftFraudResults__true_ip_address': typing.Optional[str], '_MicrosoftFraudResults__user_device_type': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property clause_name: str | None¶
- Name of the clause within the applied policy that was triggered during the evaluation of this transaction.
Type: str
- property device_country_code: str | None¶
- The country of the customer determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
Type: str
- property device_id: str | None¶
- This is the device fingerprint value. Based on the amount of data that the device fingerprint collector script was able to collect, this will be a proxy ID for the device used by the customer.
Type: str
- property fraud_score: int | None¶
- Result of the Microsoft Fraud Protection check. This contains the normalized fraud score from a scale of 0 to 100. A higher score indicates an increased risk of fraud.
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MicrosoftFraudResults [source]¶
- property policy_applied: str | None¶
- Name of the policy that was applied on during the evaluation of this transaction.
Type: str
- property reason_codes: List[str] | None¶
- List of one or more reason codes.
Type: list[str]
- property true_ip_address: str | None¶
- The true IP address as determined by Microsoft Device Fingerprinting.
Type: str
- property user_device_type: str | None¶
- The type of device used by the customer.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_data.MobilePaymentData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MobilePaymentData__dpan': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentData__expiry_date': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property dpan: str | None¶
- The obfuscated DPAN. Only the last four digits are visible.
Type: str
- property expiry_date: str | None¶
- Expiry date of the tokenized cardFormat: MMYY
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MobilePaymentData [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_method_specific_input.MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput__authorization_mode': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput__customer_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput__decrypted_payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.decrypted_payment_data.DecryptedPaymentData], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput__encrypted_payment_data': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product320_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_product320_specific_input.MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInput], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput__requires_approval': typing.Optional[bool], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput__skip_fraud_service': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property authorization_mode: str | None¶
- Determines the type of the authorization that will be used. Allowed values:
FINAL_AUTHORIZATION - The payment creation results in an authorization that is ready for capture. Final authorizations can’t be reversed and need to be captured for the full amount within 7 days.
PRE_AUTHORIZATION - The payment creation results in a pre-authorization that is ready for capture. Pre-authortizations can be reversed and can be captured within 30 days. The capture amount can be lower than the authorized amount.
SALE - The payment creation results in an authorization that is already captured at the moment of approval.
Only used with some acquirers, ingnored for acquirers that don’t support this. In case the acquirer doesn’t allow this to be specified the authorizationMode is ‘unspecified’, which behaves similar to a final authorization.Type: str
- property customer_reference: str | None¶
- Reference of the customer for the payment (purchase order #, etc.). Only used with some acquirers.
Type: str
- property decrypted_payment_data: DecryptedPaymentData | None¶
- The payment data if you do the decryption of the encrypted payment data yourself.
- property encrypted_payment_data: str | None¶
- The payment data if we will do the decryption of the encrypted payment data.Typically you’d use encryptedCustomerInput in the root of the create payment request to provide the encrypted payment data instead.
For Apple Pay, the encrypted payment data is the PKPayment <>.token.paymentData object passed as a string (with all quotation marks escaped).
For Google Pay, the encrypted payment data can be found in property paymentMethodData.tokenizationData.token of the PaymentData <>.toJson() result.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property payment_product320_specific_input: MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing information specific to Google Pay
- property requires_approval: bool | None¶
true = the payment requires approval before the funds will be captured using the Capture payment <> API
false = the payment does not require approval, and the funds will be captured automatically
Type: bool
- property skip_fraud_service: bool | None¶
true = Fraud scoring will be skipped for this transaction
false = Fraud scoring will not be skipped for this transaction
Note: This is only possible if your account in our system is setup for Fraud scoring and if your configuration in our system allows you to override it per transaction.Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_method_specific_input_hosted_checkout.MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInputHostedCheckout[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInputHostedCheckout__authorization_mode': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInputHostedCheckout__customer_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInputHostedCheckout__payment_product302_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_product302_specific_input_hosted_checkout.MobilePaymentProduct302SpecificInputHostedCheckout], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInputHostedCheckout__payment_product320_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_product320_specific_input_hosted_checkout.MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInputHostedCheckout], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInputHostedCheckout__requires_approval': typing.Optional[bool], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInputHostedCheckout__skip_fraud_service': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property authorization_mode: str | None¶
- Determines the type of the authorization that will be used. Allowed values:
FINAL_AUTHORIZATION - The payment creation results in an authorization that is ready for capture. Final authorizations can’t be reversed and need to be captured for the full amount within 7 days.
PRE_AUTHORIZATION - The payment creation results in a pre-authorization that is ready for capture. Pre-authortizations can be reversed and can be captured within 30 days. The capture amount can be lower than the authorized amount.
SALE - The payment creation results in an authorization that is already captured at the moment of approval.
Only used with some acquirers, ingnored for acquirers that don’t support this. In case the acquirer doesn’t allow this to be specified the authorizationMode is ‘unspecified’, which behaves similar to a final authorization.Type: str
- property customer_reference: str | None¶
- Reference of the customer for the payment (purchase order #, etc.). Only used with some acquirers.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MobilePaymentMethodSpecificInputHostedCheckout [source]¶
- property payment_product302_specific_input: MobilePaymentProduct302SpecificInputHostedCheckout | None¶
- Object containing information specific to Apple Pay
- property payment_product320_specific_input: MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInputHostedCheckout | None¶
- Object containing information specific to Google Pay (paymentProductId 320)
- property requires_approval: bool | None¶
true = the payment requires approval before the funds will be captured using the Capture payment <> API
false = the payment does not require approval, and the funds will be captured automatically
Type: bool
- property skip_fraud_service: bool | None¶
true = Fraud scoring will be skipped for this transaction
false = Fraud scoring will not be skipped for this transaction
Note: This is only possible if your account in our system is setup for Fraud scoring and if your configuration in our system allows you to override it per transaction.Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_method_specific_output.MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput__authorisation_code': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput__fraud_results': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_fraud_results.CardFraudResults], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput__network': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput__payment_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_data.MobilePaymentData], '_MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput__three_d_secure_results': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure_results.ThreeDSecureResults]}¶
- property authorisation_code: str | None¶
- Card Authorization code as returned by the acquirer
Type: str
- property fraud_results: CardFraudResults | None¶
- Fraud results contained in the CardFraudResults object
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property network: str | None¶
- The network that was used for the refund
Type: str
- property payment_data: MobilePaymentData | None¶
- Object containing payment details
- property three_d_secure_results: ThreeDSecureResults | None¶
- 3D Secure results object
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_product302_specific_input_hosted_checkout.MobilePaymentProduct302SpecificInputHostedCheckout[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MobilePaymentProduct302SpecificInputHostedCheckout__business_name': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property business_name: str | None¶
- Used as an input for the Apple Pay payment button. Your default business name is configured in the Configuration Center. In case you want to use another business name than the one configured in the Configuration Center, provide your company name in a human readable form.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MobilePaymentProduct302SpecificInputHostedCheckout [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_product320_specific_input.MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInput__cardholder_name': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInput__three_d_secure': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.g_pay_three_d_secure.GPayThreeDSecure]}¶
- property cardholder_name: str | None¶
- The card holder’s name on the card. Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 51 characters.The encrypted payment data can be found in property of the PaymentData <>.toJson() result.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInput [source]¶
- property three_d_secure: GPayThreeDSecure | None¶
- Object containing specific data regarding 3-D Secure
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_product320_specific_input_hosted_checkout.MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInputHostedCheckout[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInputHostedCheckout__merchant_name': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInputHostedCheckout__merchant_origin': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInputHostedCheckout__three_d_secure': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.g_pay_three_d_secure.GPayThreeDSecure]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MobilePaymentProduct320SpecificInputHostedCheckout [source]¶
- property merchant_name: str | None¶
- Used as an input for the Google Pay payment sheet. Provide your company name in a human readable form.
Type: str
- property merchant_origin: str | None¶
- Used as an input for the Google Pay payment sheet. Provide the url of your webshop. For international (non-ASCII) domains, please use Punycode <>.
Type: str
- property three_d_secure: GPayThreeDSecure | None¶
- Object containing specific data regarding 3-D Secure
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_product_session302_specific_input.MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificInput__display_name': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificInput__domain_name': typing.Optional[str], '_MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificInput__validation_url': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property display_name: str | None¶
- Used as an input for the Apple Pay payment button. Provide your company name in a human readable form.
Type: str
- property domain_name: str | None¶
- Provide a fully qualified domain name of your own payment page that will be showing an Apple Pay button.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificInput [source]¶
- property validation_url: str | None¶
- Provide the validation URL that has been provided by Apple once you have started an Apple Pay session.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_product_session302_specific_output.MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificOutput__session_object': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MobilePaymentProductSession302SpecificOutput [source]¶
- property session_object: str | None¶
- Object containing an opaque merchant session object.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_three_d_secure_challenge_parameters.MobileThreeDSecureChallengeParameters[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_MobileThreeDSecureChallengeParameters__acs_reference_number': typing.Optional[str], '_MobileThreeDSecureChallengeParameters__acs_signed_content': typing.Optional[str], '_MobileThreeDSecureChallengeParameters__acs_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_MobileThreeDSecureChallengeParameters__three_d_server_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property acs_reference_number: str | None¶
- The unique identifier assigned by the EMVCo Secretariat upon testing and approval.
Type: str
- property acs_signed_content: str | None¶
- Contains the JWS object created by the ACS for the challenge (ARes).
Type: str
- property acs_transaction_id: str | None¶
- The ACS Transaction ID for a prior 3-D Secure authenticated transaction (for example, the first recurring transaction that was authenticated with the customer).
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) MobileThreeDSecureChallengeParameters [source]¶
- property three_d_server_transaction_id: str | None¶
- The 3-D Secure version 2 transaction ID that is used for the 3D Authentication
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.network_token_data.NetworkTokenData[source]¶
Object holding data that describes a network token- __annotations__ = {'_NetworkTokenData__network_token': typing.Optional[str], '_NetworkTokenData__token_expiry_date': typing.Optional[str], '_NetworkTokenData__token_reference_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) NetworkTokenData [source]¶
- property network_token: str | None¶
- The network token alternative for the full Permanent Account Number. To receive a non-obfuscated network token please contact your account manager.
Type: str
- property token_expiry_date: str | None¶
- The expiry date of the network token.
Type: str
- property token_reference_id: str | None¶
- A unique identifier that can be used with Visa Token Service (VTS) or Mastercard Digital Enablement Service (MDES) to retrieve token details. It remains valid as long as the token is valid. Note: A prefix “V:” is added to show that this is a network token for a Visa product and “M:” to show that this is a network token for a Mastercard product.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input.NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__date_collect': typing.Optional[str], '_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__direct_debit_text': typing.Optional[str], '_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product705_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_product705_specific_input.NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificInput], '_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product730_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_product730_specific_input.NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificInput], '_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__recurring_payment_sequence_indicator': typing.Optional[str], '_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__requires_approval': typing.Optional[bool], '_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__token': typing.Optional[str], '_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__tokenize': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property date_collect: str | None¶
- Direct Debit payment collection dateFormat: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- property direct_debit_text: str | None¶
- Descriptor intended to identify the transaction on the customer’s bank statement
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
- Indicates if this transaction is of a one-off or a recurring type
true - This is recurring
false - This is one-off
Type: bool
- property payment_product705_specific_input: NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing UK Direct Debit specific details
- property payment_product730_specific_input: NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing ACH specific details
- property recurring_payment_sequence_indicator: str | None¶
first = This transaction is the first of a series of recurring transactions
recurring = This transaction is a subsequent transaction in a series of recurring transactions
last = This transaction is the last transaction of a series of recurring transactions
Type: str
- property requires_approval: bool | None¶
true - The payment requires approval before the funds will be captured using the Approve payment or Capture payment API.
false - The payment does not require approval, and the funds will be captured automatically.
Type: bool
- property token: str | None¶
- ID of the stored token that contains the bank account details to be debited
Type: str
- property tokenize: bool | None¶
- Indicates if this transaction should be tokenized
true - Tokenize the transaction
false - Do not tokenize the transaction, unless it would be tokenized by other means such as auto-tokenization of recurring payments.
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output.NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__fraud_results': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_results.FraudResults]}¶
- property fraud_results: FraudResults | None¶
- Object containing the results of the fraud screening
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_product705_specific_input.NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificInput[source]¶
UK Direct Debit specific input fields- __annotations__ = {'_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificInput__authorisation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificInput__bank_account_bban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban.BankAccountBban], '_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificInput__transaction_type': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property authorisation_id: str | None¶
- Core reference number for the direct debit instruction in UK
Type: str
- property bank_account_bban: BankAccountBban | None¶
- Object containing account holder name and bank account information
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificInput [source]¶
- property transaction_type: str | None¶
first-payment - First payment direct debit
nth-payment - Direct Debit (n-th payment)
re-presented - Re-presented direct debit (after failed attempt)
final-payment - Final payment direct debit
new-or-reinstated - (zero N) New or reinstated direct debit instruction
cancellation - (zero C) Cancellation of direct debit instruction
conversion-of-paper-DDI-to-electronic-DDI - (zero S) Conversion of paper DDI to electronic DDI (only used once, when migrating from traditional direct debit to AUDDIS
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_product730_specific_input.NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificInput[source]¶
ACH specific input fields- __annotations__ = {'_NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificInput__bank_account_bban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban.BankAccountBban]}¶
- property bank_account_bban: BankAccountBban | None¶
- Object containing account holder name and bank account information
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificInput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order.Order[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_Order__additional_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.additional_order_input.AdditionalOrderInput], '_Order__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_Order__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer.Customer], '_Order__items': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.line_item.LineItem]], '_Order__references': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_references.OrderReferences], '_Order__seller': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.seller.Seller], '_Order__shipping': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.shipping.Shipping], '_Order__shopping_cart': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.shopping_cart.ShoppingCart]}¶
- property additional_input: AdditionalOrderInput | None¶
- Object containing additional input on the order
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- Object containing amount and ISO currency code attributes
- property items: List[LineItem] | None¶
- Shopping cart data
Type: list[
]Deprecated; Use shoppingCart.items instead
- property references: OrderReferences | None¶
- Object that holds all reference properties that are linked to this transaction
- property seller: Seller | None¶
- Object containing seller details
Deprecated; Use Merchant.seller instead
- property shopping_cart: ShoppingCart | None¶
- Shopping cart data, including items and specific amounts.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_approve_payment.OrderApprovePayment[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_OrderApprovePayment__additional_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.additional_order_input_airline_data.AdditionalOrderInputAirlineData], '_OrderApprovePayment__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_approve_payment.CustomerApprovePayment], '_OrderApprovePayment__references': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_references_approve_payment.OrderReferencesApprovePayment]}¶
- property additional_input: AdditionalOrderInputAirlineData | None¶
- Object containing additional input on the order
- property customer: CustomerApprovePayment | None¶
- Object containing data related to the customer
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) OrderApprovePayment [source]¶
- property references: OrderReferencesApprovePayment | None¶
- Object that holds all reference properties that are linked to this transaction
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_invoice_data.OrderInvoiceData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_OrderInvoiceData__additional_data': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderInvoiceData__invoice_date': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderInvoiceData__invoice_number': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderInvoiceData__text_qualifiers': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]}¶
- property additional_data: str | None¶
- Additional data for printed invoices
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) OrderInvoiceData [source]¶
- property invoice_date: str | None¶
- Date and time on invoiceFormat: YYYYMMDDHH24MISS
Type: str
- property invoice_number: str | None¶
- Your invoice number (on printed invoice) that is also returned in our report files
Type: str
- property text_qualifiers: List[str] | None¶
- Array of 3 text qualifiers, each with a max length of 10 characters
Type: list[str]
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_line_details.OrderLineDetails[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_OrderLineDetails__discount_amount': typing.Optional[int], '_OrderLineDetails__google_product_category_id': typing.Optional[int], '_OrderLineDetails__line_amount_total': typing.Optional[int], '_OrderLineDetails__naics_commodity_code': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderLineDetails__product_category': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderLineDetails__product_code': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderLineDetails__product_name': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderLineDetails__product_price': typing.Optional[int], '_OrderLineDetails__product_sku': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderLineDetails__product_type': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderLineDetails__quantity': typing.Optional[int], '_OrderLineDetails__tax_amount': typing.Optional[int], '_OrderLineDetails__unit': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property discount_amount: int | None¶
- Discount on the line item, with the last two digits implied as decimal places
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) OrderLineDetails [source]¶
- property google_product_category_id: int | None¶
- The Google product category ID for the item.
Type: int
- property line_amount_total: int | None¶
- Total amount for the line item
Type: int
- property naics_commodity_code: str | None¶
- The UNSPC commodity code of the item.
Type: str
- property product_category: str | None¶
- The category of the product (i.e. home appliance). This property can be used for fraud screening on the Ogone Platform.
Type: str
- property product_code: str | None¶
- Product or UPC Code, left justifiedNote: Must not be all spaces or all zeros
Type: str
- property product_name: str | None¶
- The name of the product. The ‘+’ character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
Type: str
- property product_price: int | None¶
- The price of one unit of the product, the value should be zero or greater
Type: int
- property product_sku: str | None¶
- Product SKU number
Type: str
- property product_type: str | None¶
- Code used to classify items that are purchasedNote: Must not be all spaces or all zeros
Type: str
- property quantity: int | None¶
- Quantity of the units being purchased, should be greater than zeroNote: Must not be all spaces or all zeros
Type: int
- property tax_amount: int | None¶
- Tax on the line item, with the last two digits implied as decimal places
Type: int
- property unit: str | None¶
- Indicates the line item unit of measure; for example: each, kit, pair, gallon, month, etc.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_output.OrderOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_OrderOutput__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_OrderOutput__references': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences]}¶
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- Object containing amount and ISO currency code attributes
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) OrderOutput [source]¶
- property references: PaymentReferences | None¶
- Object that holds all reference properties that are linked to this transaction
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_references.OrderReferences[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_OrderReferences__descriptor': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderReferences__invoice_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_invoice_data.OrderInvoiceData], '_OrderReferences__merchant_order_id': typing.Optional[int], '_OrderReferences__merchant_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderReferences__provider_id': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderReferences__provider_merchant_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property descriptor: str | None¶
- Descriptive text that is used towards to customer, either during an online checkout at a third party and/or on the statement of the customer. For card transactions this is usually referred to as a Soft Descriptor. The maximum allowed length varies per card acquirer:
AIB - 22 characters
American Express - 25 characters
Atos Origin BNP - 15 characters
Barclays - 25 characters
Catella - 22 characters
CBA - 20 characters
Elavon - 25 characters
First Data - 25 characters
INICIS (INIPAY) - 22-30 characters
JCB - 25 characters
Merchant Solutions - 22-25 characters
Payvision (EU & HK) - 25 characters
SEB Euroline - 22 characters
Sub1 Argentina - 15 characters
Wells Fargo - 25 characters
Note that we advise you to use 22 characters as the max length as beyond this our experience is that issuers will start to truncate. We currently also only allow per API call overrides for AIB and BarclaysFor alternative payment products the maximum allowed length varies per payment product:402 e-Przelewy - 30 characters
404 INICIS - 80 characters
802 Nordea ePayment Finland - 234 characters
809 iDeal - 32 characters
836 SOFORT - 42 characters
840 PayPal - 127 characters
841 WebMoney - 175 characters
849 Yandex - 64 characters
861 Alipay - 256 characters
863 WeChat Pay - 32 characters
880 BOKU - 20 characters
8580 Qiwi - 255 characters
1504 Konbini - 80 characters
All other payment products don’t support a descriptor.Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) OrderReferences [source]¶
- property invoice_data: OrderInvoiceData | None¶
- Object containing additional invoice data
- property merchant_order_id: int | None¶
- Your order identifierNote: This does not need to have a unique value for each transaction. This allows your to link multiple transactions to the same logical order in your system.
Type: int
- property merchant_reference: str | None¶
- Note that the maximum length of this field for transactions processed on the GlobalCollect platform is 30. Note that the maximum length of this field for transactions processed on the WL Online Payment Acceptance Platform platform is 50. Your unique reference of the transaction that is also returned in our report files. This is almost always used for your reconciliation of our report files.
Type: str
- property provider_id: str | None¶
- Provides an additional means of reconciliation for Gateway merchants
Type: str
- property provider_merchant_id: str | None¶
- Provides an additional means of reconciliation, this is the MerchantId used at the provider
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_references_approve_payment.OrderReferencesApprovePayment[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_OrderReferencesApprovePayment__merchant_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) OrderReferencesApprovePayment [source]¶
- property merchant_reference: str | None¶
- Your (unique) reference for the transaction that you can use to reconcile our report files
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_risk_assessment.OrderRiskAssessment[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_OrderRiskAssessment__additional_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.additional_order_input_airline_data.AdditionalOrderInputAirlineData], '_OrderRiskAssessment__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_OrderRiskAssessment__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_risk_assessment.CustomerRiskAssessment], '_OrderRiskAssessment__shipping': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.shipping_risk_assessment.ShippingRiskAssessment]}¶
- property additional_input: AdditionalOrderInputAirlineData | None¶
- Object containing additional input on the order
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- Object containing amount and ISO currency code attributes
- property customer: CustomerRiskAssessment | None¶
- Object containing the details of the customer
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) OrderRiskAssessment [source]¶
- property shipping: ShippingRiskAssessment | None¶
- Object containing information regarding shipping / delivery
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_status_output.OrderStatusOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_OrderStatusOutput__errors': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.api_error.APIError]], '_OrderStatusOutput__is_cancellable': typing.Optional[bool], '_OrderStatusOutput__is_retriable': typing.Optional[bool], '_OrderStatusOutput__provider_raw_output': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.key_value_pair.KeyValuePair]], '_OrderStatusOutput__status_category': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderStatusOutput__status_code': typing.Optional[int], '_OrderStatusOutput__status_code_change_date_time': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property errors: List[APIError] | None¶
- Custom object contains the set of errors
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) OrderStatusOutput [source]¶
- property is_cancellable: bool | None¶
- Flag indicating if the payment can be cancelled
Type: bool
- property is_retriable: bool | None¶
- Flag indicating whether a rejected payment may be retried by the merchant without incurring a fee
Type: bool
- property provider_raw_output: List[KeyValuePair] | None¶
- This is the raw response returned by the acquirer. This property contains unprocessed data directly returned by the acquirer. It’s recommended for data analysis only due to its dynamic nature, which may undergo future changes.
Type: list[
- property status_category: str | None¶
- Highlevel status of the payment, payout or refund with the following possible values:
CREATED - The transaction has been created. This is the initial state once a new payment, payout or refund is created. This category groups the following statuses:
PENDING_PAYMENT: The payment is waiting on customer action. This category groups the following statuses:
ACCOUNT_VERIFIED: The account has been verified. This category groups the following statuses:
PENDING_MERCHANT: The transaction is awaiting approval to proceed with the payment, payout or refund. This category groups the following statuses:
PENDING_CONNECT_OR_3RD_PARTY: The transaction is in the queue to be processed. This category groups the following statuses:
COMPLETED: The transaction has completed. This category groups the following statuses:
REVERSED: The transaction has been reversed. This category groups the following statuses:
REFUNDED: The transaction has been refunded. This category groups the following statuses:
UNSUCCESSFUL: The transaction has been rejected or is in such a state that it will never become successful. This category groups the following statuses:
Please see Statuses <> for a full overview of possible values.Type: str
- property status_code: int | None¶
- Numeric status code of the legacy API. It is returned to ease the migration from the legacy APIs to Worldline Connect. You should not write new business logic based on this property as it will be deprecated in a future version of the API. The value can also be found in the GlobalCollect Payment Console, in the Ogone BackOffice and in report files.
Type: int
- property status_code_change_date_time: str | None¶
- Date and time of paymentFormat: YYYYMMDDHH24MISS
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_type_information.OrderTypeInformation[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_OrderTypeInformation__funding_type': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderTypeInformation__payment_code': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderTypeInformation__purchase_type': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderTypeInformation__transaction_type': typing.Optional[str], '_OrderTypeInformation__usage_type': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) OrderTypeInformation [source]¶
- property funding_type: str | None¶
- Identifies the funding type being authenticated. Possible values are:
personToPerson = When it is person to person funding (P2P)
agentCashOut = When fund is being paid out to final recipient in Cash by company’s agent.
businessToConsumer = When fund is being transferred from business to consumer (B2C)
businessToBusiness = When fund is being transferred from business to business (B2B)
prefundingStagedWallet = When funding is being used to load the funds into the wallet account.
storedValueDigitalWallet = When funding is being used to load the funds into a stored value digital wallet.
fundingGiftCardForPersonalUse = When funding a gift card for personal use.
fundingGiftCardForSomeoneElse = When funding a gift card for someone else.
Type: str
- property payment_code: str | None¶
- Payment code to support account funding transactions. Possible values are:
.Type: str
- property purchase_type: str | None¶
- Possible values are:
Type: str
- property transaction_type: str | None¶
- Identifies the type of transaction being authenticated.Possible values are:
purchase = The purpose of the transaction is to purchase goods or services (Default)
check-acceptance = The purpose of the transaction is to accept a ‘check’/’cheque’
account-funding = The purpose of the transaction is to fund an account
quasi-cash = The purpose of the transaction is to buy a quasi cash type product that is representative of actual cash such as money orders, traveler’s checks, foreign currency, lottery tickets or casino gaming chips
prepaid-activation-or-load = The purpose of the transaction is to activate or load a prepaid card
Type: str
- property usage_type: str | None¶
- Possible values are:
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment.Payment[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_Payment__hosted_checkout_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.hosted_checkout_specific_output.HostedCheckoutSpecificOutput], '_Payment__payment_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_output.PaymentOutput], '_Payment__status': typing.Optional[str], '_Payment__status_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_status_output.PaymentStatusOutput]}¶
- property hosted_checkout_specific_output: HostedCheckoutSpecificOutput | None¶
- Hosted Checkout specific information. Populated if the payment was created on the GlobalCollect platform through a Hosted Checkout.
- property payment_output: PaymentOutput | None¶
- Object containing payment details
- property status: str | None¶
- Current high-level status of the payment in a human-readable form. Possible values are :
ACCOUNT_VERIFIED - The account has been verified using a validation services like 0$ auth
CREATED - The transaction has been created. This is the initial state once a new payment is created.
REDIRECTED - The customer has been redirected to a 3rd party to complete the authentication/payment
PENDING_PAYMENT - Instructions have been provided and we are now waiting for the money to come in
PENDING_FRAUD_APPROVAL - The transaction has been marked for manual review after an automatic fraud screening
PENDING_APPROVAL - The transaction is awaiting approval from you to proceed with the capturing of the funds
PENDING_COMPLETION - The transaction needs to be completed.
PENDING_CAPTURE - The transaction is waiting for you to request one or more captures of the funds.
REJECTED - The transaction has been rejected
AUTHORIZATION_REQUESTED - we have requested an authorization against an asynchronous system and is awaiting its response
CAPTURE_REQUESTED - The transaction is in the queue to be captured
CAPTURED - The transaction has been captured and we have received online confirmation
PAID - We have matched the incoming funds to the transaction
CANCELLED - You have cancelled the transaction
REJECTED_CAPTURE - We or one of our downstream acquirers/providers have rejected the capture request
REVERSED - The transaction has been reversed
CHARGEBACK_NOTIFICATION - We have received a notification of chargeback and this status informs you that your account will be debited for a particular transaction
CHARGEBACKED - The transaction has been chargebacked
REFUNDED - The transaction has been refunded
Please see Statuses <> for a full overview of possible values.Type: str
- property status_output: PaymentStatusOutput | None¶
- This object has the numeric representation of the current payment status, timestamp of last status change and performable action on the current payment resource.In case of failed payments and negative scenarios, detailed error information is listed.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_account_on_file.PaymentAccountOnFile[source]¶
Object containing information on the payment account data on file (tokens)- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentAccountOnFile__create_date': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentAccountOnFile__number_of_card_on_file_creation_attempts_last24_hours': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property create_date: str | None¶
- The date (YYYYMMDD) when the payment account on file was first created.In case a token is used for the transaction we will use the creation date of the token in our system in case you leave this property empty.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentAccountOnFile [source]¶
- property number_of_card_on_file_creation_attempts_last24_hours: int | None¶
- Number of attempts made to add new card to the customer account in the last 24 hours
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_approval_response.PaymentApprovalResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentApprovalResponse__card_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_card_payment_method_specific_output.ApprovePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_PaymentApprovalResponse__mobile_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_mobile_payment_method_specific_output.ApprovePaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_PaymentApprovalResponse__payment': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment.Payment], '_PaymentApprovalResponse__payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.approve_payment_card_payment_method_specific_output.ApprovePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput]}¶
- property card_payment_method_specific_output: ApprovePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing additional card payment method specific details
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentApprovalResponse [source]¶
- property mobile_payment_method_specific_output: ApprovePaymentMobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing additional mobile payment method specific details
- property payment_method_specific_output: ApprovePaymentCardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing additional payment method specific detailsDeprecated: this property does not support different outputs for payment methods other than cards. Please use cardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput instead.
Deprecated; Use cardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput instead
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_context.PaymentContext[source]¶
Values that can optionally be set to refine an IIN Lookup- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentContext__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_PaymentContext__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentContext__is_installments': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentContext__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- The payment amount
- property country_code: str | None¶
- The country the payment takes place in
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentContext [source]¶
- property is_installments: bool | None¶
- True if the payment is to be paid in multiple installments (numberOfInstallments > 1 for the payment). When true only payment products that support installments will be allowed in context.
Type: bool
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
- True if the payment is recurring
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_creation_output.PaymentCreationOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentCreationOutput__is_checked_remember_me': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentCreationOutput__is_new_token': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentCreationOutput__token': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentCreationOutput__tokenization_succeeded': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentCreationOutput [source]¶
- property is_checked_remember_me: bool | None¶
- Indicates whether the customer ticked the “Remember my details for future purchases” checkbox on the MyCheckout hosted payment pages
Type: bool
- property is_new_token: bool | None¶
- Indicates if a new token was created
true - A new token was created
false - A token with the same card number already exists and is returned. Please note that the existing token has not been updated. When you want to update other data then the card number, you need to update data stored in the token explicitly, as data is never updated during the creation of a token.
Type: bool
- property token: str | None¶
- ID of the token
Type: str
- property tokenization_succeeded: bool | None¶
- Indicates if tokenization was successful or not. If this value is false, then the token and isNewToken properties will not be set.
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_creation_references.PaymentCreationReferences[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentCreationReferences__additional_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentCreationReferences__external_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property additional_reference: str | None¶
- The additional reference identifier for this transaction. Data in this property will also be returned in our report files, allowing you to reconcile them.
Type: str
- property external_reference: str | None¶
- The external reference identifier for this transaction. Data in this property will also be returned in our report files, allowing you to reconcile them.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentCreationReferences [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_error_response.PaymentErrorResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentErrorResponse__error_id': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentErrorResponse__errors': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.api_error.APIError]], '_PaymentErrorResponse__payment_result': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_payment_result.CreatePaymentResult]}¶
- property error_id: str | None¶
- Unique reference, for debugging purposes, of this error response
Type: str
- property errors: List[APIError] | None¶
- List of one or more errors
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentErrorResponse [source]¶
- property payment_result: CreatePaymentResult | None¶
- Object that contains details on the created payment in case one has been created
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_output.PaymentOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentOutput__amount_paid': typing.Optional[int], '_PaymentOutput__amount_reversed': typing.Optional[int], '_PaymentOutput__bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_output.BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_PaymentOutput__card_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_payment_method_specific_output.CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_PaymentOutput__cash_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.cash_payment_method_specific_output.CashPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_PaymentOutput__direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output.NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_PaymentOutput__e_invoice_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.e_invoice_payment_method_specific_output.EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_PaymentOutput__invoice_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.invoice_payment_method_specific_output.InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_PaymentOutput__mobile_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mobile_payment_method_specific_output.MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_PaymentOutput__payment_method': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentOutput__redirect_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_method_specific_output.RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput], '_PaymentOutput__reversal_reason': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentOutput__sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output.SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput]}¶
- property amount_paid: int | None¶
- Amount that has been paid
Type: int
- property amount_reversed: int | None¶
- Amount that has been reversed
Type: int
- property bank_transfer_payment_method_specific_output: BankTransferPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the bank transfer payment method details
- property card_payment_method_specific_output: CardPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the card payment method details
- property cash_payment_method_specific_output: CashPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the cash payment method details
- property direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output: NonSepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the non SEPA direct debit payment method details
- property e_invoice_payment_method_specific_output: EInvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the e-invoice payment method details
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentOutput [source]¶
- property invoice_payment_method_specific_output: InvoicePaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the invoice payment method details
- property mobile_payment_method_specific_output: MobilePaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the mobile payment method details
- property payment_method: str | None¶
- Payment method identifier used by the our payment engine with the following possible values:
Type: str
- property redirect_payment_method_specific_output: RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the redirect payment product details
- property reversal_reason: str | None¶
- The reason description given for the reversedAmount property.
Type: str
- property sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output: SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing the SEPA direct debit details
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product.PaymentProduct[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProduct__accounts_on_file': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.account_on_file.AccountOnFile]], '_PaymentProduct__acquirer_country': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct__allows_installments': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProduct__allows_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProduct__allows_tokenization': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProduct__authentication_indicator': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.authentication_indicator.AuthenticationIndicator], '_PaymentProduct__auto_tokenized': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProduct__can_be_iframed': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProduct__device_fingerprint_enabled': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProduct__display_hints': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_display_hints.PaymentProductDisplayHints], '_PaymentProduct__fields': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field.PaymentProductField]], '_PaymentProduct__fields_warning': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct__id': typing.Optional[int], '_PaymentProduct__is_authentication_supported': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProduct__is_java_script_required': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProduct__max_amount': typing.Optional[int], '_PaymentProduct__min_amount': typing.Optional[int], '_PaymentProduct__mobile_integration_level': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct__payment_method': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct__payment_product302_specific_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product302_specific_data.PaymentProduct302SpecificData], '_PaymentProduct__payment_product320_specific_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product320_specific_data.PaymentProduct320SpecificData], '_PaymentProduct__payment_product863_specific_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product863_specific_data.PaymentProduct863SpecificData], '_PaymentProduct__payment_product_group': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct__supports_mandates': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProduct__uses_redirection_to3rd_party': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property accounts_on_file: List[AccountOnFile] | None¶
- List of tokens for that payment product
Type: list[
- property acquirer_country: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code which indicates the most likely country code of the acquirer that will process the transaction. For Google Pay (paymentProductId 320) transactions this acquirerCountry is should be provided in the <>
Type: str
- property allows_installments: bool | None¶
- Indicates if the product supports installments
true - This payment supports installments
false - This payment does not support installments
Type: bool
- property allows_recurring: bool | None¶
- Indicates if the product supports recurring payments
true - This payment product supports recurring payments
false - This payment product does not support recurring transactions and can only be used for one-off payments
Type: bool
- property allows_tokenization: bool | None¶
- Indicates if the payment details can be tokenized for future re-use
true - Payment details from payments done with this payment product can be tokenized for future re-use
false - Payment details from payments done with this payment product can not be tokenized
Type: bool
- property authentication_indicator: AuthenticationIndicator | None¶
- Indicates if the payment product supports 3D Security (mandatory, optional or not needed).
- property auto_tokenized: bool | None¶
- Indicates if the payment details can be automatically tokenized for future re-use
true - Payment details from payments done with this payment product can be automatically tokenized for future re-use
false - Payment details from payments done with this payment product can not be automatically tokenized
Type: bool
- property can_be_iframed: bool | None¶
- This property is only relevant for payment products that use third party redirects. This property indicates if the third party disallows their payment pages to be embedded in an iframe using the X-Frame-Options header.
true - the third party allows their payment pages to be embedded in an iframe.
false - the third party disallows their payment pages to be embedded in an iframe.
Type: bool
- property device_fingerprint_enabled: bool | None¶
- Indicates if device fingerprint is enabled for the product
Type: bool
- property display_hints: PaymentProductDisplayHints | None¶
- Object containing display hints like the order in which the product should be shown, the name of the product and the logo
- property fields: List[PaymentProductField] | None¶
- Object containing all the fields and their details that are associated with this payment product. If you are not interested in the data in the fields you should have us filter them out (using filter=fields in the query-string)
Type: list[
- property fields_warning: str | None¶
- If one or more of the payment product fields could not be constructed, no payment product fields will be returned and a message will be present in this property stating why.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProduct [source]¶
- property id: int | None¶
- The ID of the payment product in our system
Type: int
- property is_authentication_supported: bool | None¶
- Indicates if the payment product supports 3D-Secure.
Type: bool
- property is_java_script_required: bool | None¶
- This property indicates if the payment product requires JavaScript to be enabled on the customer’s browser. This is usually only true if the payment product depends on a third party JavaScript integration.
true - the payment product requires JavaScript to be enabled.
false - the payment product does not require JavaScript to be enabled. This is the default value if the property is not present.
Type: bool
- property max_amount: int | None¶
- Maximum amount in cents (using 2 decimals, so 1 EUR becomes 100 cents) for transactions done with this payment product
Type: int
- property min_amount: int | None¶
- Minimum amount in cents (using 2 decimals, so 1 EUR becomes 100 cents) for transactions done with this payment product
Type: int
- property mobile_integration_level: str | None¶
- This provides insight into the level of support for payments using a device with a smaller screen size. You can for instance use this to rank payment products differently on devices with a smaller screen. Possible values are:
NO_SUPPORT - The payment product does not work at all on a mobile device
BASIC_SUPPORT - The payment product has not optimized its user experience for devices with smaller screens
OPTIMISED_SUPPORT - The payment product offers a user experience that has been optimized for devices with smaller screens
Type: str
- property payment_method: str | None¶
- Indicates which payment method will be used for this payment product. Payment method is one of:
Type: str
- property payment_product302_specific_data: PaymentProduct302SpecificData | None¶
- Apple Pay (payment product 302) specific details.
- property payment_product320_specific_data: PaymentProduct320SpecificData | None¶
- Google Pay (payment product 320) specific details.
- property payment_product863_specific_data: PaymentProduct863SpecificData | None¶
- WeChat Pay (payment product 863) specific details.
- property payment_product_group: str | None¶
- The payment product group that has this payment product, if there is any. Not populated otherwise. Currently only one payment product group is supported:
Type: str
- property supports_mandates: bool | None¶
- Indicates whether the payment product supports mandates.
Type: bool
- property uses_redirection_to3rd_party: bool | None¶
- Indicates whether the payment product requires redirection to a third party to complete the payment. You can use this to filter out products that require a redirect if you don’t want to support that.
true - Redirection is required
false - No redirection is required
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product302_specific_data.PaymentProduct302SpecificData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProduct302SpecificData__networks': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProduct302SpecificData [source]¶
- property networks: List[str] | None¶
- The networks that can be used in the current payment context. The strings that represent the networks in the array are identical to the strings that Apple uses in their documentation <>.For instance: “Visa”.
Type: list[str]
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product3201_specific_output.PaymentProduct3201SpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProduct3201SpecificOutput__card': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_essentials.CardEssentials]}¶
- property card: CardEssentials | None¶
- Object containing card details
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProduct3201SpecificOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product320_specific_data.PaymentProduct320SpecificData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProduct320SpecificData__gateway': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct320SpecificData__networks': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProduct320SpecificData [source]¶
- property gateway: str | None¶
- The GlobalCollect gateway identifier. You should use this when creating a tokenization specification <>.
Type: str
- property networks: List[str] | None¶
- The networks that can be used in the current payment context. The strings that represent the networks in the array are identical to the strings that Google uses in their documentation <>.For instance: “VISA”.
Type: list[str]
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product771_specific_output.PaymentProduct771SpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProduct771SpecificOutput__mandate_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProduct771SpecificOutput [source]¶
- property mandate_reference: str | None¶
- Unique reference to a Mandate
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product806_specific_output.PaymentProduct806SpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProduct806SpecificOutput__billing_address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address], '_PaymentProduct806SpecificOutput__customer_account': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.trustly_bank_account.TrustlyBankAccount]}¶
- property billing_address: Address | None¶
- Object containing the billing address details of the customer
- property customer_account: TrustlyBankAccount | None¶
- Object containing the account details
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProduct806SpecificOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product836_specific_output.PaymentProduct836SpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProduct836SpecificOutput__security_indicator': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProduct836SpecificOutput [source]¶
- property security_indicator: str | None¶
- Indicates if SofortBank could estabilish if the transaction could successfully be processed.
0 - You should wait for the transaction to be reported as paid before shipping any goods.
1 - You can ship the goods. In case the transaction is not reported as paid you can initiate a claims process with SofortBank.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product840_customer_account.PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount[source]¶
PayPal account details as returned by PayPal- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__account_id': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__billing_agreement_id': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__company_name': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__contact_phone': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__customer_account_status': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__customer_address_status': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__first_name': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__payer_id': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__surname': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property account_id: str | None¶
- Username with which the PayPal account holder has registered at PayPal
Type: str
- property billing_agreement_id: str | None¶
- Identification of the PayPal recurring billing agreement
Type: str
- property company_name: str | None¶
- Name of the company in case the PayPal account is owned by a business
Type: str
- property contact_phone: str | None¶
- The phone number of the PayPal account holder
Type: str
- property country_code: str | None¶
- Country where the PayPal account is located
Type: str
- property customer_account_status: str | None¶
- Status of the PayPal account.Possible values are:
verified - PayPal has verified the funding means for this account
unverified - PayPal has not verified the funding means for this account
Type: str
- property customer_address_status: str | None¶
- Status of the customer’s shipping address as registered by PayPalPossible values are:
none - Status is unknown at PayPal
confirmed - The address has been confirmed
unconfirmed - The address has not been confirmed
Type: str
- property first_name: str | None¶
- First name of the PayPal account holder
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount [source]¶
- property payer_id: str | None¶
- The unique identifier of a PayPal account and will never change in the life cycle of a PayPal account
Type: str
- property surname: str | None¶
- Surname of the PayPal account holder
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product840_specific_output.PaymentProduct840SpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProduct840SpecificOutput__billing_address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address], '_PaymentProduct840SpecificOutput__customer_account': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product840_customer_account.PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount], '_PaymentProduct840SpecificOutput__customer_address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address], '_PaymentProduct840SpecificOutput__protection_eligibility': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.protection_eligibility.ProtectionEligibility]}¶
- property billing_address: Address | None¶
- Object containing the billing address details of the customer
- property customer_account: PaymentProduct840CustomerAccount | None¶
- Object containing the details of the PayPal account
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProduct840SpecificOutput [source]¶
- property protection_eligibility: ProtectionEligibility | None¶
- Protection Eligibility data of the PayPal customer
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product863_specific_data.PaymentProduct863SpecificData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProduct863SpecificData__integration_types': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProduct863SpecificData [source]¶
- property integration_types: List[str] | None¶
- The WeChat Pay integration types that can be used in the current payment context. Possible values:
desktopQRCode - used on desktops, the customer opens the WeChat app by scanning a QR code.
urlIntent - used in mobile apps or on mobile web pages, the customer opens the WeChat app using a URL intent.
nativeInApp - used in mobile apps that use the WeChat Pay SDK.
Type: list[str]
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product863_third_party_data.PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData__app_id': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData__nonce_str': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData__package_sign': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData__pay_sign': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData__prepay_id': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData__sign_type': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData__time_stamp': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property app_id: str | None¶
- The appId to use in third party calls to WeChat.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData [source]¶
- property nonce_str: str | None¶
- The nonceStr to use in third party calls to WeChat
Type: str
- property package_sign: str | None¶
- The packageSign to use in third party calls to WeChat
Type: str
- property pay_sign: str | None¶
- The paySign to use in third party calls to WeChat
Type: str
- property prepay_id: str | None¶
- The prepayId to use in third party calls to WeChat.
Type: str
- property sign_type: str | None¶
- The signType to use in third party calls to WeChat
Type: str
- property time_stamp: str | None¶
- The timeStamp to use in third party calls to WeChat
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_display_hints.PaymentProductDisplayHints[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductDisplayHints__display_order': typing.Optional[int], '_PaymentProductDisplayHints__label': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductDisplayHints__logo': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property display_order: int | None¶
- Determines the order in which the payment products and groups should be shown (sorted ascending)
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductDisplayHints [source]¶
- property label: str | None¶
- Name of the field based on the locale that was included in the request
Type: str
- property logo: str | None¶
- Partial URL that you can reference for the image of this payment product. You can use our server-side resize functionality by appending ‘?size={{width}}x{{height}}’ to the full URL, where width and height are specified in pixels. The resized image will always keep its correct aspect ratio.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field.PaymentProductField[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductField__data_restrictions': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_data_restrictions.PaymentProductFieldDataRestrictions], '_PaymentProductField__display_hints': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_display_hints.PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints], '_PaymentProductField__id': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductField__type': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductField__used_for_lookup': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property data_restrictions: PaymentProductFieldDataRestrictions | None¶
- Object containing data restrictions that apply to this field, like minimum and/or maximum length
- property display_hints: PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints | None¶
- Object containing display hints for this field, like the order, mask, preferred keyboard
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductField [source]¶
- property id: str | None¶
- The ID of the field
Type: str
- property type: str | None¶
- The type of field, possible values are:
string - Any UTF-8 chracters
numericstring - A string that consisting only of numbers. Note that you should strip out anything that is not a digit, but leading zeros are allowed
date - Date in the format DDMMYYYY
expirydate - Expiration date in the format MMYY
integer - An integer
boolean - A boolean
Type: str
- property used_for_lookup: bool | None¶
- Indicates that the product can be used in a get customer details <> call and that when that call is done the field should be supplied as (one of the) key(s) with a valid value.
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_data_restrictions.PaymentProductFieldDataRestrictions[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductFieldDataRestrictions__is_required': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProductFieldDataRestrictions__validators': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_validators.PaymentProductFieldValidators]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductFieldDataRestrictions [source]¶
- property is_required: bool | None¶
true - Indicates that this field is required
false - Indicates that this field is optional
Type: bool
- property validators: PaymentProductFieldValidators | None¶
- Object containing the details of the validations on the field
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_display_element.PaymentProductFieldDisplayElement[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductFieldDisplayElement__id': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayElement__label': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayElement__type': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayElement__value': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductFieldDisplayElement [source]¶
- property id: str | None¶
- The ID of the display element.
Type: str
- property label: str | None¶
- The label of the display element.
Type: str
- property type: str | None¶
- The type of the display element. Indicates how the value should be presented. Possible values are:
STRING - as plain text
CURRENCY - as an amount in cents displayed with a decimal separator and the currency of the payment
PERCENTAGE - as a number with a percentage sign
INTEGER - as an integer
URI - as a link
Type: str
- property value: str | None¶
- the value of the display element.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_display_hints.PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints__always_show': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints__display_order': typing.Optional[int], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints__form_element': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_form_element.PaymentProductFieldFormElement], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints__label': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints__link': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints__mask': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints__obfuscate': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints__placeholder_label': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints__preferred_input_type': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints__tooltip': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_tooltip.PaymentProductFieldTooltip]}¶
- property always_show: bool | None¶
true - Indicates that this field is advised to be captured to increase the success rates even though it isn’t marked as required. Please note that making the field required could hurt the success rates negatively. This boolean only indicates our advise to always show this field to the customer.
false - Indicates that this field is not to be shown unless it is a required field.
Type: bool
- property display_order: int | None¶
- The order in which the fields should be shown (ascending)
Type: int
- property form_element: PaymentProductFieldFormElement | None¶
- Object detailing the type of form element that should be used to present the field
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductFieldDisplayHints [source]¶
- property label: str | None¶
- Label/Name of the field to be used in the user interface
Type: str
- property link: str | None¶
- Link that should be used to replace the ‘{link}’ variable in the label.
Type: str
- property mask: str | None¶
- A mask that can be used in the input field. You can use it to inject additional characters to provide a better user experience and to restrict the accepted character set (illegal characters to be ignored during typing).* is used for wildcards (and also chars)9 is used for numbersEverything outside {{ and }} is used as-is.
Type: str
- property obfuscate: bool | None¶
true - The data in this field should be obfuscated as it is entered, just like a password field
false - The data in this field does not need to be obfuscated
Type: bool
- property placeholder_label: str | None¶
- A placeholder value for the form element
Type: str
- property preferred_input_type: str | None¶
- The type of keyboard that can best be used to fill out the value of this field. Possible values are:
PhoneNumberKeyboard - Keyboard that is normally used to enter phone numbers
StringKeyboard - Keyboard that is used to enter strings
IntegerKeyboard - Keyboard that is used to enter only numerical values
EmailAddressKeyboard - Keyboard that allows easier entry of email addresses
Type: str
- property tooltip: PaymentProductFieldTooltip | None¶
- Object that contains an optional tooltip to assist the customer
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_form_element.PaymentProductFieldFormElement[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductFieldFormElement__type': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductFieldFormElement__value_mapping': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.value_mapping_element.ValueMappingElement]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductFieldFormElement [source]¶
- property type: str | None¶
- Type of form element to be used. The following types can be returned:
text - A normal text input field
list - A list of values that the customer needs to choose from, is detailed in the valueMapping array
currency - Currency fields should be split into two fields, with the second one being specifically for the cents
boolean - Boolean fields should offer the customer a choice, like accepting the terms and conditions of a product.
date - let the customer pick a date.
Type: str
- property value_mapping: List[ValueMappingElement] | None¶
- An array of values and displayNames that should be used to populate the list object in the GUI
Type: list[
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_tooltip.PaymentProductFieldTooltip[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductFieldTooltip__image': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentProductFieldTooltip__label': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductFieldTooltip [source]¶
- property image: str | None¶
- Relative URL that can be used to retrieve an image for the tooltip image. You can use our server-side resize functionality by appending ‘?size={{width}}x{{height}}’ to the full URL, where width and height are specified in pixels. The resized image will always keep its correct aspect ratio.
Type: str
- property label: str | None¶
- A text explaining the field in more detail. This is meant to be used for displaying to the customer.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_validators.PaymentProductFieldValidators[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductFieldValidators__boleto_bancario_requiredness': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.boleto_bancario_requiredness_validator.BoletoBancarioRequirednessValidator], '_PaymentProductFieldValidators__email_address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.empty_validator.EmptyValidator], '_PaymentProductFieldValidators__expiration_date': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.empty_validator.EmptyValidator], '_PaymentProductFieldValidators__fixed_list': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fixed_list_validator.FixedListValidator], '_PaymentProductFieldValidators__iban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.empty_validator.EmptyValidator], '_PaymentProductFieldValidators__length': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.length_validator.LengthValidator], '_PaymentProductFieldValidators__luhn': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.empty_validator.EmptyValidator], '_PaymentProductFieldValidators__range': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.range_validator.RangeValidator], '_PaymentProductFieldValidators__regular_expression': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.regular_expression_validator.RegularExpressionValidator], '_PaymentProductFieldValidators__resident_id_number': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.empty_validator.EmptyValidator], '_PaymentProductFieldValidators__terms_and_conditions': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.empty_validator.EmptyValidator]}¶
- property boleto_bancario_requiredness: BoletoBancarioRequirednessValidator | None¶
- Indicates the requiredness of the field based on the fiscalnumber for Boleto Bancario
- property email_address: EmptyValidator | None¶
- Indicates that the content should be validated against the rules for an email address
- property expiration_date: EmptyValidator | None¶
- Indicates that the content should be validated against the rules for an expiration date (it should be in the future)
- property fixed_list: FixedListValidator | None¶
- Indicates that content should be one of the, in this object, listed items
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductFieldValidators [source]¶
- property iban: EmptyValidator | None¶
- Indicates that the content of this (iban) field needs to validated against format checks and modulo check (as described in ISO 7064)
- property length: LengthValidator | None¶
- Indicates that the content needs to be validated against length criteria defined in this object
- property luhn: EmptyValidator | None¶
- Indicates that the content needs to be validated using a LUHN check
- property range: RangeValidator | None¶
- Indicates that the content needs to be validated against a, in this object, defined range
- property regular_expression: RegularExpressionValidator | None¶
- A string representing the regular expression to check
- property resident_id_number: EmptyValidator | None¶
- Indicates that the content needs to be validated as per the Chinese resident identity number format
- property terms_and_conditions: EmptyValidator | None¶
- Indicates that the content should be validated as such that the customer has accepted the field as if they were terms and conditions of a service
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_filter.PaymentProductFilter[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductFilter__groups': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]], '_PaymentProductFilter__products': typing.Optional[typing.List[int]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductFilter [source]¶
- property groups: List[str] | None¶
- List containing all payment product groups that should either be restricted to in or excluded from the payment context. Currently, there is only one group, called ‘cards’.
Type: list[str]
- property products: List[int] | None¶
- List containing all payment product ids that should either be restricted to in or excluded from the payment context.
Type: list[int]
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_filters_client_session.PaymentProductFiltersClientSession[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductFiltersClientSession__exclude': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_filter.PaymentProductFilter], '_PaymentProductFiltersClientSession__restrict_to': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_filter.PaymentProductFilter]}¶
- property exclude: PaymentProductFilter | None¶
- Contains the payment product ids and payment product groups that should be excluded from the payment products available for the payment. Note that excluding a payment product will ensure exclusion, even if the payment product is also present in the restrictTo filter, and that excluding a payment product group will exclude all payment products that are a part of that group, even if one or more of them are present in the restrictTo filters.
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductFiltersClientSession [source]¶
- property restrict_to: PaymentProductFilter | None¶
- Contains the payment product ids and payment product groups that should be at most contained in the payment products available for completing the payment. Note that the list of payment products available for completing the payment will only contain payment products present in these filters, but not all payment products in these filters might be present in the list. Some of them might not be allowed in context or they might be present in the exclude filters.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_filters_hosted_checkout.PaymentProductFiltersHostedCheckout[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductFiltersHostedCheckout__exclude': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_filter.PaymentProductFilter], '_PaymentProductFiltersHostedCheckout__restrict_to': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_filter.PaymentProductFilter], '_PaymentProductFiltersHostedCheckout__tokens_only': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property exclude: PaymentProductFilter | None¶
- Contains the payment product ids and payment product groups that should be excluded from the payment products available for the payment. Note that excluding a payment product will ensure exclusion, even if the payment product is also present in the restrictTo filter, and that excluding a payment product group will exclude all payment products that are a part of that group, even if one or more of them are present in the restrictTo filters.
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductFiltersHostedCheckout [source]¶
- property restrict_to: PaymentProductFilter | None¶
- Contains the payment product ids and payment product groups that should be at most contained in the payment products available for completing the payment. Note that the list of payment products available for completing the payment will only contain payment products present in these filters, but not all payment products in these filters might be present in the list. Some of them might not be allowed in context or they might be present in the exclude filters.
- property tokens_only: bool | None¶
true - The customer may only complete the payment using one of the provided accounts on file.
false -The customer can complete the payment using any way they like, as long as it is allowed in the payment context. Default.
Note that the request must contain at least one valid account on file with an allowed payment product (not excluded and allowed in context) if this property is set to true, else the request will fail.Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_group.PaymentProductGroup[source]¶
Definition of the details of a single payment product group- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductGroup__accounts_on_file': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.account_on_file.AccountOnFile]], '_PaymentProductGroup__allows_installments': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProductGroup__device_fingerprint_enabled': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentProductGroup__display_hints': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_display_hints.PaymentProductDisplayHints], '_PaymentProductGroup__fields': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field.PaymentProductField]], '_PaymentProductGroup__id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property accounts_on_file: List[AccountOnFile] | None¶
- Only populated in the Client API
Type: list[
- property allows_installments: bool | None¶
- Indicates if the product supports installments
true - This payment supports installments
false - This payment does not support installments
Type: bool
- property device_fingerprint_enabled: bool | None¶
- Indicates if device fingerprint is enabled for the product group
Type: bool
- property display_hints: PaymentProductDisplayHints | None¶
- Object containing display hints like the order of the group when shown in a list, the name of the group and the logo. Note that the order of the group is the lowest order among the payment products that belong to the group.
- property fields: List[PaymentProductField] | None¶
- Object containing all the fields and their details that are associated with this payment product group. If you are not interested in the these fields you can have us filter them out (using hide=fields in the query-string)
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductGroup [source]¶
- property id: str | None¶
- The ID of the payment product group in our system
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_group_response.PaymentProductGroupResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductGroupResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_groups.PaymentProductGroups[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductGroups__payment_product_groups': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_group.PaymentProductGroup]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductGroups [source]¶
- property payment_product_groups: List[PaymentProductGroup] | None¶
- Array containing payment product groups and their characteristics
Type: list[
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_networks_response.PaymentProductNetworksResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProductNetworksResponse__networks': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductNetworksResponse [source]¶
- property networks: List[str] | None¶
- Array containing network entries for a payment product. The strings that represent the networks in the array are identical to the strings that the payment product vendors use in their documentation.For instance: “Visa” for Google Pay <>.
Type: list[str]
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_response.PaymentProductResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProductResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_products.PaymentProducts[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentProducts__payment_products': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product.PaymentProduct]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentProducts [source]¶
- property payment_products: List[PaymentProduct] | None¶
- Array containing payment products and their characteristics
Type: list[
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_references.PaymentReferences[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentReferences__merchant_order_id': typing.Optional[int], '_PaymentReferences__merchant_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentReferences__payment_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentReferences__provider_id': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentReferences__provider_merchant_id': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentReferences__provider_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_PaymentReferences__reference_orig_payment': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentReferences [source]¶
- property merchant_order_id: int | None¶
- Your order ID for this transaction that is also returned in our report files
Type: int
- property merchant_reference: str | None¶
- Your unique reference of the transaction that is also returned in our report files. This is almost always used for your reconciliation of our report files.
Type: str
- property payment_reference: str | None¶
- Payment Reference generated by WebCollect
Type: str
- property provider_id: str | None¶
- Provides an additional means of reconciliation for Gateway merchants
Type: str
- property provider_merchant_id: str | None¶
- Provides an additional means of reconciliation, this is the MerchantId used at the provider
Type: str
- property provider_reference: str | None¶
- Provides an additional means of reconciliation for Gateway merchants
Type: str
- property reference_orig_payment: str | None¶
- When you did not supply a merchantReference for your payment, you need to fill this property with the reference of the original payment when you want to refund it
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_response.PaymentResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_status_output.PaymentStatusOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PaymentStatusOutput__is_authorized': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentStatusOutput__is_refundable': typing.Optional[bool], '_PaymentStatusOutput__three_d_secure_status': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PaymentStatusOutput [source]¶
- property is_authorized: bool | None¶
- Indicates if the transaction has been authorized
Type: bool
- property is_refundable: bool | None¶
- Flag indicating if the payment can be refunded
Type: bool
- property three_d_secure_status: str | None¶
- The 3D Secure status, with the following possible values:
ENROLLED: the card is enrolled for 3D Secure authentication. The customer can be redirected to a 3D Secure access control server (ACS)
NOT_ENROLLED: the card is not enrolled for 3D Secure authentication
INVALID_PARES_OR_NOT_COMPLETED: the PARes is invalid, or the customer did not complete the 3D Secure authentication
AUTHENTICATED: the customer has passed the 3D Secure authentication
NOT_AUTHENTICATED: the customer failed the 3D Secure authentication
NOT_PARTICIPATING: the cardholder has not set up their card for 2-step 3D Secure.
Note that this status will only be set for payments that make use of 2-step 3D Secure.Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_customer.PayoutCustomer[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PayoutCustomer__address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address], '_PayoutCustomer__company_information': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.company_information.CompanyInformation], '_PayoutCustomer__contact_details': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.contact_details_base.ContactDetailsBase], '_PayoutCustomer__merchant_customer_id': typing.Optional[str], '_PayoutCustomer__name': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_name.PersonalName]}¶
- property company_information: CompanyInformation | None¶
- Object containing company information
- property contact_details: ContactDetailsBase | None¶
- Object containing contact details like email address and phone number
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PayoutCustomer [source]¶
- property merchant_customer_id: str | None¶
- Your identifier for the customer. It can be used as a search criteria in the GlobalCollect Payment Console and is also included in the GlobalCollect report files. It is used in the fraud-screening process for payments on the Ogone Payment Platform.
Type: str
- property name: PersonalName | None¶
- Object containing PersonalName object
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_details.PayoutDetails[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PayoutDetails__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_PayoutDetails__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_customer.PayoutCustomer], '_PayoutDetails__references': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_references.PayoutReferences]}¶
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- Object containing amount and ISO currency code attributes
- property customer: PayoutCustomer | None¶
- Object containing the details of the customer.
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PayoutDetails [source]¶
- property references: PayoutReferences | None¶
- Object that holds all reference properties that are linked to this transaction
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_error_response.PayoutErrorResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PayoutErrorResponse__error_id': typing.Optional[str], '_PayoutErrorResponse__errors': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.api_error.APIError]], '_PayoutErrorResponse__payout_result': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_result.PayoutResult]}¶
- property error_id: str | None¶
- Unique reference, for debugging purposes, of this error response
Type: str
- property errors: List[APIError] | None¶
- List of one or more errors
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PayoutErrorResponse [source]¶
- property payout_result: PayoutResult | None¶
- Object that contains details on the created payout in case one has been created
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_merchant.PayoutMerchant[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PayoutMerchant__configuration_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property configuration_id: str | None¶
- In case your account has been setup with multiple configurations you can use this property to identify the one you would like to use for the transaction. Note that you can only submit preconfigured values in combination with the Worldline Online Payments Acceptance platform. In case no value is supplied a default value of 0 will be submitted to the Worldline Online Payments Acceptance platform. The Worldline Online Payments Acceptance platform internally refers to this as a PosId.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PayoutMerchant [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_recipient.PayoutRecipient[source]¶
Object containing the details of the recipient of the payout- __annotations__ = {'_PayoutRecipient__first_name': typing.Optional[str], '_PayoutRecipient__surname': typing.Optional[str], '_PayoutRecipient__surname_prefix': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property first_name: str | None¶
- Given name(s) or first name(s) of the customer
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PayoutRecipient [source]¶
- property surname: str | None¶
- Surname(s) or last name(s) of the customer
Type: str
- property surname_prefix: str | None¶
- Middle name - In between first name and surname - of the customer
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_references.PayoutReferences[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PayoutReferences__invoice_number': typing.Optional[str], '_PayoutReferences__merchant_order_id': typing.Optional[int], '_PayoutReferences__merchant_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PayoutReferences [source]¶
- property invoice_number: str | None¶
- Your invoice number (on printed invoice) that is also returned in our report files
Type: str
- property merchant_order_id: int | None¶
- Order Identifier generated by the merchantNote: This does not need to have a unique value for each transaction
Type: int
- property merchant_reference: str | None¶
- Note that the maximum length of this field for transactions processed on the GlobalCollect platform is 30. Your unique reference of the transaction that is also returned in our report files. This is almost always used for your reconciliation of our report files.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_response.PayoutResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PayoutResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_result.PayoutResult[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PayoutResult__payout_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_output.OrderOutput], '_PayoutResult__status': typing.Optional[str], '_PayoutResult__status_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_status_output.OrderStatusOutput]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PayoutResult [source]¶
- property payout_output: OrderOutput | None¶
- Object containing payout details
- property status: str | None¶
- Current high-level status of the payouts in a human-readable form. Possible values are :
CREATED - The transaction has been created. This is the initial state once a new payout is created.
PENDING_APPROVAL - The transaction is awaiting approval from you to proceed with the paying out of the funds
REJECTED - The transaction has been rejected
PAYOUT_REQUESTED - The transaction is in the queue to be payed out to the customer
ACCOUNT_CREDITED - We have successfully credited the customer
REJECTED_CREDIT - The credit to the account of the customer was rejected by the bank
CANCELLED - You have cancelled the transaction
REVERSED - The payout has been reversed and the money is returned to your balance
Please see Statuses <> for a full overview of possible values.Type: str
- property status_output: OrderStatusOutput | None¶
- This object has the numeric representation of the current payout status, timestamp of last status change and performable action on the current payout resource.In case of a rejected payout, detailed error information is listed.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_identification.PersonalIdentification[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PersonalIdentification__id_issuing_country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_PersonalIdentification__id_type': typing.Optional[str], '_PersonalIdentification__id_value': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PersonalIdentification [source]¶
- property id_issuing_country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country that issued the identification document
Type: str
- property id_type: str | None¶
- Indicates the type of identification
nationalIdentification = The provided idValue is a national identification number.
passportNumber = The provided idValue is a passport number.
driverLicense = The provided idValue is driving License of the individual.
companyRegistrationNumber = The provided idValue is a company identifier. It verifies its legal existence as an incorporated entity.
socialSecurityNumber =n The provided idValue is a social security number, issued to an individual by the individual’s government.
alienRegistrationNumber = The provided idValue is an alien registration number, provided by immigration services of a country.
lawEnforcementIdentification = The provided idValue is an alien registration number, provided by immigration services of a country.
militaryIdentification = The provided idValue is an identification issued to military personnel of a country.
Type: str
- property id_value: str | None¶
- The value of the identification
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_information.PersonalInformation[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PersonalInformation__date_of_birth': typing.Optional[str], '_PersonalInformation__gender': typing.Optional[str], '_PersonalInformation__identification': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_identification.PersonalIdentification], '_PersonalInformation__name': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_name.PersonalName]}¶
- property date_of_birth: str | None¶
- The date of birth of the customerFormat: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PersonalInformation [source]¶
- property gender: str | None¶
- The gender of the customer, possible values are:
unknown or empty
Type: str
- property identification: PersonalIdentification | None¶
- Object containing identification documents information
- property name: PersonalName | None¶
- Object containing the name details of the customer
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_information_risk_assessment.PersonalInformationRiskAssessment[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PersonalInformationRiskAssessment__name': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_name_risk_assessment.PersonalNameRiskAssessment]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PersonalInformationRiskAssessment [source]¶
- property name: PersonalNameRiskAssessment | None¶
- Object containing the name details of the customer
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_information_token.PersonalInformationToken[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PersonalInformationToken__name': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_name_token.PersonalNameToken]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PersonalInformationToken [source]¶
- property name: PersonalNameToken | None¶
- Given name(s) or first name(s) of the customer
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_name.PersonalName[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PersonalName__title': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PersonalName [source]¶
- property title: str | None¶
- Title of customer
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_name_base.PersonalNameBase[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PersonalNameBase__first_name': typing.Optional[str], '_PersonalNameBase__surname': typing.Optional[str], '_PersonalNameBase__surname_prefix': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property first_name: str | None¶
- Given name(s) or first name(s) of the customer
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PersonalNameBase [source]¶
- property surname: str | None¶
Type: str
- property surname_prefix: str | None¶
- Middle name - In between first name and surname - of the customer
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_name_risk_assessment.PersonalNameRiskAssessment[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PersonalNameRiskAssessment [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.personal_name_token.PersonalNameToken[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) PersonalNameToken [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.protection_eligibility.ProtectionEligibility[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ProtectionEligibility__eligibility': typing.Optional[str], '_ProtectionEligibility__type': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property eligibility: str | None¶
- Possible values:
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ProtectionEligibility [source]¶
- property type: str | None¶
- Possible values:
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.range_validator.RangeValidator[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RangeValidator__max_value': typing.Optional[int], '_RangeValidator__min_value': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RangeValidator [source]¶
- property max_value: int | None¶
- Upper value of the range that is still valid
Type: int
- property min_value: int | None¶
- Lower value of the range that is still valid
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.recurring_payments_data.RecurringPaymentsData[source]¶
The object containing reference data for the text that can be displayed on MyCheckout hosted payment page with subscription information.Note:The data in this object is only meant for displaying recurring payments-related data on your checkout page.You still need to submit all the recurring payment-related data in the corresponding payment product-specific input. (example: cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.recurring and cardPaymentMethodSpecificInput.isRecurring)- __annotations__ = {'_RecurringPaymentsData__recurring_interval': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.frequency.Frequency], '_RecurringPaymentsData__trial_information': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.trial_information.TrialInformation]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RecurringPaymentsData [source]¶
- property recurring_interval: Frequency | None¶
- The object containing the frequency and interval between recurring payments.
- property trial_information: TrialInformation | None¶
- The object containing data of the trial period: no-cost or discounted time-constrained trial subscription period.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_data.RedirectData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectData [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_data_base.RedirectDataBase[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectDataBase__redirect_url': typing.Optional[str], '_RedirectDataBase__returnmac': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectDataBase [source]¶
- property redirect_url: str | None¶
Type: str
- property returnmac: str | None¶
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_method_specific_input.RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product4101_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product4101_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInput], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product809_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product809_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct809SpecificInput], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product840_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product840_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInput], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product861_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product861_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct861SpecificInput], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product863_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product863_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct863SpecificInput], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product869_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product869_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct869SpecificInput], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product882_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product882_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct882SpecificInput], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__redirection_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirection_data.RedirectionData], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput__return_url': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
Type: bool
- property payment_product4101_specific_input: RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing specific input required for UPI (Payment product ID 4101)
- property payment_product809_specific_input: RedirectPaymentProduct809SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing specific input required for Dutch iDeal payments (Payment product ID 809)
- property payment_product840_specific_input: RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing specific input required for PayPal payments (Payment product ID 840)
- property payment_product861_specific_input: RedirectPaymentProduct861SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing specific input required for AliPay payments (Payment product ID 861)
- property payment_product863_specific_input: RedirectPaymentProduct863SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing specific input required for We Chat Pay payments (Payment product ID 863)
- property payment_product869_specific_input: RedirectPaymentProduct869SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing specific input required for China UnionPay payments (Payment product ID 869)
- property payment_product882_specific_input: RedirectPaymentProduct882SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing specific input required for Indian Net Banking payments (Payment product ID 882)
- property redirection_data: RedirectionData | None¶
- Object containing browser specific redirection related data
- property return_url: str | None¶
- The URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first.URLs without a protocol will be rejected.
Type: str
Deprecated; Use redirectionData.returnUrl instead
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_method_specific_input_base.RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase__payment_product4101_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product4101_specific_input_base.RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInputBase], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase__payment_product840_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product840_specific_input_base.RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInputBase]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase [source]¶
- property payment_product4101_specific_input: RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInputBase | None¶
- Object containing specific input required for payment product 4101 (UPI)
- property payment_product840_specific_input: RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInputBase | None¶
- Object containing specific input required for PayPal payments (Payment product ID 840)
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_method_specific_output.RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__bank_account_bban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban.BankAccountBban], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__bank_account_iban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_iban.BankAccountIban], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__bic': typing.Optional[str], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__fraud_results': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_results.FraudResults], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__payment_product3201_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product3201_specific_output.PaymentProduct3201SpecificOutput], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__payment_product806_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product806_specific_output.PaymentProduct806SpecificOutput], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__payment_product836_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product836_specific_output.PaymentProduct836SpecificOutput], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__payment_product840_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product840_specific_output.PaymentProduct840SpecificOutput], '_RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__token': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property bank_account_bban: BankAccountBban | None¶
- Object that holds the Basic Bank Account Number (BBAN) data
- property bank_account_iban: BankAccountIban | None¶
- Object containing account holder name and IBAN information
- property bic: str | None¶
- The BIC is the Business Identifier Code, also known as SWIFT or Bank Identifier code. It is a code with an internationally agreed format to Identify a specific bank or even branch. The BIC contains 8 or 11 positions: the first 4 contain the bank code, followed by the country code and location code.
Type: str
- property fraud_results: FraudResults | None¶
- Object containing the results of the fraud screening
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property payment_product3201_specific_output: PaymentProduct3201SpecificOutput | None¶
- PostFinance Card (payment product 3201) specific details
- property payment_product806_specific_output: PaymentProduct806SpecificOutput | None¶
- Trustly (payment product 806) specific details
- property payment_product836_specific_output: PaymentProduct836SpecificOutput | None¶
- Sofort (payment product 836) specific details
- property payment_product840_specific_output: PaymentProduct840SpecificOutput | None¶
- PayPal (payment product 840) specific details
- property token: str | None¶
- ID of the token. This property is populated when the payment was done with a token or when the payment was tokenized.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product4101_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInput[source]¶
Please find below specific input fields for payment product 4101 (UPI)- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInput__display_name': typing.Optional[str], '_RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInput__integration_type': typing.Optional[str], '_RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInput__virtual_payment_address': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property display_name: str | None¶
- The merchant name as shown to the customer in some payment applications.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInput [source]¶
- property integration_type: str | None¶
- The value of this property must be ‘vpa’, ‘desktopQRCode’, or ‘urlIntent’.
Type: str
- property virtual_payment_address: str | None¶
- The Virtual Payment Address (VPA) of the customer. The ‘+’ character is not allowed in this property for transactions that are processed by TechProcess Payment Platform.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product4101_specific_input_base.RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInputBase[source]¶
Please find below specific input fields for payment product 4101 (UPI)- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInputBase__display_name': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property display_name: str | None¶
- The merchant name as shown to the customer in some payment applications.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentProduct4101SpecificInputBase [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product809_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct809SpecificInput[source]¶
Please find below specific input fields for payment product 809 (iDeal)- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectPaymentProduct809SpecificInput__expiration_period': typing.Optional[str], '_RedirectPaymentProduct809SpecificInput__issuer_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property expiration_period: str | None¶
- This sets the maximum amount of minutes a customer has to complete the payment at the bank. After this period has expired it is impossible for the customer to make a payment and in case no payment has been made the transaction will be marked as unsuccessful and expired by the bank. Setting the expirationPeriod is convenient if you want to maximise the time a customer has to complete the payment. Please note that it is normal for a customer to take up to 5 minutes to complete a payment. Setting this value below 10 minutes is not advised.You can set this value in minutes with a maximum value of 60 minutes. If no input is provided the default value of 60 is used for the transaction.
Type: str
Deprecated; Use RedirectPaymentMethodSpecificInput.expirationPeriod instead
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentProduct809SpecificInput [source]¶
- property issuer_id: str | None¶
- ID of the issuing bank of the customer. A list of available issuerIDs can be obtained by using the retrieve payment product directory API.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product840_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInput[source]¶
Please find below specific input fields for payment product 840 (PayPal)- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInput__custom': typing.Optional[str], '_RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInput__is_shortcut': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property custom: str | None¶
- A free text string that you can send to PayPal. With a special agreement between PayPal and you, PayPal uses the data in that property, for custom services they offer to you.
Type: str
Deprecated; Use Order.references.descriptor instead
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInput [source]¶
- property is_shortcut: bool | None¶
- Deprecated: If your PayPal payments are processed by Worldline’s Ogone Payment Platform, please use the property addressSelectionAtPayPal instead.Indicates whether to use PayPal Express Checkout for payments processed by Worldline’s GlobalCollect Payment Platform.
true = PayPal Express Checkout
false = Regular PayPal payment
For payments processed by Worldline’s Ogone Payment Platform, please see the addressSelectionAtPayPal property for more information.Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product840_specific_input_base.RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInputBase[source]¶
Please find below the specific input field for payment product 840 (PayPal)- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentProduct840SpecificInputBase [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product861_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct861SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectPaymentProduct861SpecificInput__mobile_device': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentProduct861SpecificInput [source]¶
- property mobile_device: bool | None¶
- This indicates that a customer is on a mobile device and it is used to distinguish whether a customer should be redirected to AliPay Desktop or Mobile. Alternatively, if you cannot determine whether a customer is on a mobile device or not, a customer can be redirected to AliPay Mobile if the property CreatePaymentRequest.order.customer.device.userAgent is supplied.
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product863_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct863SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectPaymentProduct863SpecificInput__integration_type': typing.Optional[str], '_RedirectPaymentProduct863SpecificInput__open_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentProduct863SpecificInput [source]¶
- property integration_type: str | None¶
- The type of integration with WeChat. Possible values:
desktopQRCode - used on desktops, the customer opens the WeChat app by scanning a QR code.
urlIntent - used in mobile apps or on mobile web pages, the customer opens the WeChat app using a URL intent.
nativeInApp - used in mobile apps that use the WeChat Pay SDK.
javaScriptAPI - used for WeChat official accounts. Requires the QQ browser to function.
miniProgram - used for Mini Programs.
Type: str
- property open_id: str | None¶
- An openId of a customer.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product869_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct869SpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectPaymentProduct869SpecificInput__issuer_id': typing.Optional[str], '_RedirectPaymentProduct869SpecificInput__resident_id_name': typing.Optional[str], '_RedirectPaymentProduct869SpecificInput__resident_id_number': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentProduct869SpecificInput [source]¶
- property issuer_id: str | None¶
- ID of the issuing bank of the customer. A list of available issuerIDs can be obtained by using the retrieve payment product directory API.
Type: str
- property resident_id_name: str | None¶
- The name as described on the Resident Identity Card of the People’s Republic of China.
Type: str
- property resident_id_number: str | None¶
- The identification number as described on the Resident Identity Card of the People’s Republic of China.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirect_payment_product882_specific_input.RedirectPaymentProduct882SpecificInput[source]¶
Please find below specific input fields for payment product 882 (Net Banking)- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectPaymentProduct882SpecificInput__issuer_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectPaymentProduct882SpecificInput [source]¶
- property issuer_id: str | None¶
- ID of the issuing bank of the customer. A list of available issuerIDs can be obtained by using the retrieve payment product directory API.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirection_data.RedirectionData[source]¶
Object containing browser specific redirection related data- __annotations__ = {'_RedirectionData__return_url': typing.Optional[str], '_RedirectionData__variant': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RedirectionData [source]¶
- property return_url: str | None¶
- The URL that the customer is redirect to after the payment flow has finished. You can add any number of key value pairs in the query string that, for instance help you to identify the customer when they return to your site. Please note that we will also append some additional key value pairs that will also help you with this identification process.Note: The provided URL should be absolute and contain the https:// protocol. IP addresses are not supported, neither localhost. For use on mobile devices a custom protocol can be used in the form of protocol://. This protocol must be registered on the device first.URLs without a protocol will be rejected.
Type: str
- property variant: str | None¶
- Using the Configuration Center it is possible to create multiple variations of your MyCheckout payment pages. The redirection flow for 3-D Secure uses the MyCheckout payment pages to display the following types of pages:
Redirection page - All redirection using a POST method will load a page in the browser of the customer that performs the actual redirection. This page contains a message to the customer explaining what is happening.
MethodURL page - Certain Issuers will use a specific flow in case of 3-D Secure version 2 to directly collect information from the customer browser. This page contains a spinner indicating that this process is going on in.
By specifying a specific variant you can force the use of another variant than the default. This allows you to test out the effect of certain changes to your MyCheckout payment pages in a controlled manner. Please note that you need to specify the ID instead of the name of the variant.Note: In case you have defined a Dynamic 3D Secure rule that takes the variant into account this will only work if you explicitly specify the ID using this property.Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_bank_method_specific_output.RefundBankMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundBankMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_card_method_specific_output.RefundCardMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RefundCardMethodSpecificOutput__authorisation_code': typing.Optional[str], '_RefundCardMethodSpecificOutput__card': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_essentials.CardEssentials]}¶
- property authorisation_code: str | None¶
- Card Authorization code as returned by the acquirer
Type: str
- property card: CardEssentials | None¶
- Object containing card details
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundCardMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_cash_method_specific_output.RefundCashMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundCashMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_customer.RefundCustomer[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RefundCustomer__address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address_personal.AddressPersonal], '_RefundCustomer__company_information': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.company_information.CompanyInformation], '_RefundCustomer__contact_details': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.contact_details_base.ContactDetailsBase], '_RefundCustomer__fiscal_number': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property address: AddressPersonal | None¶
- Object containing address details
- property company_information: CompanyInformation | None¶
- Object containing company information
- property contact_details: ContactDetailsBase | None¶
- Object containing contact details like email address and phone number
- property fiscal_number: str | None¶
- The fiscal registration number of the customer or the tax registration number of the company in case of a business customer. Please find below specifics per country:
Argentina - Consumer (DNI) with a length of 7 or 8 digits
Argentina - Company (CUIT) with a length of 11 digits
Brazil - Consumer (CPF) with a length of 11 digits
Brazil - Company (CNPJ) with a length of 14 digits
Chile - Consumer (RUT) with a length of 9 digits
Colombia - Consumer (NIT) with a length of 8, 9 or 10 digits
Denmark - Consumer (CPR-nummer or personnummer) with a length of 10 digits
Dominican Republic - Consumer (RNC) with a length of 11 digits
Finland - Consumer (Finnish: henkilötunnus (abbreviated as HETU)) with a length of 11 characters
India - Consumer (PAN) with a length of 10 characters
Mexico - Consumer (RFC) with a length of 13 digits
Mexico - Company (RFC) with a length of 12 digits
Norway - Consumer (fødselsnummer) with a length of 11 digits
Peru - Consumer (RUC) with a length of 11 digits
Sweden - Consumer (personnummer) with a length of 10 or 12 digits
Uruguay - Consumer (CI) with a length of 8 digits
Uruguay - Consumer (NIE) with a length of 9 digits
Uruguay - Company (RUT) with a length of 12 digits
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundCustomer [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_e_invoice_method_specific_output.RefundEInvoiceMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundEInvoiceMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_e_wallet_method_specific_output.RefundEWalletMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RefundEWalletMethodSpecificOutput__payment_product840_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_payment_product840_specific_output.RefundPaymentProduct840SpecificOutput]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundEWalletMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property payment_product840_specific_output: RefundPaymentProduct840SpecificOutput | None¶
- PayPal (payment product 840) specific details
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_error_response.RefundErrorResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RefundErrorResponse__error_id': typing.Optional[str], '_RefundErrorResponse__errors': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.api_error.APIError]], '_RefundErrorResponse__refund_result': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_result.RefundResult]}¶
- property error_id: str | None¶
- Unique reference, for debugging purposes, of this error response
Type: str
- property errors: List[APIError] | None¶
- List of one or more errors
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundErrorResponse [source]¶
- property refund_result: RefundResult | None¶
- Object that contains details on the created refund in case one has been created
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_method_specific_output.RefundMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RefundMethodSpecificOutput__refund_product_id': typing.Optional[int], '_RefundMethodSpecificOutput__total_amount_paid': typing.Optional[int], '_RefundMethodSpecificOutput__total_amount_refunded': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property refund_product_id: int | None¶
- Refund product identifierPlease see refund products <> for a full overview of possible values.
Type: int
- property total_amount_paid: int | None¶
- Total paid amount (in cents and always with 2 decimals)
Type: int
- property total_amount_refunded: int | None¶
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_mobile_method_specific_output.RefundMobileMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RefundMobileMethodSpecificOutput__network': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundMobileMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property network: str | None¶
- The network that was used for the refund. The string that represents the network is identical to the strings that the payment product vendors use in their documentation.For instance: “Visa” for Google Pay <>.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_output.RefundOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RefundOutput__amount_paid': typing.Optional[int], '_RefundOutput__bank_refund_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_bank_method_specific_output.RefundBankMethodSpecificOutput], '_RefundOutput__card_refund_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_card_method_specific_output.RefundCardMethodSpecificOutput], '_RefundOutput__cash_refund_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_cash_method_specific_output.RefundCashMethodSpecificOutput], '_RefundOutput__e_invoice_refund_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_e_invoice_method_specific_output.RefundEInvoiceMethodSpecificOutput], '_RefundOutput__e_wallet_refund_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_e_wallet_method_specific_output.RefundEWalletMethodSpecificOutput], '_RefundOutput__mobile_refund_method_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_mobile_method_specific_output.RefundMobileMethodSpecificOutput], '_RefundOutput__payment_method': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property amount_paid: int | None¶
- Amount paid
Type: int
- property bank_refund_method_specific_output: RefundBankMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing specific bank refund details
- property card_refund_method_specific_output: RefundCardMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing specific card refund details
- property cash_refund_method_specific_output: RefundCashMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing specific cash refund details
- property e_invoice_refund_method_specific_output: RefundEInvoiceMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing specific e-invoice refund details
- property e_wallet_refund_method_specific_output: RefundEWalletMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing specific eWallet refund details
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundOutput [source]¶
- property mobile_refund_method_specific_output: RefundMobileMethodSpecificOutput | None¶
- Object containing specific mobile refund details
- property payment_method: str | None¶
- Payment method identifier used by the our payment engine with the following possible values:
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_payment_product840_customer_account.RefundPaymentProduct840CustomerAccount[source]¶
PayPal account details- __annotations__ = {'_RefundPaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__customer_account_status': typing.Optional[str], '_RefundPaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__customer_address_status': typing.Optional[str], '_RefundPaymentProduct840CustomerAccount__payer_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property customer_account_status: str | None¶
- Status of the PayPal account.Possible values are:
verified - PayPal has verified the funding means for this account
unverified - PayPal has not verified the funding means for this account
Type: str
- property customer_address_status: str | None¶
- Status of the customer’s shipping address as registered by PayPalPossible values are:
none - Status is unknown at PayPal
confirmed - The address has been confirmed
unconfirmed - The address has not been confirmed
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundPaymentProduct840CustomerAccount [source]¶
- property payer_id: str | None¶
- The unique identifier of a PayPal account and will never change in the life cycle of a PayPal account
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_payment_product840_specific_output.RefundPaymentProduct840SpecificOutput[source]¶
PayPal refund details- __annotations__ = {'_RefundPaymentProduct840SpecificOutput__customer_account': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_payment_product840_customer_account.RefundPaymentProduct840CustomerAccount]}¶
- property customer_account: RefundPaymentProduct840CustomerAccount | None¶
- Object containing the PayPal account details
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundPaymentProduct840SpecificOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_references.RefundReferences[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RefundReferences__merchant_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundReferences [source]¶
- property merchant_reference: str | None¶
- Note that the maximum length of this field for transactions processed on the GlobalCollect platform is 30. Your unique reference of the transaction that is also returned in our report files. This is almost always used for your reconciliation of our report files.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_request.RefundRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RefundRequest__amount_of_money': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_RefundRequest__bank_refund_method_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_refund_method_specific_input.BankRefundMethodSpecificInput], '_RefundRequest__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_customer.RefundCustomer], '_RefundRequest__refund_date': typing.Optional[str], '_RefundRequest__refund_references': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_references.RefundReferences]}¶
- property amount_of_money: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- Object containing amount and ISO currency code attributes
- property bank_refund_method_specific_input: BankRefundMethodSpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing the specific input details for a bank refund
- property customer: RefundCustomer | None¶
- Object containing the details of the customer
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundRequest [source]¶
- property refund_date: str | None¶
- Refund dateFormat: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- property refund_references: RefundReferences | None¶
- Object that holds all reference properties that are linked to this refund
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_response.RefundResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_result.RefundResult[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RefundResult__refund_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_output.RefundOutput], '_RefundResult__status': typing.Optional[str], '_RefundResult__status_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_status_output.OrderStatusOutput]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundResult [source]¶
- property refund_output: RefundOutput | None¶
- Object containing refund details
- property status: str | None¶
- Current high-level status of the refund in a human-readable form. Possible values are:
CREATED - The transaction has been created. This is the initial state once a new refund is created.
PENDING_APPROVAL - The transaction is awaiting approval from you to proceed with the processing of the refund
REJECTED - The refund has been rejected
REFUND_REQUESTED - The transaction is in the queue to be refunded
REFUNDED - We have successfully refunded the customer
REJECTED_CAPTURE - The refund was rejected by the bank or us during processing
CANCELLED - You have cancelled the transaction
Please see Statuses <> for a full overview of possible values.Type: str
- property status_output: OrderStatusOutput | None¶
- This object has the numeric representation of the current refund status, timestamp of last status change and performable action on the current refund resource.In case of a rejected refund, detailed error information is listed.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refunds_response.RefundsResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RefundsResponse__refunds': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_result.RefundResult]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RefundsResponse [source]¶
- property refunds: List[RefundResult] | None¶
- The list of all refunds performed on the requested payment.
Type: list[
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.regular_expression_validator.RegularExpressionValidator[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RegularExpressionValidator__regular_expression': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RegularExpressionValidator [source]¶
- property regular_expression: str | None¶
- Contains the regular expression that the value of the field needs to be validated against
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.result_do_risk_assessment.ResultDoRiskAssessment[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ResultDoRiskAssessment__category': typing.Optional[str], '_ResultDoRiskAssessment__result': typing.Optional[str], '_ResultDoRiskAssessment__retaildecisions_cc_fraud_check_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.retail_decisions_cc_fraud_check_output.RetailDecisionsCCFraudCheckOutput], '_ResultDoRiskAssessment__validation_bank_account_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.validation_bank_account_output.ValidationBankAccountOutput]}¶
- property category: str | None¶
- The Risk Services category with the following possible values:
retaildecisionsCCFraudCheck - checks performed by Retail Decisions
globalcollectBlacklistCheckCC - Checked against the blacklist on the GlobalCollect platform
authorizationCheck - 0$ auth card account validation check
ddFraudCheck - Check performed for German market via InterCard
validationbankAccount - Bank account details are algorithmically checked if they could exist
globalcollectBlacklistCheckDD - Checked against the blacklist on the GlobalCollect platform
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ResultDoRiskAssessment [source]¶
- property result: str | None¶
- Risk service result with the following possible results:
accepted - Based on the checks performed the transaction can be accepted
challenged - Based on the checks performed the transaction should be manually reviewed
denied - Based on the checks performed the transaction should be rejected
no-advice - No fraud check was requested/performed
error - The fraud check resulted in an error and the fraud check was thus not performed
Type: str
- property retaildecisions_cc_fraud_check_output: RetailDecisionsCCFraudCheckOutput | None¶
- Object containing the results of the fraud checks performed by Retail Decisions
- property validation_bank_account_output: ValidationBankAccountOutput | None¶
- Object containing the results of the fraud checks performed on the bank account data
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.retail_decisions_cc_fraud_check_output.RetailDecisionsCCFraudCheckOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RetailDecisionsCCFraudCheckOutput__fraud_code': typing.Optional[str], '_RetailDecisionsCCFraudCheckOutput__fraud_neural': typing.Optional[str], '_RetailDecisionsCCFraudCheckOutput__fraud_rcf': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property fraud_code: str | None¶
- Provides additional information about the fraud result
Type: str
- property fraud_neural: str | None¶
- The raw score returned by the Neural check returned by the evaluation of the transaction
Type: str
- property fraud_rcf: str | None¶
- List of RuleCategoryFlags as setup in the Retail Decisions system that lead to the result
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RetailDecisionsCCFraudCheckOutput [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.risk_assessment.RiskAssessment[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RiskAssessment__fraud_fields': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_fields.FraudFields], '_RiskAssessment__merchant': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.merchant_risk_assessment.MerchantRiskAssessment], '_RiskAssessment__order': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.order_risk_assessment.OrderRiskAssessment], '_RiskAssessment__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int]}¶
- property fraud_fields: FraudFields | None¶
- Object containing additional data that will be used to assess the risk of fraud
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RiskAssessment [source]¶
- property merchant: MerchantRiskAssessment | None¶
- property order: OrderRiskAssessment | None¶
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- Payment product identifierPlease see payment products <> for a full overview of possible values.
Type: int
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.risk_assessment_bank_account.RiskAssessmentBankAccount[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RiskAssessmentBankAccount__bank_account_bban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban.BankAccountBban], '_RiskAssessmentBankAccount__bank_account_iban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_iban.BankAccountIban]}¶
- property bank_account_bban: BankAccountBban | None¶
- Object containing account holder name and bank account information
- property bank_account_iban: BankAccountIban | None¶
- Object containing account holder name and IBAN information
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RiskAssessmentBankAccount [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.risk_assessment_card.RiskAssessmentCard[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RiskAssessmentCard__card': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card.Card]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RiskAssessmentCard [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.risk_assessment_response.RiskAssessmentResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_RiskAssessmentResponse__results': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.result_do_risk_assessment.ResultDoRiskAssessment]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) RiskAssessmentResponse [source]¶
- property results: List[ResultDoRiskAssessment] | None¶
- Object that contains the results of the performed fraudchecks
Type: list[
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.scheme_token_data.SchemeTokenData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_SchemeTokenData__cardholder_name': typing.Optional[str], '_SchemeTokenData__cryptogram': typing.Optional[str], '_SchemeTokenData__eci': typing.Optional[str], '_SchemeTokenData__network_token': typing.Optional[str], '_SchemeTokenData__token_expiry_date': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property cardholder_name: str | None¶
- The card holder’s name on the card. Minimum length of 2, maximum length of 51 characters.
Type: str
- property cryptogram: str | None¶
- The Token Cryptogram is a dynamic one-time use value that is used to verify the authenticity of the transaction and the integrity of the data used in the generation of the Token Cryptogram. Visa calls this the Token Authentication Verification Value (TAVV) cryptogram.
Type: str
- property eci: str | None¶
- The Electronic Commerce Indicator you got with the Token Cryptogram
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SchemeTokenData [source]¶
- property network_token: str | None¶
- The network token. Note: This is called Payment Token in the EMVCo documentation
Type: str
- property token_expiry_date: str | None¶
- The expiry date of the network token
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sdk_data_input.SdkDataInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_SdkDataInput__device_render_options': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.device_render_options.DeviceRenderOptions], '_SdkDataInput__sdk_app_id': typing.Optional[str], '_SdkDataInput__sdk_encrypted_data': typing.Optional[str], '_SdkDataInput__sdk_ephemeral_public_key': typing.Optional[str], '_SdkDataInput__sdk_max_timeout': typing.Optional[str], '_SdkDataInput__sdk_reference_number': typing.Optional[str], '_SdkDataInput__sdk_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property device_render_options: DeviceRenderOptions | None¶
- Object containing rendering options of the device.
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SdkDataInput [source]¶
- property sdk_app_id: str | None¶
- Universally unique ID created upon all installations and updates of your app on a c Device. This will be newly generated and stored by the 3DS SDK for each installation or update
Type: str
- property sdk_encrypted_data: str | None¶
- JWE Object containing data encrypted by the 3-D Secure SDK
Type: str
- property sdk_ephemeral_public_key: str | None¶
- Public key component of the ephemeral key pair generated by the 3-D Secure SDK and used to establish session keys between the 3-D Secure SDK and ACS.
Type: str
- property sdk_max_timeout: str | None¶
- Indicates maximum amount of time (in minutes) for all exchanges. Minimum amount of minutes is 5.
Type: str
- property sdk_reference_number: str | None¶
- Identifies the vendor and version for the 3-D Secure SDK that is integrated in your app, assigned by EMVCo when the 3-D Secure SDK is approved.
Type: str
- property sdk_transaction_id: str | None¶
- Universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3-D Secure SDK to identify a single transaction.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sdk_data_output.SdkDataOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_SdkDataOutput__sdk_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SdkDataOutput [source]¶
- property sdk_transaction_id: str | None¶
- Universally unique transaction identifier assigned by the 3-D Secure SDK to identify this transaction.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.seller.Seller[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_Seller__address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address.Address], '_Seller__channel_code': typing.Optional[str], '_Seller__description': typing.Optional[str], '_Seller__external_reference_id': typing.Optional[str], '_Seller__geocode': typing.Optional[str], '_Seller__id': typing.Optional[str], '_Seller__invoice_number': typing.Optional[str], '_Seller__is_foreign_retailer': typing.Optional[bool], '_Seller__mcc': typing.Optional[str], '_Seller__name': typing.Optional[str], '_Seller__phone_number': typing.Optional[str], '_Seller__type': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property channel_code: str | None¶
- This property is specific to Visa Argentina. Channelcode according to Prisma. Please contact the acquirer to get the full list you need to use.
Type: str
- property description: str | None¶
- Description of the seller
Type: str
- property external_reference_id: str | None¶
- Seller ID assigned by the Merchant Aggregator
Type: str
- property geocode: str | None¶
- The sellers geocode
Type: str
- property id: str | None¶
- The sellers identifier
Type: str
- property invoice_number: str | None¶
- Invoice number of the payment
Type: str
- property is_foreign_retailer: bool | None¶
- Indicates if the retailer is considered foreign or domestic when compared to the location of the marketplace. Possible values:
true - The retailer is considered foreign because they are located in a different country than the marketplace. For marketplaces located in the European Economic Area (EEA) and UK (and Gibraltar), this includes transactions where the marketplace is within the EEA and UK (and Gibraltar), but the retailer is located outside of the EEA and UK (and Gibraltar)
false - The retailer is considered domestic because they are located in the same country as the marketplace. For marketplaces located in the European Economic Area (EEA) and UK (and Gibraltar), this includes transactions where the retailer is also located within the EEA and UK (and Gibraltar).
Type: bool
- property mcc: str | None¶
- Merchant category code
Type: str
- property name: str | None¶
- Name of the seller
Type: str
- property phone_number: str | None¶
- Main Phone Number
Type: str
- property type: str | None¶
- Seller type. Possible values:
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input.SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__date_collect': typing.Optional[str], '_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__direct_debit_text': typing.Optional[str], '_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__payment_product771_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sepa_direct_debit_payment_product771_specific_input.SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInput], '_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__recurring_payment_sequence_indicator': typing.Optional[str], '_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__requires_approval': typing.Optional[bool], '_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__token': typing.Optional[str], '_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput__tokenize': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property date_collect: str | None¶
- Changed date for direct debit collection. Only relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.Format: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- property direct_debit_text: str | None¶
- Description of the transaction that will appear on the customer bank statement to aid the customer in recognizing the transaction. Only relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInput [source]¶
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
- Indicates if this transaction is of a one-off or a recurring type. Only relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.
true - This is recurring
false - This is one-off
Type: bool
- property payment_product771_specific_input: SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInput | None¶
- Object containing information specific to SEPA Direct Debit
- property recurring_payment_sequence_indicator: str | None¶
- Only relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.
first = This transaction is the first of a series of recurring transactions
recurring = This transaction is a subsequent transaction in a series of recurring transactions
last = This transaction is the last transaction of a series of recurring transactions
Type: str
- property requires_approval: bool | None¶
true - The payment requires approval before the funds will be captured using the Approve payment or Capture payment API.
false - The payment does not require approval, and the funds will be captured automatically.
Type: bool
- property token: str | None¶
- ID of the token that holds previously stored SEPA Direct Debit account and mandate data. Only relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.
Type: str
- property tokenize: bool | None¶
- Indicates if this transaction should be tokenized. Only relevant for legacy SEPA Direct Debit.
true - Tokenize the transaction
false - Do not tokenize the transaction, unless it would be tokenized by other means such as auto-tokenization of recurring payments.
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_input_base.SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase__payment_product771_specific_input': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sepa_direct_debit_payment_product771_specific_input_base.SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInputBase]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificInputBase [source]¶
- property payment_product771_specific_input: SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInputBase | None¶
- Object containing information specific to SEPA Direct Debit
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sepa_direct_debit_payment_method_specific_output.SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__fraud_results': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.fraud_results.FraudResults], '_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__payment_product771_specific_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product771_specific_output.PaymentProduct771SpecificOutput], '_SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput__token': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property fraud_results: FraudResults | None¶
- Object containing the results of the fraud screening
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SepaDirectDebitPaymentMethodSpecificOutput [source]¶
- property payment_product771_specific_output: PaymentProduct771SpecificOutput | None¶
- Output that is SEPA Direct Debit specific (i.e. the used mandate)
- property token: str | None¶
- ID of the token. This property is populated for the GlobalCollect payment platform when the payment was done with a token or when the payment was tokenized.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sepa_direct_debit_payment_product771_specific_input.SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInput[source]¶
Object containing information specific to SEPA Direct Debit for Create Payments.- __annotations__ = {'_SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInput__existing_unique_mandate_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInput__mandate': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_mandate_with_return_url.CreateMandateWithReturnUrl]}¶
- property existing_unique_mandate_reference: str | None¶
- The unique reference of the existing mandate to use in this payment.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInput [source]¶
- property mandate: CreateMandateWithReturnUrl | None¶
- Object containing information to create a SEPA Direct Debit mandate.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sepa_direct_debit_payment_product771_specific_input_base.SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInputBase[source]¶
Object containing information specific to SEPA Direct Debit for Hosted Checkouts.- __annotations__ = {'_SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInputBase__existing_unique_mandate_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInputBase__mandate': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.create_mandate_base.CreateMandateBase]}¶
- property existing_unique_mandate_reference: str | None¶
- The unique reference of the existing mandate to use in this payment.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct771SpecificInputBase [source]¶
- property mandate: CreateMandateBase | None¶
- Object containing information to create a SEPA Direct Debit mandate.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.session_request.SessionRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_SessionRequest__payment_product_filters': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_filters_client_session.PaymentProductFiltersClientSession], '_SessionRequest__tokens': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SessionRequest [source]¶
- property payment_product_filters: PaymentProductFiltersClientSession | None¶
- Restrict the payment products available for payment completion by restricting to and excluding certain payment products and payment product groups.
- property tokens: List[str] | None¶
- List of previously stored tokens linked to the customer that wants to checkout.
Type: list[str]
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.session_response.SessionResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_SessionResponse__asset_url': typing.Optional[str], '_SessionResponse__client_api_url': typing.Optional[str], '_SessionResponse__client_session_id': typing.Optional[str], '_SessionResponse__customer_id': typing.Optional[str], '_SessionResponse__invalid_tokens': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]], '_SessionResponse__region': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property asset_url: str | None¶
- The datacenter-specific base url for assets. This value needs to be passed to the Client SDK to make sure that the client software connects to the right datacenter.
Type: str
- property client_api_url: str | None¶
- The datacenter-specific base url for client requests. This value needs to be passed to the Client SDK to make sure that the client software connects to the right datacenter.
Type: str
- property client_session_id: str | None¶
- The identifier of the session that has been created.
Type: str
- property customer_id: str | None¶
- The session is build up around the customer in the form of the customerId. All of the Client APIs use this customerId in the URI to identify the customer.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) SessionResponse [source]¶
- property invalid_tokens: List[str] | None¶
- Tokens that are submitted in the request are validated. In case any of the tokens can’t be used anymore they are returned in this array. You should most likely remove those tokens from your system.
Type: list[str]
- property region: str | None¶
- Possible values:
EU - datacenter located in Amsterdam
US - datacenter located in Miami
AMS - datacenter located in Amsterdam
PAR - datacenter located in Paris
When a session is created it is created in a specific datacenter. Any subsequent calls using the Client API need to be datacenter specific. The datacenters are identified by this region value. This value needs to be passed to the Client SDK to make sure that the client software connects to the right datacenter. This only applies if your clients use a version older than the ones listed below:JavaScript Client SDK v3.6.0
iOS ObjectiveC Client SDK v3.10.0
iOS Swift Client SDK v2.2.0
Android Client SDK v3.10.0
In case of the iOS and Android SDKs the version of the SDK used will be tightly coupled with the versions of your app that is still in active use. You are advised to pass this value to your clients in case you are unsure of the version used in your clients.Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.shipping.Shipping[source]¶
Object containing information regarding shipping / delivery- __annotations__ = {'_Shipping__address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address_personal.AddressPersonal], '_Shipping__address_indicator': typing.Optional[str], '_Shipping__comments': typing.Optional[str], '_Shipping__email_address': typing.Optional[str], '_Shipping__first_usage_date': typing.Optional[str], '_Shipping__is_first_usage': typing.Optional[bool], '_Shipping__shipped_from_zip': typing.Optional[str], '_Shipping__tracking_number': typing.Optional[str], '_Shipping__type': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property address: AddressPersonal | None¶
- Object containing address information
- property address_indicator: str | None¶
- Indicates shipping method chosen for the transaction. Possible values:
same-as-billing = the shipping address is the same as the billing address
another-verified-address-on-file-with-merchant = the address used for shipping is another verified address of the customer that is on file with you
different-than-billing = shipping address is different from the billing address
ship-to-store = goods are shipped to a store (shipping address = store address)
digital-goods = electronic delivery of digital goods
travel-and-event-tickets-not-shipped = travel and/or event tickets that are not shipped
other = other means of delivery
Type: str
- property comments: str | None¶
- Comments included during shipping
Type: str
- property email_address: str | None¶
- Email address linked to the shipping
Type: str
- property first_usage_date: str | None¶
- Date (YYYYMMDD) when the shipping details for this transaction were first used.
Type: str
- property is_first_usage: bool | None¶
- Indicator if this shipping address is used for the first time to ship an ordertrue = the shipping details are used for the first time with this transactionfalse = the shipping details have been used for other transactions in the past
Type: bool
- property shipped_from_zip: str | None¶
- The zip/postal code of the location from which the goods were shipped.
Type: str
- property tracking_number: str | None¶
- Shipment tracking number
Type: str
- property type: str | None¶
- Indicates the merchandise delivery timeframe. Possible values:
electronic = For electronic delivery (services or digital goods)
same-day = For same day deliveries
overnight = For overnight deliveries
2-day-or-more = For two day or more delivery time for payments that are processed by the GlobalCollect platform
2-day-or-more = For two day or more delivery time for payments that are processed by the Ogone platform
priority = For prioritized deliveries for payments that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
ground = For deliveries via ground for payments that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
to-store = For deliveries to a store for payments that are processed by the WL Online Payment Acceptance platform
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.shipping_risk_assessment.ShippingRiskAssessment[source]¶
Object containing information regarding shipping / delivery- __annotations__ = {'_ShippingRiskAssessment__address': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.address_personal.AddressPersonal], '_ShippingRiskAssessment__comments': typing.Optional[str], '_ShippingRiskAssessment__tracking_number': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property address: AddressPersonal | None¶
- Object containing address information
- property comments: str | None¶
- Comments included during shipping
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ShippingRiskAssessment [source]¶
- property tracking_number: str | None¶
- Shipment tracking number
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.shopping_cart.ShoppingCart[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ShoppingCart__amount_breakdown': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_breakdown.AmountBreakdown]], '_ShoppingCart__gift_card_purchase': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.gift_card_purchase.GiftCardPurchase], '_ShoppingCart__is_pre_order': typing.Optional[bool], '_ShoppingCart__items': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.line_item.LineItem]], '_ShoppingCart__pre_order_item_availability_date': typing.Optional[str], '_ShoppingCart__re_order_indicator': typing.Optional[bool]}¶
- property amount_breakdown: List[AmountBreakdown] | None¶
- Determines the type of the amount.
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ShoppingCart [source]¶
- property gift_card_purchase: GiftCardPurchase | None¶
- Object containing information on purchased gift card(s)
- property is_pre_order: bool | None¶
- The customer is pre-ordering one or more items
Type: bool
- property items: List[LineItem] | None¶
- Shopping cart data
Type: list[
- property pre_order_item_availability_date: str | None¶
- Date (YYYYMMDD) when the preordered item becomes available
Type: str
- property re_order_indicator: bool | None¶
- Indicates whether the cardholder is reordering previously purchased item(s)true = the customer is re-ordering at least one of the items againfalse = this is the first time the customer is ordering these items
Type: bool
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.swift.Swift[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_Swift__bic': typing.Optional[str], '_Swift__category': typing.Optional[str], '_Swift__chips_uid': typing.Optional[str], '_Swift__extra_info': typing.Optional[str], '_Swift__po_box_country': typing.Optional[str], '_Swift__po_box_location': typing.Optional[str], '_Swift__po_box_number': typing.Optional[str], '_Swift__po_box_zip': typing.Optional[str], '_Swift__routing_bic': typing.Optional[str], '_Swift__services': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property bic: str | None¶
- The BIC is the Business Identifier Code, also known as SWIFT or Bank Identifier code. It is a code with an internationally agreed format to Identify a specific bank or even branch. The BIC contains 8 or 11 positions: the first 4 contain the bank code, followed by the country code and location code.
Type: str
- property category: str | None¶
- SWIFT category
Type: str
- property chips_uid: str | None¶
- Clearing House Interbank Payments System (CHIPS) UIDCHIPS is one half of the primary US network of large-value domestic and international payments.
Type: str
- property extra_info: str | None¶
- SWIFT extra information
Type: str
- property po_box_country: str | None¶
- Institution PO Box country
Type: str
- property po_box_location: str | None¶
- Institution PO Box location
Type: str
- property po_box_number: str | None¶
- Institution PO Box number
Type: str
- property po_box_zip: str | None¶
- Institution PO Box ZIP
Type: str
- property routing_bic: str | None¶
- Payment routing BIC
Type: str
- property services: str | None¶
- SWIFT services
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.test_connection.TestConnection[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TestConnection__result': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TestConnection [source]¶
- property result: str | None¶
- OK result on the connection to the payment engine.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.third_party_data.ThirdPartyData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ThirdPartyData__payment_product863': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product863_third_party_data.PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ThirdPartyData [source]¶
- property payment_product863: PaymentProduct863ThirdPartyData | None¶
- Contains the third party data for payment product 863 (WeChat Pay).
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.third_party_status_response.ThirdPartyStatusResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ThirdPartyStatusResponse__third_party_status': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ThirdPartyStatusResponse [source]¶
- property third_party_status: str | None¶
- The status returned by the third party.Possible values:
WAITING - The customer has not connected to the third party
INITIALIZED - Authentication in progress
AUTHORIZED - Payment in progress
COMPLETED - The customer has completed the payment at the third party
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure.ThreeDSecure[source]¶
Object containing specific data regarding 3-D Secure- __annotations__ = {'_ThreeDSecure__external_cardholder_authentication_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.external_cardholder_authentication_data.ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData], '_ThreeDSecure__redirection_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.redirection_data.RedirectionData]}¶
- property external_cardholder_authentication_data: ExternalCardholderAuthenticationData | None¶
- Object containing 3D secure details.
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ThreeDSecure [source]¶
- property redirection_data: RedirectionData | None¶
- Object containing browser specific redirection related data
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure_base.ThreeDSecureBase[source]¶
Object containing specific data regarding 3-D Secure- __annotations__ = {}¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ThreeDSecureBase [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure_data.ThreeDSecureData[source]¶
Object containing data regarding the 3D Secure authentication- __annotations__ = {'_ThreeDSecureData__acs_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecureData__method': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecureData__utc_timestamp': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property acs_transaction_id: str | None¶
- The ACS Transaction ID for a prior 3-D Secure authenticated transaction (for example, the first recurring transaction that was authenticated with the customer)
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ThreeDSecureData [source]¶
- property method: str | None¶
- Method of authentication used for this transaction.Possible values:
frictionless = The authentication went without a challenge
challenged = Cardholder was challenged
avs-verified = The authentication was verified by AVS
other = Another issuer method was used to authenticate this transaction
Type: str
- property utc_timestamp: str | None¶
- Timestamp in UTC (YYYYMMDDHHmm) of the 3-D Secure authentication of this transaction
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure_results.ThreeDSecureResults[source]¶
Object containing the 3-D Secure specific results- __annotations__ = {'_ThreeDSecureResults__acs_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecureResults__applied_exemption': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecureResults__authentication_amount': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_ThreeDSecureResults__cavv': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecureResults__directory_server_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecureResults__eci': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecureResults__exemption_output': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.exemption_output.ExemptionOutput], '_ThreeDSecureResults__scheme_risk_score': typing.Optional[int], '_ThreeDSecureResults__sdk_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.sdk_data_output.SdkDataOutput], '_ThreeDSecureResults__three_d_secure_data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.three_d_secure_data.ThreeDSecureData], '_ThreeDSecureResults__three_d_secure_version': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecureResults__three_d_server_transaction_id': typing.Optional[str], '_ThreeDSecureResults__xid': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property acs_transaction_id: str | None¶
- Identifier of the authenticated transaction at the ACS/Issuer
Type: str
- property applied_exemption: str | None¶
- Exemption code from Carte Bancaire (130) (unknown possible values so far -free format)
Type: str
- property authentication_amount: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- The amount for which this transaction has been authenticated.
- property cavv: str | None¶
- CAVV or AVV result indicating authentication validation value
Type: str
- property directory_server_transaction_id: str | None¶
- The 3-D Secure Directory Server transaction ID that is used for the 3D Authentication
Type: str
- property eci: str | None¶
- Indicates Authentication validation results returned after AuthenticationValidation
Type: str
- property exemption_output: ExemptionOutput | None¶
- Object containing exemption output
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ThreeDSecureResults [source]¶
- property scheme_risk_score: int | None¶
- Global score calculated by the Carte Bancaire (130) Scoring platform. Possible values from 0 to 99
Type: int
- property sdk_data: SdkDataOutput | None¶
- Object containing 3-D Secure in-app SDK data
- property three_d_secure_data: ThreeDSecureData | None¶
- Object containing data regarding the 3-D Secure authentication
- property three_d_secure_version: str | None¶
- The 3-D Secure version used for the authentication.This property is used in the communication with the acquirer
Type: str
- property three_d_server_transaction_id: str | None¶
- The 3-D Secure Server transaction ID that is used for the 3-D Secure version 2 Authentication.
Type: str
- property xid: str | None¶
- Transaction ID for the Authentication
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_card.TokenCard[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TokenCard__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_token.CustomerToken], '_TokenCard__data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_card_data.TokenCardData]}¶
- property customer: CustomerToken | None¶
- Object containing the details of the customer
- property data: TokenCardData | None¶
- Object containing the card tokenizable details
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_card_data.TokenCardData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TokenCardData__card_without_cvv': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.card_without_cvv.CardWithoutCvv], '_TokenCardData__first_transaction_date': typing.Optional[str], '_TokenCardData__provider_reference': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property card_without_cvv: CardWithoutCvv | None¶
- Object containing the card details (without CVV)
- property first_transaction_date: str | None¶
- Date of the first transaction (for ATOS)Format: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TokenCardData [source]¶
- property provider_reference: str | None¶
- Reference of the provider (of the first transaction) - used to store the ATOS Transaction Certificate
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_e_wallet.TokenEWallet[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TokenEWallet__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_token.CustomerToken], '_TokenEWallet__data': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_e_wallet_data.TokenEWalletData]}¶
- property customer: CustomerToken | None¶
- Object containing the details of the customer
- property data: TokenEWalletData | None¶
- Object containing the eWallet tokenizable data
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TokenEWallet [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_e_wallet_data.TokenEWalletData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TokenEWalletData__billing_agreement_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property billing_agreement_id: str | None¶
- Identification of the PayPal recurring billing agreement
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TokenEWalletData [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_non_sepa_direct_debit.TokenNonSepaDirectDebit[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TokenNonSepaDirectDebit__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_token.CustomerToken], '_TokenNonSepaDirectDebit__mandate': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_non_sepa_direct_debit.MandateNonSepaDirectDebit]}¶
- property customer: CustomerToken | None¶
- Object containing the details of the customer
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TokenNonSepaDirectDebit [source]¶
- property mandate: MandateNonSepaDirectDebit | None¶
- Object containing the mandate details
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_product705_specific_data.TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificData__authorisation_id': typing.Optional[str], '_TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificData__bank_account_bban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban.BankAccountBban]}¶
- property authorisation_id: str | None¶
- Core reference number for the direct debit instruction in UK
Type: str
- property bank_account_bban: BankAccountBban | None¶
- Object containing account holder name and bank account information
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct705SpecificData [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_non_sepa_direct_debit_payment_product730_specific_data.TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificData[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificData__bank_account_bban': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.bank_account_bban.BankAccountBban]}¶
- property bank_account_bban: BankAccountBban | None¶
- Object containing account holder name and bank account information
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TokenNonSepaDirectDebitPaymentProduct730SpecificData [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_response.TokenResponse[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TokenResponse__card': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_card.TokenCard], '_TokenResponse__e_wallet': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_e_wallet.TokenEWallet], '_TokenResponse__id': typing.Optional[str], '_TokenResponse__non_sepa_direct_debit': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_non_sepa_direct_debit.TokenNonSepaDirectDebit], '_TokenResponse__original_payment_id': typing.Optional[str], '_TokenResponse__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int], '_TokenResponse__sepa_direct_debit': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_sepa_direct_debit.TokenSepaDirectDebit]}¶
- property e_wallet: TokenEWallet | None¶
- Object containing eWallet details
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TokenResponse [source]¶
- property id: str | None¶
- ID of the token
Type: str
- property non_sepa_direct_debit: TokenNonSepaDirectDebit | None¶
- Object containing the non SEPA Direct Debit details
- property original_payment_id: str | None¶
- The initial Payment ID of the transaction from which the token has been created
Type: str
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- Payment product identifierPlease see payment products <> for a full overview of possible values.
Type: int
- property sepa_direct_debit: TokenSepaDirectDebit | None¶
- Object containing the SEPA Direct Debit details
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_sepa_direct_debit.TokenSepaDirectDebit[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TokenSepaDirectDebit__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_token_with_contact_details.CustomerTokenWithContactDetails], '_TokenSepaDirectDebit__mandate': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_sepa_direct_debit.MandateSepaDirectDebit]}¶
- property customer: CustomerTokenWithContactDetails | None¶
- Object containing the details of the customer
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TokenSepaDirectDebit [source]¶
- property mandate: MandateSepaDirectDebit | None¶
- Object containing the mandate details
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_sepa_direct_debit_without_creditor.TokenSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TokenSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor__customer': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.customer_token_with_contact_details.CustomerTokenWithContactDetails], '_TokenSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor__mandate': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.mandate_sepa_direct_debit_without_creditor.MandateSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor]}¶
- property customer: CustomerTokenWithContactDetails | None¶
- Object containing the details of the customer
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TokenSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor [source]¶
- property mandate: MandateSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor | None¶
- Object containing the mandate details
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.tokenize_payment_request.TokenizePaymentRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TokenizePaymentRequest__alias': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property alias: str | None¶
- An alias for the token. This can be used to visually represent the token.If no alias is given, a payment product specific default is used, e.g. the obfuscated card number for card payment products.Do not include any unobfuscated sensitive data in the alias.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TokenizePaymentRequest [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.trial_information.TrialInformation[source]¶
The object containing data of the trial period: no-cost or discounted time-constrained trial subscription period.- __annotations__ = {'_TrialInformation__amount_of_money_after_trial': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.amount_of_money.AmountOfMoney], '_TrialInformation__end_date': typing.Optional[str], '_TrialInformation__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_TrialInformation__trial_period': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.trial_period.TrialPeriod], '_TrialInformation__trial_period_recurring': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.frequency.Frequency]}¶
- property amount_of_money_after_trial: AmountOfMoney | None¶
- The object containing the amount and ISO currency code attributes of money to be paid after the trial period ends.Note:The property order.amountOfMoney should be populated with the amount to be paid during or for the trial period (no-cost or discounted time-constrained trial subscription period).
- property end_date: str | None¶
- The date that the trial period ends in YYYYMMDD format.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TrialInformation [source]¶
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
- The property specifying if there will be recurring charges throughout the trial period (when the trial period involves a temporary discounted rate).True = there will be recurring charges during the trial periodFalse = there will not be recurring charges during the trial period
Type: bool
- property trial_period: TrialPeriod | None¶
- The object containing information on the trial period duration and the interval between payments during that period.
- property trial_period_recurring: Frequency | None¶
- The object containing the frequency and interval between recurring payments.Note:This object should only be populated if the frequency of recurring payments between the trial and regular periods is different.If you do not populated this object, then the same interval frequency and interval of recurringPaymentsData.recurringInterval will be used
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.trial_period.TrialPeriod[source]¶
The object containing information on the trial period duration and the interval between payments during that period.- __annotations__ = {'_TrialPeriod__duration': typing.Optional[int], '_TrialPeriod__interval': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property duration: int | None¶
- The number of days, weeks, months, or years before the trial period ends.
Type: int
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TrialPeriod [source]¶
- property interval: str | None¶
- The interval for the trial period to finish specified as days, weeks, months, quarters, or years.
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.trustly_bank_account.TrustlyBankAccount[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_TrustlyBankAccount__account_last_digits': typing.Optional[str], '_TrustlyBankAccount__bank_name': typing.Optional[str], '_TrustlyBankAccount__clearinghouse': typing.Optional[str], '_TrustlyBankAccount__person_identification_number': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property account_last_digits: str | None¶
- The last digits of the account number
Type: str
- property bank_name: str | None¶
- The name of the bank
Type: str
- property clearinghouse: str | None¶
- The country of the clearing house
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) TrustlyBankAccount [source]¶
- property person_identification_number: str | None¶
- The ID number of the account holder
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.update_token_request.UpdateTokenRequest[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_UpdateTokenRequest__card': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_card.TokenCard], '_UpdateTokenRequest__e_wallet': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_e_wallet.TokenEWallet], '_UpdateTokenRequest__non_sepa_direct_debit': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_non_sepa_direct_debit.TokenNonSepaDirectDebit], '_UpdateTokenRequest__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int], '_UpdateTokenRequest__sepa_direct_debit': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_sepa_direct_debit_without_creditor.TokenSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor]}¶
- property e_wallet: TokenEWallet | None¶
- Object containing eWallet details
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) UpdateTokenRequest [source]¶
- property non_sepa_direct_debit: TokenNonSepaDirectDebit | None¶
- Object containing the non SEPA Direct Debit details
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- Payment product identifierPlease see payment products <> for a full overview of possible values.
Type: int
- property sepa_direct_debit: TokenSepaDirectDebitWithoutCreditor | None¶
- Object containing the SEPA Direct Debit details
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.upload_dispute_file_response.UploadDisputeFileResponse[source]¶
Response of a file upload request- __annotations__ = {'_UploadDisputeFileResponse__dispute_id': typing.Optional[str], '_UploadDisputeFileResponse__file_id': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property dispute_id: str | None¶
- Dispute ID that is associated with the created dispute.
Type: str
- property file_id: str | None¶
- The file ID that is associated with the uploaded file. This ID can be used for further communication regarding the file and retrieval of aforementioned property.
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) UploadDisputeFileResponse [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.validation_bank_account_check.ValidationBankAccountCheck[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ValidationBankAccountCheck__code': typing.Optional[str], '_ValidationBankAccountCheck__description': typing.Optional[str], '_ValidationBankAccountCheck__result': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property code: str | None¶
- Code of the bank account validation check
Type: str
- property description: str | None¶
- Description of check performed
Type: str
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ValidationBankAccountCheck [source]¶
- property result: str | None¶
- Result of the bank account validation check performed, with the following possible results:
PASSED - The check passed
ERROR - The check did not pass
WARNING - Depending on your needs this either needs to be treated as a passed or error response. It depends on your business logic and for what purpose you want to use the validated bank account details.
NOTCHECKED - This check was not performed, usually because one of the earlier checks already caused an error response to be triggered
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.validation_bank_account_output.ValidationBankAccountOutput[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ValidationBankAccountOutput__checks': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.validation_bank_account_check.ValidationBankAccountCheck]], '_ValidationBankAccountOutput__new_bank_name': typing.Optional[str], '_ValidationBankAccountOutput__reformatted_account_number': typing.Optional[str], '_ValidationBankAccountOutput__reformatted_bank_code': typing.Optional[str], '_ValidationBankAccountOutput__reformatted_branch_code': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property checks: List[ValidationBankAccountCheck] | None¶
- Array of checks performed with the results of each check
Type: list[
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ValidationBankAccountOutput [source]¶
- property new_bank_name: str | None¶
- Bank name, matching the bank code of the request
Type: str
- property reformatted_account_number: str | None¶
- Reformatted account number according to local clearing rules
Type: str
- property reformatted_bank_code: str | None¶
- Reformatted bank code according to local clearing rules
Type: str
- property reformatted_branch_code: str | None¶
- Reformatted branch code according to local clearing rules
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.value_mapping_element.ValueMappingElement[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ValueMappingElement__display_elements': typing.Optional[typing.List[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_product_field_display_element.PaymentProductFieldDisplayElement]], '_ValueMappingElement__display_name': typing.Optional[str], '_ValueMappingElement__value': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property display_elements: List[PaymentProductFieldDisplayElement] | None¶
- List of extra data of the value.
Type: list[
- property display_name: str | None¶
- Key name
Type: str
Deprecated; Use displayElements instead with ID ‘displayName’
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) ValueMappingElement [source]¶
- property value: str | None¶
- Value corresponding to the key
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.webhooks_event.WebhooksEvent[source]¶
- __annotations__ = {'_WebhooksEvent__api_version': typing.Optional[str], '_WebhooksEvent__created': typing.Optional[str], '_WebhooksEvent__dispute': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.dispute_response.DisputeResponse], '_WebhooksEvent__id': typing.Optional[str], '_WebhooksEvent__merchant_id': typing.Optional[str], '_WebhooksEvent__payment': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payment_response.PaymentResponse], '_WebhooksEvent__payout': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.payout_response.PayoutResponse], '_WebhooksEvent__refund': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.refund_response.RefundResponse], '_WebhooksEvent__token': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.v1.domain.token_response.TokenResponse], '_WebhooksEvent__type': typing.Optional[str]}¶
- property api_version: str | None¶
Type: str
- property created: str | None¶
Type: str
- property dispute: DisputeResponse | None¶
- from_dictionary(dictionary: dict) WebhooksEvent [source]¶
- property id: str | None¶
Type: str
- property merchant_id: str | None¶
Type: str
- property payment: PaymentResponse | None¶
- property payout: PayoutResponse | None¶
- property refund: RefundResponse | None¶
- property token: TokenResponse | None¶
- property type: str | None¶
Type: str
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.merchant_client.MerchantClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Merchant client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- captures() CapturesClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/captures
- disputes() DisputesClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/disputes
- files() FilesClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/files
- hostedcheckouts() HostedcheckoutsClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/hostedcheckouts
- hostedmandatemanagements() HostedmandatemanagementsClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/hostedmandatemanagements
- installments() InstallmentsClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/installments
- mandates() MandatesClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/mandates
- payments() PaymentsClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments
- payouts() PayoutsClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payouts
- productgroups() ProductgroupsClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/productgroups
- products() ProductsClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/products
- refunds() RefundsClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/refunds
- riskassessments() RiskassessmentsClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/riskassessments
- services() ServicesClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/services
- sessions() SessionsClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/sessions
- tokens() TokensClient [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/tokens
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.captures.captures_client.CapturesClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Captures client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- get(capture_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) CaptureResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/captures/{captureId} - Get capture
See also
- Parameters:
capture_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- refund(capture_id: str, body: RefundRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) RefundResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/captures/{captureId}/refund - Create Refund
See also
- Parameters:
capture_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
DeclinedRefundException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform declined / rejected the refund. The refund result will be available from the exception.
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.disputes.disputes_client.DisputesClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Disputes client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- cancel(dispute_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) DisputeResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/disputes/{disputeId}/cancel - Cancel dispute
See also
- Parameters:
dispute_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- get(dispute_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) DisputeResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/disputes/{disputeId} - Get dispute
See also
- Parameters:
dispute_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- submit(dispute_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) DisputeResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/disputes/{disputeId}/submit - Submit dispute
See also
- Parameters:
dispute_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- upload_file(dispute_id: str, body: UploadFileRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) UploadDisputeFileResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/disputes/{disputeId} - Upload File
- Parameters:
dispute_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.disputes.upload_file_request.UploadFileRequest[source]¶
Multipart/form-data parameters for Upload File
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_UploadFileRequest__file': typing.Optional[worldline.connect.sdk.domain.uploadable_file.UploadableFile], '__file': 'Optional[UploadableFile]'}¶
- property file: UploadableFile | None¶
- The file that you will upload as evidence to support a dispute.
- to_multipart_form_data_object() MultipartFormDataObject [source]¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.files.files_client.FilesClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Files client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- get_file(file_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) Tuple[Mapping[str, str], Iterable[bytes]] [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/files/{fileId} - Retrieve File
- Parameters:
file_id – str
- Returns:
a tuple with the headers and a generator of body chunks
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.hostedcheckouts.hostedcheckouts_client.HostedcheckoutsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Hostedcheckouts client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- create(body: CreateHostedCheckoutRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) CreateHostedCheckoutResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/hostedcheckouts - Create hosted checkout
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- delete(hosted_checkout_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) None [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/hostedcheckouts/{hostedCheckoutId} - Delete hosted checkout
- Parameters:
hosted_checkout_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- get(hosted_checkout_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) GetHostedCheckoutResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/hostedcheckouts/{hostedCheckoutId} - Get hosted checkout status
See also
- Parameters:
hosted_checkout_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.hostedmandatemanagements.hostedmandatemanagements_client.HostedmandatemanagementsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Hostedmandatemanagements client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- create(body: CreateHostedMandateManagementRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) CreateHostedMandateManagementResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/hostedmandatemanagements - Create hosted mandate management
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- get(hosted_mandate_management_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) GetHostedMandateManagementResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/hostedmandatemanagements/{hostedMandateManagementId} - Get hosted mandate management status
- Parameters:
hosted_mandate_management_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.installments.installments_client.InstallmentsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Installments client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- get_installments_info(body: GetInstallmentRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) InstallmentOptionsResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/installments/getInstallmentsInfo - Get installment information
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.mandates.mandates_client.MandatesClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Mandates client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- block(unique_mandate_reference: str, context: CallContext | None = None) GetMandateResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/mandates/{uniqueMandateReference}/block - Block mandate
See also
- Parameters:
unique_mandate_reference – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- create(body: CreateMandateRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) CreateMandateResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/mandates - Create mandate
See also
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- create_with_mandate_reference(unique_mandate_reference: str, body: CreateMandateRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) CreateMandateResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/mandates/{uniqueMandateReference} - Create mandate with mandatereference
- Parameters:
unique_mandate_reference – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- get(unique_mandate_reference: str, context: CallContext | None = None) GetMandateResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/mandates/{uniqueMandateReference} - Get mandate
See also
- Parameters:
unique_mandate_reference – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- revoke(unique_mandate_reference: str, context: CallContext | None = None) GetMandateResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/mandates/{uniqueMandateReference}/revoke - Revoke mandate
See also
- Parameters:
unique_mandate_reference – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- unblock(unique_mandate_reference: str, context: CallContext | None = None) GetMandateResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/mandates/{uniqueMandateReference}/unblock - Unblock mandate
See also
- Parameters:
unique_mandate_reference – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.payments.find_payments_params.FindPaymentsParams[source]¶
Query parameters for Find payments
See also
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FindPaymentsParams__hosted_checkout_id': typing.Optional[str], '_FindPaymentsParams__limit': typing.Optional[int], '_FindPaymentsParams__merchant_order_id': typing.Optional[int], '_FindPaymentsParams__merchant_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_FindPaymentsParams__offset': typing.Optional[int], '__hosted_checkout_id': 'Optional[str]', '__limit': 'Optional[int]', '__merchant_order_id': 'Optional[int]', '__merchant_reference': 'Optional[str]', '__offset': 'Optional[int]'}¶
- property hosted_checkout_id: str | None¶
- Your hosted checkout identifier to filter on.
Type: str
- property limit: int | None¶
- The maximum number of payments to return, with a maximum of 100. If omitted, the limit will be 10.
Type: int
- property merchant_order_id: int | None¶
- Your order identifier to filter on.
Type: int
- property merchant_reference: str | None¶
- Your unique transaction reference to filter on. The maximum length is 52 characters for payments that are processed by WL Online Payment Acceptance platform.
Type: str
- property offset: int | None¶
- The zero-based index of the first payment in the result. If omitted, the offset will be 0.
Type: int
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.payments.payments_client.PaymentsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Payments client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- approve(payment_id: str, body: ApprovePaymentRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) PaymentApprovalResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/approve - Approve payment
See also
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- cancel(payment_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) CancelPaymentResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/cancel - Cancel payment
See also
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- cancelapproval(payment_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) CancelApprovalPaymentResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/cancelapproval - Undo capture payment
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- capture(payment_id: str, body: CapturePaymentRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) CaptureResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/capture - Capture payment
See also
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- captures(payment_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) CapturesResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/captures - Get captures of payment
See also
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- complete(payment_id: str, body: CompletePaymentRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) CompletePaymentResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/complete - Complete payment
See also
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- create(body: CreatePaymentRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) CreatePaymentResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments - Create payment
See also
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
DeclinedPaymentException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform declined / rejected the payment. The payment result will be available from the exception.
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- devicefingerprint(payment_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) DeviceFingerprintDetails [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/devicefingerprint - Get Device Fingerprint details
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- dispute(payment_id: str, body: CreateDisputeRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) DisputeResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/dispute - Create dispute
See also
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- disputes(payment_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) DisputesResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/disputes - Get disputes
See also
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- find(query: FindPaymentsParams, context: CallContext | None = None) FindPaymentsResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments - Find payments
See also
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- get(payment_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) PaymentResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId} - Get payment
See also
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- processchallenged(payment_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) PaymentResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/processchallenged - Approves challenged payment
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- refund(payment_id: str, body: RefundRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) RefundResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/refund - Create refund
See also
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
DeclinedRefundException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform declined / rejected the refund. The refund result will be available from the exception.
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- refunds(payment_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) RefundsResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/refunds - Get refunds of payment
See also
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- third_party_status(payment_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) ThirdPartyStatusResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/thirdpartystatus - Third party status poll
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- tokenize(payment_id: str, body: TokenizePaymentRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) CreateTokenResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payments/{paymentId}/tokenize - Create a token from payment
See also
- Parameters:
payment_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.payouts.find_payouts_params.FindPayoutsParams[source]¶
Query parameters for Find payouts
See also
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FindPayoutsParams__limit': typing.Optional[int], '_FindPayoutsParams__merchant_order_id': typing.Optional[int], '_FindPayoutsParams__merchant_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_FindPayoutsParams__offset': typing.Optional[int], '__limit': 'Optional[int]', '__merchant_order_id': 'Optional[int]', '__merchant_reference': 'Optional[str]', '__offset': 'Optional[int]'}¶
- property limit: int | None¶
- The maximum number of payouts to return, with a maximum of 100. If omitted, the limit will be 10.
Type: int
- property merchant_order_id: int | None¶
- Your order identifier to filter on.
Type: int
- property merchant_reference: str | None¶
- Your unique transaction reference to filter on.
Type: str
- property offset: int | None¶
- The zero-based index of the first payout in the result. If omitted, the offset will be 0.
Type: int
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.payouts.payouts_client.PayoutsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Payouts client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- approve(payout_id: str, body: ApprovePayoutRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) PayoutResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payouts/{payoutId}/approve - Approve payout
See also
- Parameters:
payout_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- cancel(payout_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) None [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payouts/{payoutId}/cancel - Cancel payout
See also
- Parameters:
payout_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- cancelapproval(payout_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) None [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payouts/{payoutId}/cancelapproval - Undo approve payout
- Parameters:
payout_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- create(body: CreatePayoutRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) PayoutResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payouts - Create payout
See also
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
DeclinedPayoutException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform declined / rejected the payout. The payout result will be available from the exception.
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- find(query: FindPayoutsParams, context: CallContext | None = None) FindPayoutsResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payouts - Find payouts
See also
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- get(payout_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) PayoutResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/payouts/{payoutId} - Get payout
See also
- Parameters:
payout_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.productgroups.find_productgroups_params.FindProductgroupsParams[source]¶
Query parameters for Get payment product groups
See also
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FindProductgroupsParams__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_FindProductgroupsParams__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_FindProductgroupsParams__currency_code': typing.Optional[str], '_FindProductgroupsParams__hide': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]], '_FindProductgroupsParams__is_installments': typing.Optional[bool], '_FindProductgroupsParams__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_FindProductgroupsParams__locale': typing.Optional[str], '__amount': 'Optional[int]', '__country_code': 'Optional[str]', '__currency_code': 'Optional[str]', '__hide': 'Optional[List[str]]', '__is_installments': 'Optional[bool]', '__is_recurring': 'Optional[bool]', '__locale': 'Optional[str]'}¶
- property amount: int | None¶
- Amount of the transaction in cents and always having 2 decimals
Type: int
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the transaction
Type: str
- property currency_code: str | None¶
- Three-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
Type: str
- property hide: List[str] | None¶
- Allows you to hide elements from the response, reducing the amount of data that needs to be returned to your client. Possible options are:
fields - Don’t return any data on fields of the payment product
accountsOnFile - Don’t return any accounts on file data
translations - Don’t return any label texts associated with the payment products
Type: list[str]
- property is_installments: bool | None¶
- This allows you to filter payment products based on their support for installments or not
If this is omitted all payment products are returned.Type: bool
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
- This allows you to filter groups based on their support for recurring, where a group supports recurring if it has at least one payment product that supports recurring
Type: bool
- property locale: str | None¶
- Locale used in the GUI towards the consumer. Please make sure that a language pack is configured for the locale you are submitting. If you submit a locale that is not set up on your account, we will use the default language pack for your account. You can easily upload additional language packs and set the default language pack in the Configuration Center.
Type: str
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.productgroups.get_productgroup_params.GetProductgroupParams[source]¶
Query parameters for Get payment product group
See also
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_GetProductgroupParams__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_GetProductgroupParams__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_GetProductgroupParams__currency_code': typing.Optional[str], '_GetProductgroupParams__hide': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]], '_GetProductgroupParams__is_installments': typing.Optional[bool], '_GetProductgroupParams__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_GetProductgroupParams__locale': typing.Optional[str], '__amount': 'Optional[int]', '__country_code': 'Optional[str]', '__currency_code': 'Optional[str]', '__hide': 'Optional[List[str]]', '__is_installments': 'Optional[bool]', '__is_recurring': 'Optional[bool]', '__locale': 'Optional[str]'}¶
- property amount: int | None¶
- Amount of the transaction in cents and always having 2 decimals.
Type: int
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the transaction
Type: str
- property currency_code: str | None¶
- Three-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
Type: str
- property hide: List[str] | None¶
- Allows you to hide elements from the response, reducing the amount of data that needs to be returned to your client. Possible options are:
fields - Don’t return any data on fields of the payment product
accountsOnFile - Don’t return any accounts on file data
translations - Don’t return any label texts associated with the payment products
Type: list[str]
- property is_installments: bool | None¶
- This allows you to filter payment products based on their support for installments or not
If this is omitted all payment products are returned.Type: bool
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
- Toggles filtering on support for recurring payments. Default value is false.
true - filter out groups that do not support recurring payments, where a group supports recurring payments if it has at least one payment product that supports recurring.
false - do not filter
Type: bool
- property locale: str | None¶
- Locale used in the GUI towards the consumer. Please make sure that a language pack is configured for the locale you are submitting. If you submit a locale that is not setup on your account we will use the default language pack for your account. You can easily upload additional language packs and set the default language pack in the Configuration Center.
Type: str
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.productgroups.productgroups_client.ProductgroupsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Productgroups client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- device_fingerprint(payment_product_group_id: str, body: DeviceFingerprintRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) DeviceFingerprintResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/productgroups/{paymentProductGroupId}/deviceFingerprint - Get device fingerprint
- Parameters:
payment_product_group_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- find(query: FindProductgroupsParams, context: CallContext | None = None) PaymentProductGroups [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/productgroups - Get payment product groups
See also
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- get(payment_product_group_id: str, query: GetProductgroupParams, context: CallContext | None = None) PaymentProductGroupResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/productgroups/{paymentProductGroupId} - Get payment product group
See also
- Parameters:
payment_product_group_id – str
query –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.products.directory_params.DirectoryParams[source]¶
Query parameters for Get payment product directory
See also
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DirectoryParams__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_DirectoryParams__currency_code': typing.Optional[str], '__country_code': 'Optional[str]', '__currency_code': 'Optional[str]'}¶
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Type: str
- property currency_code: str | None¶
- Three-letter ISO currency code representing the currency of the transaction
Type: str
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.products.find_products_params.FindProductsParams[source]¶
Query parameters for Get payment products
See also
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FindProductsParams__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_FindProductsParams__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_FindProductsParams__currency_code': typing.Optional[str], '_FindProductsParams__hide': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]], '_FindProductsParams__is_installments': typing.Optional[bool], '_FindProductsParams__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_FindProductsParams__locale': typing.Optional[str], '__amount': 'Optional[int]', '__country_code': 'Optional[str]', '__currency_code': 'Optional[str]', '__hide': 'Optional[List[str]]', '__is_installments': 'Optional[bool]', '__is_recurring': 'Optional[bool]', '__locale': 'Optional[str]'}¶
- property amount: int | None¶
- Amount in cents and always having 2 decimals
Type: int
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Type: str
- property currency_code: str | None¶
- Three-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
Type: str
- property hide: List[str] | None¶
- Allows you to hide elements from the response, reducing the amount of data that needs to be returned to your client. Possible options are:
fields - Don’t return any data on fields of the payment product
accountsOnFile - Don’t return any accounts on file data
translations - Don’t return any label texts associated with the payment products
productsWithoutFields - Don’t return products that require any additional data to be captured
productsWithoutInstructions - Don’t return products that show instructions
productsWithRedirects - Don’t return products that require a redirect to a 3rd party. Note that products that involve potential redirects related to 3D Secure authentication are not hidden
Type: list[str]
- property is_installments: bool | None¶
- This allows you to filter payment products based on their support for installments or not
If this is omitted all payment products are returned.Type: bool
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
- This allows you to filter payment products based on their support for recurring or not
If this is omitted all payment products are returned.Type: bool
- property locale: str | None¶
- Locale used in the GUI towards the consumer. Please make sure that a language pack is configured for the locale you are submitting. If you submit a locale that is not setup on your account we will use the default language pack for your account. You can easily upload additional language packs and set the default language pack in the Configuration Center.
Type: str
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.products.get_product_params.GetProductParams[source]¶
Query parameters for Get payment product
See also
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_GetProductParams__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_GetProductParams__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_GetProductParams__currency_code': typing.Optional[str], '_GetProductParams__force_basic_flow': typing.Optional[bool], '_GetProductParams__hide': typing.Optional[typing.List[str]], '_GetProductParams__is_installments': typing.Optional[bool], '_GetProductParams__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '_GetProductParams__locale': typing.Optional[str], '__amount': 'Optional[int]', '__country_code': 'Optional[str]', '__currency_code': 'Optional[str]', '__force_basic_flow': 'Optional[bool]', '__hide': 'Optional[List[str]]', '__is_installments': 'Optional[bool]', '__is_recurring': 'Optional[bool]', '__locale': 'Optional[str]'}¶
- property amount: int | None¶
- Amount in cents and always having 2 decimals
Type: int
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Type: str
- property currency_code: str | None¶
- Three-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
Type: str
- property force_basic_flow: bool | None¶
- Relevant only for payment product 3012 (Bancontact). A boolean that indicates if you want to force the response to return the fields of the basic flow. This can be useful in corner cases where you have enabled the enhanced flow which supports payment with the Bancontact app, but need access to the product fields without creating a payment first.
Type: bool
- property hide: List[str] | None¶
- Allows you to hide elements from the response, reducing the amount of data that needs to be returned to your client. Possible options are:
fields - Don’t return any data on fields of the payment product
accountsOnFile - Don’t return any accounts on file data
translations - Don’t return any label texts associated with the payment products
Type: list[str]
- property is_installments: bool | None¶
- This allows you to filter payment products based on their support for installments or not
If this is omitted all payment products are returned.Type: bool
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
- This allows you to filter payment products based on their support for recurring or not
If this is omitted all payment products are returned.Type: bool
- property locale: str | None¶
- Locale used in the GUI towards the consumer. Please make sure that a language pack is configured for the locale you are submitting. If you submit a locale that is not setup on your account we will use the default language pack for your account. You can easily upload additional language packs and set the default language pack in the Configuration Center.
Type: str
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.products.networks_params.NetworksParams[source]¶
Query parameters for Get payment product networks
See also
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_NetworksParams__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_NetworksParams__country_code': typing.Optional[str], '_NetworksParams__currency_code': typing.Optional[str], '_NetworksParams__is_recurring': typing.Optional[bool], '__amount': 'Optional[int]', '__country_code': 'Optional[str]', '__currency_code': 'Optional[str]', '__is_recurring': 'Optional[bool]'}¶
- property amount: int | None¶
- Amount in cents and always having 2 decimals
Type: int
- property country_code: str | None¶
- ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
Type: str
- property currency_code: str | None¶
- Three-letter ISO currency code representing the currency for the amount
Type: str
- property is_recurring: bool | None¶
- This allows you to filter networks based on their support for recurring or not
Type: bool
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.products.products_client.ProductsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Products client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- customer_details(payment_product_id: int, body: GetCustomerDetailsRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) GetCustomerDetailsResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/products/{paymentProductId}/customerDetails - Get customer details
- Parameters:
payment_product_id – int
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- device_fingerprint(payment_product_id: int, body: DeviceFingerprintRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) DeviceFingerprintResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/products/{paymentProductId}/deviceFingerprint - Get device fingerprint
- Parameters:
payment_product_id – int
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- directory(payment_product_id: int, query: DirectoryParams, context: CallContext | None = None) Directory [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/products/{paymentProductId}/directory - Get payment product directory
See also
- Parameters:
payment_product_id – int
query –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- find(query: FindProductsParams, context: CallContext | None = None) PaymentProducts [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/products - Get payment products
See also
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- get(payment_product_id: int, query: GetProductParams, context: CallContext | None = None) PaymentProductResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/products/{paymentProductId} - Get payment product
See also
- Parameters:
payment_product_id – int
query –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- networks(payment_product_id: int, query: NetworksParams, context: CallContext | None = None) PaymentProductNetworksResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/products/{paymentProductId}/networks - Get payment product networks
See also
- Parameters:
payment_product_id – int
query –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- sessions(payment_product_id: int, body: CreatePaymentProductSessionRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) CreatePaymentProductSessionResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/products/{paymentProductId}/sessions - Create session for payment product
See also
- Parameters:
payment_product_id – int
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.refunds.find_refunds_params.FindRefundsParams[source]¶
Query parameters for Find refunds
See also
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_FindRefundsParams__hosted_checkout_id': typing.Optional[str], '_FindRefundsParams__limit': typing.Optional[int], '_FindRefundsParams__merchant_order_id': typing.Optional[int], '_FindRefundsParams__merchant_reference': typing.Optional[str], '_FindRefundsParams__offset': typing.Optional[int], '__hosted_checkout_id': 'Optional[str]', '__limit': 'Optional[int]', '__merchant_order_id': 'Optional[int]', '__merchant_reference': 'Optional[str]', '__offset': 'Optional[int]'}¶
- property hosted_checkout_id: str | None¶
- Your hosted checkout identifier to filter on.
Type: str
- property limit: int | None¶
- The maximum number of refunds to return, with a maximum of 100. If omitted, the limit will be 10.
Type: int
- property merchant_order_id: int | None¶
- Your order identifier to filter on.
Type: int
- property merchant_reference: str | None¶
- Your unique transaction reference to filter on.
Type: str
- property offset: int | None¶
- The zero-based index of the first refund in the result. If omitted, the offset will be 0.
Type: int
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.refunds.refunds_client.RefundsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Refunds client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- approve(refund_id: str, body: ApproveRefundRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) None [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/refunds/{refundId}/approve - Approve refund
See also
- Parameters:
refund_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- cancel(refund_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) None [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/refunds/{refundId}/cancel - Cancel refund
See also
- Parameters:
refund_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- cancelapproval(refund_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) None [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/refunds/{refundId}/cancelapproval - Undo approve refund
- Parameters:
refund_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- find(query: FindRefundsParams, context: CallContext | None = None) FindRefundsResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/refunds - Find refunds
See also
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- get(refund_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) RefundResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/refunds/{refundId} - Get refund
See also
- Parameters:
refund_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.riskassessments.riskassessments_client.RiskassessmentsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Riskassessments client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- bankaccounts(body: RiskAssessmentBankAccount, context: CallContext | None = None) RiskAssessmentResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/riskassessments/bankaccounts - Risk-assess bankaccount
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- cards(body: RiskAssessmentCard, context: CallContext | None = None) RiskAssessmentResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/riskassessments/cards - Risk-assess card
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class[source]¶
Query parameters for Convert amount
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_ConvertAmountParams__amount': typing.Optional[int], '_ConvertAmountParams__source': typing.Optional[str], '_ConvertAmountParams__target': typing.Optional[str], '__amount': 'Optional[int]', '__source': 'Optional[str]', '__target': 'Optional[str]'}¶
- property amount: int | None¶
- Amount to be converted in cents and always having 2 decimals
Type: int
- property source: str | None¶
- Three-letter ISO currency code representing the source currency
Type: str
- property target: str | None¶
- Three-letter ISO currency code representing the target currency
Type: str
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class[source]¶
Query parameters for Get privacy policy
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_PrivacypolicyParams__locale': typing.Optional[str], '_PrivacypolicyParams__payment_product_id': typing.Optional[int], '__locale': 'Optional[str]', '__payment_product_id': 'Optional[int]'}¶
- property locale: str | None¶
- Locale in which the privacy policy should be returned. Uses your default locale when none is provided.
Type: str
- property payment_product_id: int | None¶
- ID of the payment product for which you wish to retrieve the privacy policy. When no ID is provided you will receive all privacy policies for your payment products.
Type: int
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Services client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- bankaccount(body: BankDetailsRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) BankDetailsResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/services/convert/bankaccount - Convert bankaccount
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- convert_amount(query: ConvertAmountParams, context: CallContext | None = None) ConvertAmount [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/services/convert/amount - Convert amount
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- get_iin_details(body: GetIINDetailsRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) GetIINDetailsResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/services/getIINdetails - Get IIN details
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- privacypolicy(query: PrivacypolicyParams, context: CallContext | None = None) GetPrivacyPolicyResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/services/privacypolicy - Get privacy policy
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- testconnection(context: CallContext | None = None) TestConnection [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/services/testconnection - Test connection
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.sessions.sessions_client.SessionsClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Sessions client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- create(body: SessionRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) SessionResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/sessions - Create session
See also
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.tokens.delete_token_params.DeleteTokenParams[source]¶
Query parameters for Delete token
See also
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {'_DeleteTokenParams__mandate_cancel_date': typing.Optional[str], '__mandate_cancel_date': 'Optional[str]'}¶
- property mandate_cancel_date: str | None¶
- Date of the mandate cancellationFormat: YYYYMMDD
Type: str
- to_request_parameters() List[RequestParam] [source]¶
- Returns:
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.merchant.tokens.tokens_client.TokensClient(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
Tokens client. Thread-safe.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- __init__(parent: ApiResource, path_context: Mapping[str, str] | None)[source]¶
- Parameters:
path_context – Mapping[str, str]
- approvesepadirectdebit(token_id: str, body: ApproveTokenRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) None [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/tokens/{tokenId}/approvesepadirectdebit - Approve SEPA DD mandate
- Parameters:
token_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- create(body: CreateTokenRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) CreateTokenResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/tokens - Create token
See also
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- delete(token_id: str, query: DeleteTokenParams, context: CallContext | None = None) None [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/tokens/{tokenId} - Delete token
See also
- Parameters:
token_id – str
query –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- get(token_id: str, context: CallContext | None = None) TokenResponse [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/tokens/{tokenId} - Get token
See also
- Parameters:
token_id – str
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- update(token_id: str, body: UpdateTokenRequest, context: CallContext | None = None) None [source]¶
Resource /{merchantId}/tokens/{tokenId} - Update token
See also
- Parameters:
token_id – str
body –
- Returns:
- Raises:
IdempotenceException – if an idempotent request caused a conflict (HTTP status code 409)
ValidationException – if the request was not correct and couldn’t be processed (HTTP status code 400)
AuthorizationException – if the request was not allowed (HTTP status code 403)
ReferenceException – if an object was attempted to be referenced that doesn’t exist or has been removed, or there was a conflict (HTTP status code 404, 409 or 410)
PlatformException – if something went wrong at the Worldline Global Collect platform, the Worldline Global Collect platform was unable to process a message from a downstream partner/acquirer, or the service that you’re trying to reach is temporary unavailable (HTTP status code 500, 502 or 503)
ApiException – if the Worldline Global Collect platform returned any other error
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.webhooks.v1_webhooks_factory.V1WebhooksFactory[source]¶
Worldline Global Collect platform factory for several v1 webhooks components.
- static create_helper(secret_key_store: SecretKeyStore, marshaller: Marshaller | None = None) WebhooksHelper [source]¶
Creates a WebhooksHelper that will use the given SecretKeyStore.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.v1.webhooks.webhooks_helper.WebhooksHelper(marshaller: Marshaller, secret_key_store: SecretKeyStore)[source]¶
Worldline Global Collect platform v1 webhooks helper.
- property marshaller: Marshaller¶
- property secret_key_store: SecretKeyStore¶
- unmarshal(body: str | bytes, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]) WebhooksEvent [source]¶
Unmarshals the given body, while also validating it using the given request headers.
- Raises:
SignatureValidationException – If the body could not be validated successfully.
ApiVersionMismatchException – If the resulting event has an API version that this version of the SDK does not support.
- Returns:
The body unmarshalled as a WebhooksEvent.
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.webhooks.api_version_mismatch_exception.ApiVersionMismatchException(event_api_version: str, sdk_api_version: str)[source]¶
Represents an error because a webhooks event has an API version that this version of the SDK does not support.
- property event_api_version: str¶
- Returns:
The API version from the webhooks event.
- property sdk_api_version: str¶
- Returns:
The API version that this version of the SDK supports.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.webhooks.in_memory_secret_key_store.InMemorySecretKeyStore[source]¶
An in-memory secret key store. This implementation can be used in applications where secret keys can be specified at application startup.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- get_secret_key(key_id: str) str [source]¶
- Returns:
The secret key for the given key ID. Never None.
- Raises:
SecretKeyNotAvailableException – If the secret key for the given key ID is not available.
- static instance() InMemorySecretKeyStore [source]¶
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.webhooks.secret_key_not_available_exception.SecretKeyNotAvailableException(key_id: str, message: str | None = None, cause: Exception | None = None)[source]¶
Represents an error that causes a secret key to not be available.
- property key_id: str¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.webhooks.secret_key_store.SecretKeyStore[source]¶
A store of secret keys. Implementations could store secret keys in a database, on disk, etc.
- __abstractmethods__ = frozenset({'get_secret_key'})¶
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- abstractmethod get_secret_key(key_id: str) str [source]¶
- Returns:
The secret key for the given key ID. Never None.
- Raises:
SecretKeyNotAvailableException – If the secret key for the given key ID is not available.
- exception worldline.connect.sdk.webhooks.signature_validation_exception.SignatureValidationException(message: str | None = None, cause: Exception | None = None)[source]¶
Represents an error while validating webhooks signatures.
- __annotations__ = {}¶
- class worldline.connect.sdk.webhooks.signature_validator.SignatureValidator(secret_key_store: SecretKeyStore)[source]¶
Validator for webhooks signatures.
- property secret_key_store: SecretKeyStore¶
- validate(body: str | bytes, request_headers: Sequence[RequestHeader]) None [source]¶
Validates the given body using the given request headers.
- Raises:
SignatureValidationException – If the body could not be validated successfully.
- class worldline.connect.sdk.webhooks.webhooks.Webhooks[source]¶
Worldline Global Collect platform factory for several webhooks components.
- static v1() V1WebhooksFactory [source]¶